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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Transgender Q&A

    I doubt any of us see ourselves the way other people see us. That being said I doubt it's even possible to see somebody as they see themselves. It's not what's required. I would just say it's a good to be respectful of other people which you definitely seem to be.
  2. Transgender Q&A

    You make it sound like it's a problem that needs to be solved when it's not.
  3. Transgender Q&A

    Oh geez I wish I did. I've read so many of them I just remember coming across this one time a few years ago.
  4. Transgender Q&A

    It's not a philosophy. It's an existence. I think that's where you're confused.
  5. Transgender Q&A

    I feel like any sincere question is reasonable here for the most part since that was the whole point of this thread. The Buddha actually said that one of the things that determines the gender that someone is born as is the type of identification that they clung to in their past life. He said there was a male identifying mind and a female identifying mind. It's interesting that he always spoke of it as the mind and not the body. He said at some point a male identifying mind can change to a female identifying mind and that a female identifying mind can change to a male identifying mind. As far as energy goes if we're using energy to describe psychological traits I can say I've definitely become more gentle and sensitive and compassionate since I started transitioning and taking female hormones.
  6. Transgender Q&A

    So you're comparing being trans to being an alcoholic? You should realize psychology considers alcoholism a disease, while it prescribes transitioning to people with gender dysphoria.
  7. Transgender Q&A

    Sometimes when the world is debating the legitimacy of your existence you just need to have a cup of tea LOL.- the tao of trans chapter 8 ☕ 😌🩷
  8. Transgender Q&A

    The skill comes naturally then?
  9. Transgender Q&A

    You seem to be confusing sex and gender.
  10. Transgender Q&A

    9 times out of 10 when someone starts a statement "I don't want to offend but...." its going to be offensive.
  11. Transgender Q&A

    This wouldn't bother you if it weren't for your ego lol 🤭🤭
  12. Transgender Q&A

    Pills, but I got tired of not sleeping through the night.
  13. Transgender Q&A

    I actually had been taking progesterone, but I recently stopped because it was affecting my sleep cycle.
  14. Transgender Q&A

    This is called gaslighting. Doing or saying offensive things and then blaming the person that was offended for getting upset about it.
  15. Transgender Q&A

    I brought it up because you were saying that nothing you say would affect me were it not for ego.
  16. Transgender Q&A

    I don't think I'm a cis woman. Does a woman that has had a hysterectomy not count as a real woman to you either.
  17. Transgender Q&A

    Guess what, I'm not enlightened so yeah I have an ego. So do you.
  18. Transgender Q&A

    That sounds like gatekeeping and gaslighting. I'm going to say something and if you find it offensive then its your problem not mine.
  19. Transgender Q&A

    For what its worth, up until we started doing the selfie sharing thing a little while ago I had always assumed you were male. Just the energy I suppose.
  20. Transgender Q&A

    What if they do?
  21. Transgender Q&A

    Just because I don't agree with you does not mean you know what I think or don't think.
  22. Transgender Q&A

    I've heard of a lot of things.....
  23. Transgender Q&A

    There's a word for beings just made of energy where bodies are not a factor..... ghosts 👻
  24. Transgender Q&A

    well shit lol
  25. Transgender Q&A

    I try not to be presumptuous lol