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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Meditation turning me into a nice guy wuss

    gosh I re-read that and yup it kind of does lol
  2. Third Eye

    Is being very sensitive to other people's energy / emotional state a third eye issue or something eles, because I am extremely sensitve to other peoples emotions, and I wish I knew a way to shield myself somehow because I don't like it.
  3. Meditation turning me into a nice guy wuss

    Yea that reminds me of one time a couple years ago. I came to visit this jujitsu school, but it was one of those "tough guy MMA" types of jujitsu schools. So anyways I show up and generally people are being friendly in their exagerated tough guy way. This one guy comes up and introduces himself and we shake hands. Then he says "what kind of hand shake is that, shake my hand like a man" and I'm thinking "????". So appearantly I had to squeeze his hand the the proper amount of PSI before the needle on his "man-o-meter" went "ding" and then "a good time was had by all".
  4. Third Eye

    Something new today. I had this sudden intence bout of horniness come over me, so I got into full lotus to deal with it, and I got really hot, and felt a lot of pressure in my head. Wonder why???
  5. Decide

    As far as methods go yes acupuncture is one of many, others that I use specifically for the Liver are the Inner Smile and Healing sounds. Below is Mantak Chia's version of the inner smile, you can do all the organs, or if you are wanting to focus on one you can do just that as well. The healing sounds
  6. Decide

    Yes that is what I'm talking about lol sorry for the confusion. Well technically the Liver from the Taoist / TCM perspective deals with planning, and its paired Yang organ the Gallbladder deals with decision making, but since the Liver and Gallbladder are paired I just sort of lumped them together. But additionally since you mentioned assertiveness as well, that is also considered a balanced attribute of the Liver, as well as kindness, and anger. In acupuncture being easily angered or depressed (anger turned inward) is a reslut (often) of Liver chi stagnation, which is a very common pattern in the West. Check this out it will tell you a bit about this ....
  7. Military Training

    My grandfater was a WWII vet, infantry on the front lines, tones of medals including a bronze star for valor in cambat, he was in Normandy, across France, Hurtigen forest, Battle of the Bulge, across Germany, ect... So what was he like? He was one of the meanest sons of a bitches I've ever known. He was a chain smoking alcoholic, bigoted racist, hated everyone thing and everyone. My father said when he was a boy, my grandfater would come home super late every night drunk as a skunk and beat the crap out of him for no reason at all. Of course this screwed up my father, who is a total arse, and then my father abused me when I was little, which is a lot of the reason I got into Qigong in the first place, in order to heal that damage which really is just second hand abuse from my messed up Grandfathter. Of course I loved listening to my grandfater tell war stories when I was little, as almost every boy does, and I'm sure its why my focus during University in histroy was upon WWII, but our family line sure suffered because of it. After my parents got divorced, my mom went out a couple times with this ex speical forces guy who was in Vietnam. One time they were at a picnic and a helecoptor flew over and he dove under the table and low crawled across the ground. He could not sleep laying down, or with his feet covered because in the jungle he always had to sleep propped up against a tree because the VC were in the area. When I was in the Army I was deployed to Bosnia right after their civil war ended with IFOR in 1996. Granted Bosnia for the US Military was realtively tame on the war scale. Yet there were land mines everywhere, you always had to be aware of where you went so you didn't go boom. A few guys got killed by mines. A couple times we were put on alert at our base because of possible terroist attack, and your thinking "oh crap I might have to shoot someone in a second, or be shot at". So when I got back to Germany where we were stationed it took me a while to be able to walk on grass and leave the sidewalk due to paranoia of mines. I would also wake up in the middle of the night groping for my weapon (which we did not keep by us in Germany) because I'd have a dream that a Bosnian militia group was over running our permemter. Now keep in mind Bosnia was a very tame experience and it still had a small effect on me for a little while. I can only imagine what a real war would do to someone.
  8. Third Eye

    I've noticed an interesting sensation... For a little over a week now I have been doing sitting meditation in the lotus and half lotus, getting good results, but I have noticed something... All my life I have had somewhat of a duck walk with my feet going out to the sides. Now sitting in either the lotus or half lotus position (being generally uncomfortable as it is anyhow) seems to be the most uncomfortable for me in my hip ball and socket joint, especially on the top part of it. When I get out of the sitting position its very sore and stiff and I sort of hobble around like a grandpa for a while, but I also notice that my feet are starting to walk more straight due to it and less of a duck walk. Since my main motivation for doing the lotus position was to over come lustfull thoughts and compulsions, and since I believe a lot of these come from sacral chakra blockages, and since I think that the hips are related to the sacral chakra, I'm pondering if perhaps all this might be somehow connected.... Does a sacral charka balance result not only in the lustfull thoughts and feelings, but the duck walk and the stiff hip joint? I have always had a problem in Karate making my side kick high. I can kick high with other kicks, but I always get in trouble with side kicks, because I might intend to aim for the abdomen in sparring, but usually end up nailing my oppenent in the nuts unfortunately :-(. So anyways not to get off topic, but just wondering how much or not this might be interconnected?
  9. Microcosmic Orbit

    I know this was not the point of your post, but what exactely does the middle dan tien do? As I am aware the lower stores energy, and the upper is related to consciouncess, thought and perception. I just heard vaguely once that the middle dan tien has something to do with emotions, and I've also heart it compared to the heart chakra, but in reality I don't know what it does?
  10. Decide

    Isn't passitivity / assertiveness and decision making and planning the domain of the Liver? If so, I would suppose that troubles with these issues might be aided by working with the Liver and its meridian.
  11. Microcosmic Orbit I have been reading a lot from this website lately ( and its been really interesting, I think he is a Zen guy. Just a couple things he has said have confused me though. He sort of poo poos the MCO in this article saying that it will happen automatically on its own if you practice emptiness meditation, and does not recommend trying to do it. He also said that Taoism is lower level cultivation. Of course I read master Alex Anatoles book "The Truth of Tao" ( and he sort of poo poos Buddhism for this and that reason. Interestingly enough, master Anatole does not seem to do the MCO either, but emptiness meditation instead. hmmmmm. Any thoughts?
  12. Third Eye

    Oh a couple other things I forgot to mention. I've also been attempting the MCO but can't seem to get the chi to rise past the sacrum??? Also the full lotus is great for reducing desire as you stated, but does it also make .. er. "mr. happy" smaller?
  13. Third Eye

    Hey Drew I've been loving your advice, and am grateful for it. I got a couple other questions. Is half lotus still beneficial even if less so? because I can do that quite a bit longer than a full lotus. Also what about standing meditation? Can that do the same thing, or is it different? I had tried doing it for a few months because I heard all the ranting and raving about it, but I don't know, maybe I was doing something wrong, but I found that when I got up to about 15 min of standing in the "hold the ball" position that afterwards I would be more emotionally agitated, irritable, ect.. Not sure why, but I stopped it because of that. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on that, as well as in regard to half lotus. Thanks
  14. Military Training

    Which is what I was pondering in our national karmaic debt? I wonder how this will play out for the United States when this karma bill comes in the mail.
  15. Military Training

    Yes true, I am aware that the Soviet Union also participated in the invasion of Poland, and that Nazi German had supporters in the West such as Henry Ford, and Limburg for example, but my main point was about the karma of nations due to their actions, which is why I was stating broad facts supporting the point of that topic ;-)
  16. Also its not just the spleen organ, but the Spleen meridian as well ;-)
  17. Meditation turning me into a nice guy wuss

    I'd also suggest martial arts at the same time as meditation. I suppose that is why Taoist and Shaolin monks do both, maybe to balance eachother? I've also noticed that if I do lots of meditation alone it makes me somewhat of a marshmellow, and if I do a lot of martial arts alone it makes me somewhat of a testosterone poisioned arse. If I do both at the same time it helps keep me in the "middle way" ;-)
  18. Military Training

    How about a new spin on this topic? I have been pondering the karma effects of our wars since World War II. The reason I say since World War II is because that one was pretty cut and dry. We were attacked, Hitler was evil, (probably the reason my focus while majoring in history was on World War II). But what about the karma the United States has earned since that time? Germany invaded Poland and a bunch of other nations, got some really bad karma, and was just about destroyed. Ok so we invaded Iraq, Afganistan. Not saying we are Nazi Germany but and unprovoked invasion is an unprovoked invasion, karma is karma. In World War II we fought the bad guys; now I hope we are not becoming the bad guy/ getting bad karma ect.. I'm not implying that pacifism is of the Tao, look at Sun Tzu and the art of war, or that the military is not of the Tao either, for Taoism has a god of war. For me war and the military is not the point, for me the concern is karma, and specifically that as a nation the US is accumilating bad karma by its military actions.
  19. Military Training

    As a recent University graduate who majored in history, with an emphasis on World War II and military history, I'd like to clarify a point. The United States has always had a standing army. Prior to World War II it was usually a very small one composed of a cadre of professional soldiers. During times of war the militia was called up to greatly augment the regular army, and then after the war was over the militia went back to the farms. Then came WWII, and the United States got caught with its pants down. Our standing military was so small that it took a couple years before it was large enough to really go on the offensive (that is why WWII started for America in 1941, but we did not land in Normandy until 1944). Then after the war was over Truman and Stalin couldn't play nice with eachother so the Cold War began, thus keeping the military at a realtively large state for such a long time that now it has become part of the establishment and the idea of not having a large standing military is just too much of a paridim shift for most people to accept (I think Rush Limbaugh would have a stroke at such a suggestion.... hell lets suggest it then ha ha) so yea there ya go.
  20. Zhan zhuang

    Is that what holding the ball at the chest level is supposed to be doing? working on the middle dan tien? and is that the problem I was having a blockage in the middle dan tien? What exactely does the middle dan tien do anyways? what are the symptoms of a blockage?
  21. Parental Qigong

    I have five kids, and I use Qigong healing on them all the time. I've used qigong healing for all sorts of ailments, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, colds, coughs, fevers, headache, pains and aches, infections, sore throats, ect... I mainly use the colors of chi described in Mantak Chia's Taoist Cosmic Healing book (one of the first Qigong books I got). In order for me to not get too depleted I usually draw chi in through my feet and project it out from my palms. Sometimes the results are amazing, they come to me sick and after a 15-20 min session the symptoms are gone. It keeps them out of the doctor and saves me a lot of money. My most interesting example is that my first four children had to be under biliruben lights for a week after they were first born because my wife and my blood types are different, so the babies had bad jandice. By the time the fifth one was born I had already begun Qigong. Since jandice is a liver issue, I flushed my babies liver with chi, and she was the only one of our children that did not get bad jandice and have to be under the lights. Every now and then I try to get the kids to do the 8 brocades with me, but since they almost always groan that does not happen too often. But yea qigong healing is great if your a parent, I love it!!!!
  22. Zhan zhuang

    Thanks for the tip. I stood in the holding the ball position, and lowered my elbows to the diaphram area as you said and noticed that it loosend up my breathing significantly. Yes previously breathing in that stance was quite stiff and labored, lowering the elbows makes a lot of difference. Thank you :-)
  23. Zhan zhuang

    One thing I've noticed is that every time I get up to 15 min of ZZ (holding the ball) my emotional state tends to become problematic. Anyone know why this might be?
  24. Surely I'm not enlightened..

    One experience I have not shared too often for obvious reasons ..... Back when I was in the Army my buddy and me on our free time would slam an entire bottle of Robituson DM and then proceed to astrally travel together. I only did this a couple of times, and it was impossible for me to do this with out a large does of Robituson. I know we were both truely out of body because we could see and communicate with eachother and then once we were back in body we would both confirm what we said to eachother and saw, and once my buddy kicked the door open while out of body (needless to say it was rather unusual). My buddy said the Dexramenthophine in the Robituson is what indused the out of body state, but I have no idea. But it did significantly change my outlook on things for sure.
  25. Third Eye

    What I do is just transmit the chi energy out of my third eye instead of storing up the chi energy in my lower tan tien -- this is easier because my parents, in their 70s, need the chi energy. Drew Thanks again for your very informative answer, I learned a lot from it. So what is it that you perfer to transmit energy out of your thrid eye? to help your parents, or do you not want too much energy in your lower dan tien for some reason?