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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Military Training

    Ok to answer your origianal question without philisphical commentary.... here is what you do ( I was in the Army, did basic blah blah blah) Push ups- if you can't do a real push up do girly push ups, if you can't do girly push ups, then bench press as much as you possibly can until you can do girly push ups, and then do as many girly pushups until you can do real push ups, then do as many of those as you can. Sit ups- if you can't do those do crunches, and leg lifts lying down. Running- slowly build up your distance, don't do too much too fast, and brisk paced walks are also good if you can't run very well. Healthy Diet- no junk food, ect... One last thing. I personally do martial arts, finding a good martial arts school might help as well because they work you out really good (just make sure the instructor looks like he/ she is in shape, no pot bellies) and you can make friends, and doing excersice in a group is easier than doing it alone. ;-) Hope that helps
  2. Choosing a Practice

    Hey You have a good question, and I'm sure you will get a lot of answers, so here is mine lol. I am also a scorpio and have a hard time calming down, (mind always going). Before I began my current Qigong routine I dabbled with various styles to see which one tickled my fancy. Still meditation (sitting or standing) was hard because I had a hard time being still. Tai Chi was rather complex to learn, and part of my problem in the first place was a lack of patience required to learn it, plus you should learn from a teacher and I couldn't do that. Yoga was too still abd didn't have enough motion for me (though it is relaxing). So what I eventually made my regular practice was the 8 Brocades, which have helped me to be able to begin to do meditation. I like the brocades because you move, but the moves are simple to learn, you don't have to go to a class to learn it, its easy to memorize so you don't need a video or book for very long. Each movement is designed to work on a specific meridian, its good for your health and mind. So from one scorpion to another I'd recommend beginning with the 8 brocades or some other type of moving physical qigong. ;-)
  3. Third Eye

    Oh one other thing I forgot to mention in regards to what you talk about with pervs sucking off your energy. Well I don't know much about such things, but in regards to personal experience I have noticed this, that there are certain people that after I have been around them I have a much more difficult time with the bizzare sexual thoughts n such. Also sometimes I'm out in public and may be close to someone and just get a nasty dirty vibe from them in a sexaul manner even though we may have not said anything to eachother? Is that sort of what your talking about Drew?
  4. Third Eye

    Hey Drew Thanks for the info that you gave me about using the full lotus. It has been helping me quite a bit so far. I had a few more questions about something you mentioned about the converstion of sexual fluids to jing, to chi to shen, and going the opposite dirrection from shen, to chi, to jing, to fluids. You also mentioned (or something like this, I may have the exact details wrong) about heart chi turning into liver chi, to kidney chi, to fluids. This is something I'd really like to understand better. Here is what I've noticed from personal observation (but don't know what it all means yet) I've noticed that when I'm uber horny if I release usually there is a large amount of fluid. So then is it the sexual fluid that causes desire? What I don't understand is why the older I get the more bizzare my sexual thoughts become when I do get uber horny? Also I had been doing a lot of full lotus for a week and been feeling better and better, but then my wife wanted me to do my husbandly duty, so yesterday we got busy and all seemed fine. Now today the urges and bizzare thougths were back again and strong this morning. But I remembered your adivce and immediately got into full lotus for as long as a could bear, which helped a lot. So what happened? Did getting aroused with my wife cause more sexual fluids to be made? thus increasing desire? Is that why I had to get in to an emergency full lotus this morning? Did the full lotus convert my fluids into jing or chi or something which is why I feel better now? Also some clarification about the heart to liver to kidney to fluid thing you touched upon would be appreciated as well. Also you mentioned doing Tai Chi, could the 8 Brocades be used instead of Tai Chi? As the 8 brocades is what I'm most familiar with and tend to do daily anyhow. Thanks again
  5. Third Eye

    Drew Thank you very much for you detailed reply. I will begin to do the full lotus as much as I can. A question about possesion. Do you mean possesion as in a spirit posseses you, or possesion as in you are possessed by your own emotional energy? As to the standing moving aspect. I have already been doing the 8 brocades fairly reguarly, can I continue that in order to obtain the results that you recommended I could get from Tai Chi? Just asking because I am already very familiar with the Brocades. Thanks again
  6. Third Eye

    I was reading some of the replies and I have a question for Drew or anyone else who can really give me some good advice. I read where Drew was talking about Perverts, and converting jing to chi and / or chi to jing. He also mentioned that perverts had their electromagnetic essence stuck in their lower chakras. So here is my dilema / question... I really struggle a lot with unwanted sexually realated thoughts. As the thoughts first begin to arise I;ll try all sorts of things to quell them such as Qigong, meditation, homeopathy, flower essences, gemstones, ect... But eventually none of that stuff really has done any good for me so far. I usually don't get any peace from it until ejaculating, but of course the relief is only temporary. What really bothers me is that the thoughts that bother me are of very unusual fantasies which freak me out, but they are strong and consistent. I read that Drew said sitting in a full lotus was the answer, but one I can't really do that for more than a minute, and two what are you supposed to do in one, just breath, empty your mind? do the MCO? Is this a sacral chakra thing? a meridian blockage, or what? I would really appreciate some help here as this one topic has been a long time source of mental anguish for me.
  7. Semen Retention Dangers

    No, I'm actually practicing semen retention, where when you reach the point of climax, you stop ejaculation, and move the energy. The idea is to not loose your energy, but I become so energetic after a while I feel like exploding.
  8. New guy saying hi

    Hi I am new to this forum and saying hello. I have been practicing various forms of Qigong for a couple years now with mixed results which is why I decided to join the forum, so hopefully people with more experience than I can help me out a bit.
  9. Semen Retention Dangers

    Hi I am new to this forum, and found it because of this very topic. I have been practicing semen retention for about a year and a half now along with other Qigong practices. One of my main motivations for getting into Qigong was to sooth my emotions which can tend to swing. Well I started to consider that semen retention was doing me more harm than good because the longer I retained it, the more of a sex obessed maniac I became to the point of it being exteremly distracting. When I got to the point that I couldn't take it anymore I would release semen and feel a LOT better for about a week or two. Then the same sex obessed feelings would come back until I released again. In the mean time I was doing other more traditional Qigong practices in order to stabilize my emotions, but the longer I "retained" the less help my Qigong exercises helped. When I did not practice retention Qigong exercises helped me so much that I was able to get off perscription anti-depressants (one reason I took up Qigong in the first place), but I think I may have gone from one problem to another with semen retention. The reason I started it though was because I read about how good it was for your health and longevity and aging ect... So while I don't want to loose a lot of my vital energy and stuff like that, I don't want to walk around as a sex maniac either. Is there a happy middle ground?