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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Alchemical Herbs

    Rhino horn is/was a really good Yang/Jing tonic. (not talking about the ethics, just the traditional use)
  2. Alchemical Herbs

    They sure are.
  3. Dao Bums (here i am)

    I actually get that feedback a LOT lol
  4. Dao Bums (here i am)

    good morning
  5. Intra ocular pressure

    The Stomach meridian is a really good one for lots of face issues.
  6. Dao Bums (here i am)

    guess I'll just own being the Dao Bum's attention whore then lol
  7. Medicine Buddha

    I didn't realize one could "meow" a mantra heehee
  8. Medicine Buddha

    I feel like the art of mantra/chanting is very complex and nuanced.
  9. Dao Bums (here i am)

  10. Medicine Buddha

    Do you make sutras a practice? I seem to have a hard time getting into that.
  11. Medicine Buddha

    I listen to the Medicine Buddha mantra almost daily along with other mantras, and a lot of the time I feel like nothing is happening :-(
  12. I want to become powerful

    So in all of this time and effort of doing things to get super powers and it not working it didn't cross your mind that this isn't how reality works?
  13. -

    do a head stand and it will be a frown :-) @ :-(
  14. Intra ocular pressure

    that was going to be my tip lol
  15. Intra ocular pressure

    It's supposed to be good for memory I think if I remember correctly :-P
  16. Intra ocular pressure

    It sure is
  17. Intra ocular pressure

    A lot
  18. Intra ocular pressure

    I currently have a glaucoma patient. This is what I prescribed her. I also recommend acupressure on GB 37
  19. The real question is enlightenment by who's definition.
  20. Dao Bums (here i am)

    Well there goes my discount buffet lol
  21. How do you stop the leakage?

    The primary thing in TCM that is said to weaken the spleen qi is over thinking.
  22. Dao Bums (here i am)

    You're saying we aren't supposed to do that?
  23. Dao Bums (here i am)

    Well if you insist lol ...
  24. Dao Bums (here i am)

    I've got a fever and the only cure is more cow bell.
  25. Dao Bums (here i am)

    ... _ _ _ ...