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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Dao Bums (here i am)

  2. Dao Bums (here i am)

    Lol, but it was kind of sweet 😊🩷
  3. Dao Bums (here i am)

    please other people post so I don't feel like as much of an attention whore lol
  4. More Unpopular Opinions

    Here's an unpopular opinion, no one gets a cookie! :-(
  5. Voidisyinyang

    Aside from the fact that they look fake?
  6. Alchemical Herbs

    Who pays a teacher not to teach? lol
  7. Alchemical Herbs

    What qualifies you to make this statement? What are your credentials?
  8. Alchemical Herbs

    Well traditionally Cinnabar was used for alchemy, but its toxic so not a good idea. There is a difference between knowing about something and recommending something.
  9. Alchemical Herbs

    I am the guy at the TCM clinic lol
  10. Alchemical Herbs

    "Liu Wei Di Huang Wan" is a good yin, blood, and essence formula. So is "He Shou Wu"
  11. Demons!!

    Perhaps that was the selling point??
  12. Variations of Microcosmic orbit?

    I've not done this for a long time. I realized this was not a good approach.
  13. Variations of Microcosmic orbit?

    I did this before and it gave me anxiety. it's true you will avoid the problems of having qi get stuck in the head. Instead you will have the problems of qi getting stuck in the chest.
  14. Spotting a fake master

    I'm a fake master. I I can teach you how to be fake if you train with me :-D
  15. A New Qigong practitioner

    Welcome meraki369 :-)
  16. More Unpopular Opinions

    don't know what you're talking about and that is indeed unpopular
  17. More Unpopular Opinions

    oh sorry, I mean that is a bunch of hogwash. ..... How was take two? better? :-D
  18. More Unpopular Opinions

    Sold! :-)
  19. More Unpopular Opinions

    This makes a lot of sense.
  20. Voidisyinyang

    I found him oddly entertaining lol
  21. That sounds extremely interesting! I was just having an interesting conversation with a patient about what we call "me" or "I" is in reality a bunch of chemicals and neural impulses in the brain.
  22. Voidisyinyang

    I think he called just about every male a pervert in spite of the fact that he was getting underaged girls off without their consent. Projecting much? lol
  23. Voidisyinyang

    I also don't think enlightened people give non-consensual orgasms to teenaged girls at McDonalds either.
  24. Voidisyinyang

    The reason he was obsessed with lotus position because he believed that it was what transformed jing into qi. He spoke extensively about it.
  25. My Experience With Black Magic

    At this point I would take any color of the rainbow magic LOL 🤭😂