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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    What evidence do you have for this true self beyond the mundane mind?
  2. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    Well I don't think so, and yes I would like to hear what you actually think and why you think it.
  3. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    Why do you seem so surprised? lol
  4. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    I would like to know what you actually think lol
  5. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    I'm not saying you're wrong, but why do you think so?
  6. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    Naturally 🤭
  7. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    You're good this is the Buddhist discussion room 😂
  8. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    That's a good point though. Where are all the enlightened people? I guess it's really not that different of an argument that the Daoists make that there are immortals out there. Granted Buddhism has helped me improve my mental state as well as a lot of other people and that's great but I would not consider myself nor anyone else I know that practices Buddhism enlightened.
  9. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    This is one of the things I've considered as well.
  10. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    I think that is a good pragmatic attitude to have.
  11. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    I certainly hope you keep posting. Any sincere exploration needs points and counterpoints. You got me thinking, and that's a good thing lol. I would say the best and simplest definition of enlightenment in my opinion is ending suffering permanently.
  12. Know thyself

    I think complimentary opposites is a pretty common concept around the world.
  13. Reflecting on TDB

    I had a little extra free time which I don't usually have and was spending a little bit of time going over my posts on TDB since I first joined in 2009. I can't believe it has been that long! Looking back at those posts I remember the things I was doing at that time were Dan Tien breathing and MCO, Five organ healing sounds and meditations, Karate. At that time there were people like Marble Head (rip) and Drew Hempel, as well as several others that are still here. In that time I went from a primarily a qigong based practice, to a Buddhist based one, and became an acupuncturist. Just thought I would share my reflection and see if anyone else wanted to contribute theirs.
  14. Reflecting on TDB

    It happens lol 😂
  15. Reflecting on TDB

  16. Reflecting on TDB

    Well I mean when I first got on this forum I was a boy. How about them apples? 😂
  17. Know thyself

    This was unrelated lol. A few months ago I was talking about delusion within the context of Buddhism and Cobie got so upset at me for speaking about this topic that he said he would never speak to me again. So no not related to IFS, but I do think its extreme. I'm trying to be the bigger person and Olive Branch here.
  18. Know thyself

    Hey Cobie, don't you think its a bit extreme to never speak to me again just because I spoke about the concept of delusion?
  19. Know thyself

    You articulated it differently than I had thought of it, but this is exactly what I felt like was going on in cases like this.
  20. Know thyself

    But does it? Metta is a great thing for inner criticism.
  21. Know thyself

    I believe the Pali equivalent to that would be Metta.
  22. Know thyself

    Can you elaborate please?
  23. Know thyself

  24. Know thyself

    I think a common misunderstanding is that the Buddha taught that there is no self. What he actually taught is that the five aggregates are not self.