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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Help on the spiritual path

    We hold on to them because we cling. We cling because we crave. We crave because we like. We like because we sense. We sense because we have a body. We have a body because we were born.
  2. Meditation does not give one rage. Meditation let's one know their rage.
  3. Help on the spiritual path

    Hey I'm Buddhist what can I say lol
  4. Help on the spiritual path

    The Buddha defined "bad" as that which causes suffering.
  5. Emotions are the path

    It's a good title. Emotions are THE thing that got me started on the path and THE thing that keeps me on the path.
  6. Help on the spiritual path

    Some of it comes from childhood, some of it comes from adulthood. All of it comes from our reactions and responses i.e. past conditioning which in turn create further conditioning.
  7. Help on the spiritual path

    You realize you want to control, that is great, now be mindful of the control. Observe it with out getting involved in it or judging it. Observe the control without controlling the control.
  8. Help on the spiritual path

    Yes that! The only thing I would add is that it's not only things during childhood that shape us, but all of our decisions. The childhood ones are trickier though because as children we had less awareness, and its the ones that we are less aware of that get us the most. This is why the point of meditation is do see through that thing that rhymes with "melusion"
  9. Help on the spiritual path

    Yes mindfulness. Not fun now, but happier later in the long run.
  10. Help on the spiritual path

    The paradox of relaxation training: Relaxation induced anxiety and mediation effects of negative contrast sensitivity in generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder induced anxiety (RIA) is,their anxiety during relaxation training. The more you know :-)
  11. Help on the spiritual path

    Please let me know if my second attempt to explain it made more sense.
  12. Help on the spiritual path

    Fair enough. I'll try to put it into more conventional terms then. Shankara's mean "conditioned objects". They are said to be made with in the Shankara Skanda or the 4th aggregate which is just a term for volitional formations. It is also where karma is made. So to make this make more sense. You preform a volitional action, i.e. make a choice. That choice or volitional action then makes an imprint within the mind as a Shankara. This is conditioning. This explains habit and why when one does something they tend to do it more. The Buddha described all of the Skanda's as things that we assume to be the self but are not the self. It is easy to see how we identify with our volitional actions, or choices as "I" or "me". "I did that" "that was my choice". But in reality it was a part of our conditioning and therefore is not an unchangeable identity.
  13. Help on the spiritual path

    Like I just stated this is due to increased awareness of one's own Shankara's.
  14. Help on the spiritual path

    I like that thread :-) <3
  15. Help on the spiritual path

    In Buddhist theory emotions that have no basis in the present moment would be Sankharas or "conditioned volitional objects" which is also the 4th Skanda or "aggregate"
  16. Help on the spiritual path

    I think its fine to call them unwanted. One can then make the fact that they are "unwanted" and object of mindfulness and obtain insight into aversion.
  17. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    hey I'm not 7th rate for nothing ;-)
  18. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    That's not true, I'm not a Daoist at all :-). You flatter me, I'm actually a 7th rate cultivator but masquerade as a 4th rate when I'm feeling cheeky ;-).
  19. Help on the spiritual path

    I think what a lot of people don't realize is that meditation is about knowing the mind, not sedating the mind. I think this is what surprises people when they first begin. It's also considered an advanced practice in most traditions that the majority never do.
  20. Help on the spiritual path

    One of the girls that works at the front desk decided she was going to teach herself meditation recently. Yesterday I asked her how that was going and she said that she noticed a lot of anger coming up and didn't expect that since she thought meditation was about relaxing. I just said that it's not like the posters make it seem like.
  21. Help on the spiritual path

    Thinking one knows what they are doing when they don't know what they are doing is a problem for a lot of things. There is a word for this that triggers a lot of people here so I won't say it but it rhymes with melusion. As a practitioner of TCM I see this a lot with herbal medicine. A lot of people think they know what they are doing when they do not know what they are doing, and this can cause a lot of problems. I think this needs to be better regulated as well.
  22. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    Is this your first day on the internet?
  23. Help on the spiritual path

    It is indeed a very unregulated field, which comes with the problems of an unregulated field. And yes even the so called "experts" don't seem to know what they are doing.
  24. Help on the spiritual path

    Exactly! You don't ever hear about this anywhere. And then if something does come up the most common thing you're told is oh that's part of the process just push through it. Unfortunately I had to learn about this the hard way.
  25. Hello, I am a solo cultivator

    Cobie is quite the flirt. Until you talk about delusion lol.