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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. How does it work?

    Actually that is not true. There is a lot of scientific research into TCM. ST 36 is considered one of the primary points of the digestive system. They did studies in a lab where they would measure peoples digestive enzymes before and after needling it and it was definitively shown that digestive enzyme levels increased to a significant degree! This is objective evidence.
  2. How does it work?

    I think there has been a misunderstanding of my views because of a straw man that Blue Jay built of me. I am open minded to things that can be supported. Don't let the version that a crazy person constructs of me become the version of me that is believed here. I am simply skeptical in a healthy way of things that can not be supported, which is as it should be in my opinion.
  3. How does it work?

    I agree, although I never did belittle him or his belief. He seems to have some issues and was just spinning it that way. I agree with the three gates for sure! :-)
  4. How does it work?

    I didn't feel anything. It's like I was sitting there and a light was on over my head but I could still "see" it somehow. It's weird, I know.
  5. How does it work?

    One thing that really confused me when I began meditation was that after a while I would always feel like I was sitting under a street lamp even though I would typically meditate in the dark at that time. I had never heard of nimitta back then and had no idea what was going on. It would feel like a light was shinning over the top of my head.
  6. How does it work?

    This is a classic situation of a definite subjective experience being interpreted as an objective experience.
  7. How does it work?

    This dude is starting to sound like a psychopath
  8. How does it work?

    I'll think about that.... ;-)
  9. Looking for help

    I would recommend seeing an acupuncturist. It sounds like you have created a lot of stagnation.
  10. How does it work?

    I said, It the view point sounds delusional NOT you sound delusional words matter
  11. How does it work?

    Thank you. Yes I can see that aside from him everyone else here is loving and supportive and yes that does help tremendously. And yes I have had to deal with far worse than this child. :-)
  12. How does it work?

    I was asking why you believe these things to be true, and how can you know such a belief isn't delusion. I guess I've been in the scientific community for a while because these are not personally disrespectful questions, but questions simply asking a question to get an answer. There was no personal disrespect thought of or intended at all.
  13. How does it work?

    What can I do to make you feel better then?
  14. How does it work?

    Hello Keith, welcome (I saw you in the new comers area) sorry you had to walk into that.
  15. How does it work?

    I'm curious if you don't mind sharing what happened?
  16. How does it work?

    life goes on in spite of haters.
  17. How does it work?

    You just won't stop will you? I would encourage others to report Sleepy Bluejay for his blatant transphobia here. I will have no further discussion with a hateful bigot such as yourself.
  18. How does it work?

    Me thinking that becoming an immortal with super powers seems implausible and that people thinking this is possible without any evidence, being delusional is a reasonable train of thought. It is not a personal attack against anyone. The definition of delusion is to believe something to be real that is not real. If we can not discuss topics in a safe and academic manner, then there is no room for intelligent discussion at all. To equate someone not believing what you believe with a personal attack that triggers you is not only extremely immature, but is characteristic of narcissism.
  19. How does it work?

    Actually all I asked was what reason is there to think that immortality is a real possibility, that's all. When someone proclaims something to be true, that is fine, but the burden of proof rests upon that individual to demonstrate why what they believe is true.
  20. How does it work?

    I'm going to stop you right there. Just because I don't agree with your views on a topic IS IN NO WAY EQUIVILANT about you making my existence into a cheap jab and a joke. I have never made a personal attack against you.
  21. How does it work?

    We don't prove the non-existence of every possibility, that is not how the burden of proof works. If we are going to accept something as being true, then we have to show that it is true. Also I did see your comment about my gender and yes it is transphobic and yes you are going to be reported.
  22. How does it work?

    No sorry it still sounds delusional.
  23. How does it work?

    What I want to know is why do so many people think immortality exists when there is absolutely no evidence of this at all?
  24. How does it work?

    I thought qigong was to make one healthy and alchemy was to make one like Dragon Ball Z?
  25. astral projection

    I don't know if that is the kind of guy that is getting laid lol..... sorry