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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. astral projection

    No, that's where the term O at the D comes from lol. D is McDonalds
  2. astral projection

    What happened to Drew. He is quite the character. Back in the day he was the one talking about giving girls at McDonald's orgasms by looking at them lol.
  3. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    It was up soul energy obviously, duh Personally when it comes to soul energy I like a nice sideways soul energy with a little diagonal spirit garnish.
  4. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    Lets explore these self proclaimed masters with a more tangible analogy with Jujitsu. There is no way anyone could teach themselves jujitsu by themselves and of course no way anyone could become a "master" by themselves. It's just impossible, These are things one needs to be taught and then practiced over and over with other people. There are examples of self proclaimed martial arts "masters" challenging real fighters to a fight and time and time again they always get their ass kicked royally. Real life isn't Dragon ball Z.
  5. And may I ask what causes you to believe this is possible?
  6. That is the important distinguishing factor then, isn't it?
  7. Actually that would not produce credibility. Videos aren't proof of anything in and of themselves. There would have to be a panel of non-biased skeptics to authenticate the video.
  8. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    I've known many self-proclaimed Masters. This is more or less how they all sound.
  9. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    How come whenever I try to picture this guy speaking I just hear the voice of Dr evil?
  10. You didn't answer my question. Have you been diagnosed with bipolar disorder? If you don't mind sharing.
  11. This is a serious question. Have you ever been diagnosed as bipolar? This sounds like a manic phase.
  12. 0

    Bill Brodhi once was speaking about the different types of groups he would speak to on his various speaking engagements. He described Taoists as being some of the most "out there" and difficult to speak to due to having a "know it all" attitude. Interestingly he said his best audiences were Muslim.
  13. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    And people get mad at me because I bring up the topic of delusion lol
  14. Reflecting on TDB

    I seem to be a natural then lol
  15. I thought this topic was off limits here now?
  16. Then any mantra would work for this.
  17. Well there you have it. If it's on video it must be true, no way you can fake anything on video 🧐
  18. And don't let the fact that you never actually seen it demonstrated stop you from believing lol 🤭😉🦄
  19. They train for running by waving pink ribbons around in the air and then after a while they tell people if you do this you will develop super powers and can shoot lightning out of your fingers and live forever. 😂🤭
  20. You're right lol, but even though I do Brazilian jujitsu I don't think traditional martial arts suck. I think the problem is that they don't pressure test realistically. They don't spar realistically. Bruce Lee said you can't learn to swim on dry land. You can't learn to fight if you don't fight. Whenever someone takes a traditional martial art and pressure tests it like Lyoto Machida did with karate and make the necessary adaptations it works. If on the other hand if one day for some reason BJJ said we're not going to actually grapple with people anymore we're going to just do the movements in the air like we're grappling. BJJ would start sucking really quickly lol. What makes things like BJJ and wrestling and boxing stand out as effective is that they train realistically. This is basically what happened with Tai chi. It's actually a grappling art with throws and takedowns but at some point they stopped actually throwing and taking down people and started doing the movements in the air and then for some reason decided if you do this you'll get super powers. That's some kids playing Harry Potter on the playground crap if I ever saw it lol. I tried to the best of my ability to take the pressure testing mentality of MMA and realistic martial arts into everything such as philosophy and religion as well. That's why if someone on here is suggesting their method and they seem like a relatively emotionally and mentally mature and well adjusted person I might take note. On the other hand if they're recommending a system and they seem reactive and emotionally immature this does not show that their method works and I will ignore it. It's a good mentality to bring into everything in life. That's what I liked about MMA, you cut through the BS to see if things are real by applying them realistically.
  21. What would you want the mantra to do for you?
  22. That's cool (Judo 🥋 not falling) do you ever still train? I know Qigong is pretty popular here and I'm not knocking it but personally I get more out of martial arts.
  23. Types of paths

    I have pondered the various ways in which people seek to better themselves and their lives. I state it this way because it seems no matter which method one approaches this goal, the goal generally is the same, which is a better quality of life. I'm waiting for a heater repairman at the moment and have a few minutes to kill, so I was contemplating the various ways in which people use to accomplish these goals. These are just a few broad categories that I have observed. Feel free to interject your perspective. 1. The Religious path: this path tends to rely on rituals and rules for inner development and usually some type of morality is emphasized. 2. The Spiritual path: this one differs from the religious path in that there is more emphasis on direct personal experience as opposed to ritual. 3. The Physical path: this path focuses on the physical body as it sees the body and mind as either connected or synonymous. This path includes things like exercising, yoga, qigong, martial arts, ect. 4. The Intellectual path: this is the way of study. So reading texts and things like that. This is the primary approach of schools like Confucianism. It approaches the path via the intellect. I'm sure there could be other categories but these are the four that I observe again and again. I'm sure much could be said for the pros and cons of each. Let me know what you all think. Also if you feel inclined share which path appeals to you the most and why.