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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)
  2. What are most things if not perception? Money has value only because everyone agrees it does. Same with anything that has value. It is because enough people perceive something having value, it then works as a medium of exchange. Same could be said for almost anything. What is a country really? Enough people agree that everything and everyone on this side of an imaginary line are a certain country and follow certain rules and so it happens. Perception is everything.
  3. Daoist meditation: water and fire methods

    Haha I often use the "what would a kid think about this" test a lot when evaluating things. Like would they giggle and say "that is just make believe". Or is this something I would see kids on a play ground playing i.e. lets play Harry Potter as they pretend to have magic powers as they pick up sticks for wands. If so, I don't take it seriously lol.
  4. Daoist meditation: water and fire methods

    Yes. The reason I even mentioned that at all was because I use this same early UFC approach when it comes to spiritual and religious traditions as well. I look at the overall character and behavior of the practitioners to see if its even worth wanting to emulate in the first place or not. I think this is within the spirit of what the Buddha said about this topic. * As an aside in my personal observations the most emotionally immature group over all seems to the the "powers" people.
  5. I would imagine that society collapsing would precede people abandoning money. I'm thinking a post apocalyptic type scenario.
  6. Daoist meditation: water and fire methods

    This is one reason I train Brazilian Jujitsu and what I found interesting about the early UFC in general. Before the UFC there was lots of talk and claims about which marital art was the best but these claims hadn't really been tested on a broad and widescale range with a large audience. In the early UFC it was pure art verses pure art. During those times BJJ rose to the top along with wrestling. * In a similar manner if someone practices a tradition and they seem like a pretty happy and kind person this gets my attention. On the other hand if they seem reactive, immature and unhappy I am not impressed.
  7. Then we would go back to bartering like we did in the stone age.
  8. Daoist meditation: water and fire methods

    The Buddha said not to believe something simply because of reputation, or lineage, or popularity but to see for yourself if it was true and made sense.
  9. Daoist meditation: water and fire methods

    Careful that word triggers people here lol.
  10. How do you personally meditate?

    Acupuncture uses needles. Acupressure uses pressure. The points, meridians, and theory are the same.
  11. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    They don't really like to talk about it very much but there's actually a lot of rabbis that believe in reincarnation and considering that Christianity split off of Judaism that's probably note worthy.
  12. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    Prior to Constantine there wasn't one Christianity but it's more accurate to say there were christianities. There are many different versions of Christianity some may have believed in reincarnation but others did not. It wasn't across the board thing. The group that eventually became orthodox get away with other groups such as the ones that believed in reincarnation though.
  13. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    I'm not sure where you heard that story but Constantine had nothing to do with the Bible whatsoever.
  14. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    The books of the bible were decided upon at the council of Hippo in 393ce and Carthage in 397ce. Constantine not the council of Nicaea had anything to do with it.
  15. How do you personally meditate?

    omg yes! I am always sore after every BJJ class. I always do acupuncture on myself after class to work out the soreness.
  16. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    Yes the council of Nicaea was about the doctrine of the Trinity.
  17. How do you personally meditate?

    This is a pet topic of mine. There is a HUGE difference between a non-acupuncturist doing "acupuncture" and an actually LAc. (licensed acupuncturist) doing acupuncture. My degree took four years of year round graduate school and two years to pass grueling state medical board exams. So it makes me feel funny feelings when a therapist, or chiropractor, or MD or what ever have you takes a hundred hour course and think they know how to do acupuncture. Sorry for the rant, I'm sure your physiotherapist does a good job, just made me think of this topic.
  18. How do you personally meditate?

    Acupuncture could do a lot for that.
  19. How do you personally meditate?

    One thing that kind of surprises me is how little people talk about working with the five elements as opposed to Dan Tien breathing and MCO. When I used to be big into Qigong that was my emphasis but I don't see it spoken about much.
  20. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    I majored in history for my undergrad, yes I'm a nerd lol. It's always why I drive people crazy here asking for sources. Our professors would throw our papers back at us if we just made claims without siting sources.
  21. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    As a history major I will tell you my opinion as to why I think this is. The thirty years war. It was an awful war that ravaged Europe in the sixteen hundreds. It's estimated that millions of soldiers and civilians alike died as either a direct cause of the war or due to effects of the war. The thirty years war was a Christian religious war between Catholics and Protestants. The war forever changed Europe's attitudes towards religion and government. It led to the enlightenment and to the ideas of separation of church and state which greatly influenced the framers of the constitution of the United States. It was under this enlightenment thinking that produced the freedom and space for secular thought and the challenging of religious beliefs that led to other institutions that Christianity had long endorsed such as slavery being challenged as well. So yes this movement did take place in countries that were predominately Christian but as a result of the reaction to the horror the Christian wars of religion and not because of Christianity itself, but rather in spite of it.
  22. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    Ok forgiveness and love are pretty noteworthy, yes I'll agree. So, yes these advances did originate in countries there were predominately Christian, but in spite of the fact that there were Christian, not because of it. The advances originated from secular sources predominately. The "enlightenment" of the 17th century in Europe had a lot to do with it, and that was a secular movement.
  23. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    It would depend on the cause of the congestion. The most common cause is usually wind and even then there's several formulas but an example of one would be "Te Xiao Bi Min Gan Pian".
  24. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    No no no, this is the Dao Bums, you're not supposed to use source material. You're supposed to just make claims that seem cool and that come to you while you're brushing your teeth, and then make personal attacks if someone questions the authenticity of your claim.
  25. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    I wonder what it looks like when a hollow earther gets into a debate with a flat earther? The debate of the idiots lol