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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Transgender Q&A

    It's been a little quiet here so why not a gratuitous selfie for no reason LOL.
  2. Share myths, anecdotes, short stories etc.

    Imagine telling a version of this to children. The mom tells Jack and Jill to do their chores. Jack gets right to work but instead Jill asks for some money to go to the candy store and buy candy. She goes, spends all the money on candy, goofs off all day, and at the end of the day after Jack has done his chores and gotten nothing for it, Jill comes back and then gets to pick what she wants to eat for dinner. Which kid would want to do their chores if that is how it was?
  3. Share myths, anecdotes, short stories etc.

    True but it also give no incentive to do well.
  4. Share myths, anecdotes, short stories etc.

    Honestly I think this story is messed up because it shows that if you do what you are supposed to do you get nothing for it, but if you goof off it pays.
  5. Very unpopular opinions

    Wait are you THE cat?! Simultaneously dead and alive?
  6. Very unpopular opinions

    When he gave a lecture one could say it was very Bohr-ing 🤭
  7. Very unpopular opinions

    I believe that the technical term from a Buddhist point of view would be to realize that none of the five aggregates are the self.
  8. Very unpopular opinions

    I think its also important to differentiate theory and practice. While the Buddha did supposedly say that ultimate peace come from transcending the ego, he also said to not just take his word for things on face value but rather to see if the things he said are actually true. I have never seen anyone that I know of that has completely transcended ego. That being the case I can't be completely sure that in reality this is even actually possible. Maybe the Buddha had a "shoot for the stars and maybe at least you'll hit the moon" type of approach, but I don't think it is reasonable to put 100% confidence in something if we are not even sure if it is obtainable. I'd rather have the humble cottage that I do have than chase the mirage of a mansion potentially forever.
  9. Very unpopular opinions

    Maybe one day I will ascend to your level of comprehension :-)
  10. Very unpopular opinions

    You're completely missing the point. It's ok don't worry about it.
  11. Very unpopular opinions

    Never mind lol
  12. Very unpopular opinions

    Do you not understand how hypothetical thought experiments work?
  13. Very unpopular opinions

    I initially approached Buddhism as therapy partially because I could not afford therapy, and in retrospect probably because I had come out of a cult that thought spirituality was the only therapy that was needed. This is not a good way to think.
  14. Very unpopular opinions

    Why are they not seeing reality if we have established they are both mindful?
  15. Very unpopular opinions

    How do you know this is true? Does it not sound like something a human being would say?
  16. Very unpopular opinions

    This is a hypothetical. So who's truth is "the truth"?
  17. Very unpopular opinions

    So if we were to have a conscious and mindful lion cub and a conscious and mindful gazelle. Which one's truth about the lion is "the truth" then?
  18. Very unpopular opinions

    Is there another context where it is not "the truth" ?
  19. Very unpopular opinions

    Ok so to be clear you are saying that mindfulness is also "the truth" ?
  20. Very unpopular opinions

    What you are describing is mindfulness. You said that mindfulness was the means to the end, not the end. You said the end was "the truth". You keep telling me what the means to the truth is, and not what the truth is. I'm asking about the destination (which you claim to know), not the vehicle.
  21. Very unpopular opinions

    You keep giving me different labels for mindfulness which you already established is the means to the truth. You are repeating yourself and not answering the question as to what truth is.
  22. Very unpopular opinions

    I don't believe you can even ordain as a monk if you have mental health problems. I think this is one of the questions they ask you to see if you qualify.
  23. Very unpopular opinions

    You just restated mindfulness with different terminology, and you already established that mindfulness is the path to the truth. My question was what is the truth according to you?
  24. Very unpopular opinions

    So you have told me what the means to the "truth" is, but not what the "truth" is.
  25. Very unpopular opinions

    Would this not be the means to the end and not the end in and of itself?