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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. How to build Qi?

    Keeping your spine flexible and healthy is probably the single most important thing you can do for your health and longevity! So that is definitely not wasted effort. Why do I say this? The vast majority of my patients are there for back problems. I just do yoga at home off of YouTube. I don't care for what I call the magic unicorn people either 😂🌈🦄. I knew a lot of qigong people in acupuncture school and they are definitely not anymore down to earth than yoga people lol. If you stretch and you call it qigong, if you stretch and you call it yoga, if you stretch and you call it stretching, you're doing the same thing regardless of the label lol.
  2. How to build Qi?

    My only issue with that is the classic Bodhi Dharma scenario when he first came to the Shaolin Temple where the monks were almost exclusively doing sitting meditation and he was shocked at their poor state of health. This does not scream qi generation. So what did he do? Say y'all need to keep doing more of that? No. He came up with physical exercises. Some of my patients are athletes. Not only do they look much healthier and stronger but when I do pulse diagnosis I can objectively tell that they're qi is extremely high. I have other patients who are the meditation types but don't exercise and they don't look very healthy and they are always low on energy, but they do have well trained minds which is also very important.
  3. How to build Qi?

    I do think qigong is useful though in much the same way I think yoga is useful. It stretches the ligaments and lubricates the joints. This is why I do yoga and pilates together. Yoga helps keep me flexible and pilates and jujitsu helps me build strength and energy. If we compare the human body to a city you have to generate power and circulate it. So maybe athletic exercise is like the power plant and more gentle movements like yoga or Qigong are like well maintained power lines.
  4. How to build Qi?

    This is just based on my personal observations of fellow students when I was in school and patients now. I just consistently noticed that the very athletic ones seem like they have the most qi. The people who exclusively do Qigong seem like they have much less.
  5. Ask an acupuncturist

    1. It depends on what part of your head. a. For your forehead use large intestine 4, which is in between your index finger and your thumb in that meaty pad. b. If it's your temples or the side of your head use sanjao 5, which is located on the lateral side of the forearm more or less in the center between the bones three fingers up from the wrist crease. c. If it's the back of your head you small intestine 3, which is on the lateral side of the side of your hand. 2. For an upset stomach use pericardium 6, which is three fingers up from the wrist crease on the medial side of the arm. 3. A cold involves a lot of things but to boost the immune system use lung 7, on the bony part of the radial side of the arm. Large intestine 4 for stuffy nose and headaches. Large intestine 11 to bring down fever, which is located on the lateral side of the elbow crease. 4. For a mild cough use lung 5 which is on the center medial side of the elbow crease. 5. For physical exhaustion use stomach 36 which is on the lateral side just below the knee. It's probably easier just to Google these points to find their location but those are good points for those problems.
  6. Ask an acupuncturist

    It can do a lot! Usually when there's a problem the nervous system has been stuck in fight or flight which shuts down capillary circulation and causes the tissues to deteriorate. Acupuncture moves the nervous system out of fight or flight thus increasing capillary circulation and rebuilding the tissues. I think acupressure can be effective although not as effective as acupuncture but it's still good to know some good acupressure points.
  7. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    That's what I heard which is what got me interested in it in the first place but I did not find it to this effect. In fact quite the opposite I feel like it brought up a lot of stuff I have been suppressing and made my emotions more volatile. But this is just based on my personal experience. But it's also why I don't do it any longer.
  8. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Never ask for financial advice from a poor person.
  9. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    And what's typically seen as the primary method to build the dan tien? Is it abdominal breathing? That's what I've always heard.
  10. Reflecting on TDB

    It's why I'm a vegetarian
  11. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    What I wonder is if the Dan Tien is an actual objective "thing" that exists or if it is more of a subjective experiential thing felt?
  12. Reflecting on TDB

    Ok this is more what I had in mind when I made this post! :-)
  13. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Or maybe I have a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and we were taught how unsafe this substance is.You completely ignored the rest of the study that outlines how dangerous it is. I think you're a troll, and dangerous and I'm done responding to you.
  14. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Your study that you presented spoke about how deadly mercury was and how it killed an emperor!
  15. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    I don't know if this happens to anyone else or not, but I don't do any specific Dan Tien practices or at least I have not for a long time, but sometimes I will notice my Dan Tien spontaneously "buzz" every now and then for no apparent reason. *I also think anyone promoting mercury ingestion should be banned as the results could lead to permanent neurological damage or even death.
  16. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Welcome :-)
  17. Ask an acupuncturist

    Thank you! Oh yes this is one of my pet peeves, non-acupuncturists pretending to be acupuncturists. Imagine what the MD's would do if I took an eight week course and said "I'm an MD now"? lol
  18. Ask an acupuncturist

    You can do that with Gallbladder 37. It's on your leg.
  19. Ask an acupuncturist

    No I have never heard of that. Though there is a method to needle Bladder 1 which is in the inner canthus of the eye socket which our professor demonstrated once on a student with back pain. Before she could not even bend over half way and then he needled the point in a manner like you describe and then she was able to touch her toes. But for what you are talking about, no I have never heard of that.
  20. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    or.....Its also the exact words a sane person with even a slight knowledge of medical science would use.
  21. Ask an acupuncturist

    I think there is a loose relationship.