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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    Except he told doubting Thomas to touch him.
  2. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    That's why I specified who's definition lol. The term "enlightenment" is rather ambiguous. But still there is no proof this happened.
  3. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    Actually rising from the dead is antithetical to enlightenment, at least according to the Buddhist definition. The Buddha said after an enlightened being dies there is no re-birth, no coming back. Also there is absolutely no proof that Jesus actually resurrected.
  4. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    alleged resurrection lol
  5. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    That's probably not how and why it actually happened historically. I think the disciples did a lot of retcon.
  6. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    The whole human sacrifice for other peoples sins thing makes no sense from a justice point of view, which is what it appeals to.
  7. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    Yeah that makes no sense at all.
  8. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    There have been some interesting points on both side, but to me personally for someone to be the greatest teacher of all time they need to have a little more than just "don't be a dick" to offer.
  9. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    No, seems fine for me. Also about the Jesus quotes you posted. Yes of course there are the good sounding bits, BUT in the same sermon on the mount that you quoted from he also tells people that they can't get divorced for just about any reason and does not condemn slavery. So basically Jesus is condemning a woman in an abusive marriage to that fresh hell, and condoning slavery. So sure there might be some good bits, but there are also a lot of not good bits. The fact that we as human beings can pick out the good bits from the bad bits means that we have a better moral compass than god and therefore god is not that great after all.
  10. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    Most historians and scholars believe that the man existed but was heavily mythologized.
  11. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    That very well might have been his personal understanding, but it was not the historical understanding of the Church throughout the millennia. It also does not seem to be what Jesus himself taught. John 14:6 "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The theologist then seem to be more compassionate than the all compassionate and all loving Christian god somehow.
  12. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    I don't think the Greco-Roman gods throw someone into hell for forever if they don't believe in them? Doesn't seem to compassionate to me?
  13. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    This was being taught before Jesus. Can you give a specific example of something that Jesus taught that was new, revolutionary AND changed the world?
  14. Jesus in India ( Himalayas)

    Here's a question that I don't think has been asked yet. What exactly did Jesus teach that was so novel or significant? I don't really see anything amazing in the gospels and somethings quite disturbing to be honest.
  15. I thought since I was a history major and since we have this new shiny Abrahamic forum I would bring up the fascinating and totally not controversial topic about the evolution of Christianity. My basic understanding is this 1. Early Christianit(ies) in the first few centuries of the CE. 2. The transition to Orthodoxy as one branch of Christianity became the official religion of the Empire. 3. Then there was the great schism of 1054 when the Church split into East and West, because.... reasons. 4. The Protestant reformation which began in 1517 with Martin Luther. There should be a lot to unpack there and discuss.
  16. LDT Breathing techniques

    So then what exactly is the purpose of LDT breathing exactly?
  17. LDT Breathing techniques

    Just recently I've become interesting again in looking into breathing techniques. I just feel that there are so many out there its a bit difficult to make sense of them all.
  18. Location of the Lower Dantian

    There's literally a whole discussion thread about this topic that you clearly didn't read. Try reading the thread before you ask the same question everyone's been talking about already for quite a while.
  19. How to build Qi?

    Keeping your spine flexible and healthy is probably the single most important thing you can do for your health and longevity! So that is definitely not wasted effort. Why do I say this? The vast majority of my patients are there for back problems. I just do yoga at home off of YouTube. I don't care for what I call the magic unicorn people either 😂🌈🦄. I knew a lot of qigong people in acupuncture school and they are definitely not anymore down to earth than yoga people lol. If you stretch and you call it qigong, if you stretch and you call it yoga, if you stretch and you call it stretching, you're doing the same thing regardless of the label lol.
  20. How to build Qi?

    My only issue with that is the classic Bodhi Dharma scenario when he first came to the Shaolin Temple where the monks were almost exclusively doing sitting meditation and he was shocked at their poor state of health. This does not scream qi generation. So what did he do? Say y'all need to keep doing more of that? No. He came up with physical exercises. Some of my patients are athletes. Not only do they look much healthier and stronger but when I do pulse diagnosis I can objectively tell that they're qi is extremely high. I have other patients who are the meditation types but don't exercise and they don't look very healthy and they are always low on energy, but they do have well trained minds which is also very important.
  21. How to build Qi?

    I do think qigong is useful though in much the same way I think yoga is useful. It stretches the ligaments and lubricates the joints. This is why I do yoga and pilates together. Yoga helps keep me flexible and pilates and jujitsu helps me build strength and energy. If we compare the human body to a city you have to generate power and circulate it. So maybe athletic exercise is like the power plant and more gentle movements like yoga or Qigong are like well maintained power lines.
  22. How to build Qi?

    This is just based on my personal observations of fellow students when I was in school and patients now. I just consistently noticed that the very athletic ones seem like they have the most qi. The people who exclusively do Qigong seem like they have much less.
  23. Ask an acupuncturist

    1. It depends on what part of your head. a. For your forehead use large intestine 4, which is in between your index finger and your thumb in that meaty pad. b. If it's your temples or the side of your head use sanjao 5, which is located on the lateral side of the forearm more or less in the center between the bones three fingers up from the wrist crease. c. If it's the back of your head you small intestine 3, which is on the lateral side of the side of your hand. 2. For an upset stomach use pericardium 6, which is three fingers up from the wrist crease on the medial side of the arm. 3. A cold involves a lot of things but to boost the immune system use lung 7, on the bony part of the radial side of the arm. Large intestine 4 for stuffy nose and headaches. Large intestine 11 to bring down fever, which is located on the lateral side of the elbow crease. 4. For a mild cough use lung 5 which is on the center medial side of the elbow crease. 5. For physical exhaustion use stomach 36 which is on the lateral side just below the knee. It's probably easier just to Google these points to find their location but those are good points for those problems.
  24. Ask an acupuncturist

    It can do a lot! Usually when there's a problem the nervous system has been stuck in fight or flight which shuts down capillary circulation and causes the tissues to deteriorate. Acupuncture moves the nervous system out of fight or flight thus increasing capillary circulation and rebuilding the tissues. I think acupressure can be effective although not as effective as acupuncture but it's still good to know some good acupressure points.