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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Qi deviations

    It seems that you didn't read the article. You are taking on the role of a practitioner. As such it is your responsibility to be aware of the various complications that can arise from the techniques that you teach and practice and how to deal with them. I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about the field on a professional level as a professional. Resorting to sarcastic statements when someone is informing you about important issues that can arise is not professional.
  2. Qi deviations

    That is quite an overgeneralization. Relaxation induced anxiety does not mean meditation is bad for everyone. It is a recognized psychological issue that affects a small percentage of the population. The reason I brought it up is because you think that meditation can not cause any psychological issues and it most certainly can in some people.
  3. Qi deviations

    I guess you have not heard of "relaxation induced anxiety"?
  4. Qi deviations

    I love Dewey Ramsey and no non-sense people in general. * speaking of Dewey Ramsey (an MMA coach) and new techniques. MMA is probably the newest martial art there is. It has developed over the past few decades largely due to the advent of the UFC. It has been pressure tested over and over and is still in the process of developing. One of the reasons for its popularity is because it exposed delusional self proclaimed martial arts "master" that made up some crap that didn't work in the real world, the other and more important reason is that it actually works when pressure tested. TCM has also been "pressure tested" for thousands of years which is how we know very well what works and does not work.
  5. Qi deviations

    From a TCM point of view, psychological disorders are not called Qi deviations. There are a wide range of conditions that are very nuanced but not one is called a "qi deviation". Just fyi. * typically I just let people think what ever they want to think, but if you are going to teach this stuff to others its important to know what you are doing or real harm can be caused.
  6. Esoteric Cosmology

    I have found this to be the case as well. All the realms, even the highest ones are still within Samsara and therefore impermanent. The only thing that is impermanent according to the Buddha is Nirvana.
  7. Spiritual Hygiene

    You realize that EVIDENCE is the exact opposite of FAITH right?
  8. Qi blockages as knots

    It's a very ambiguous term from the past.
  9. Spiritual Hygiene

    You don't really hear yourself do you?
  10. Spiritual Hygiene

    Ok * In that case I have some beautiful property for you. I promise I own it, I promise its nice, and I promise the price will be fair, just don't ask for any evidence of this ok? :-)
  11. I tried reading an English translation and got turned off pretty quickly.
  12. Tai Chi Master online?

    It did seem quite effective as he was demonstrating them against trained MMA grapplers though.
  13. Qi blockages as knots

    Maybe its more accurate to say that muscle knots are not qi stagnation, but are caused by qi stagnation.
  14. Spiritual Hygiene

    Here's one lol. Crazy I know right? Wanting to know if someone says something that its true! Nuts! lol
  15. Could anyone introduce me to the basics of daoism?

    I have a question about Daoism myself. Does Daoism have anything like mindfulness in Buddhism where one just observes the mind without getting involved?
  16. Siddhi - The mundane is the same as the mystical

    I agree and have the same concern about not being a deluded narcissist. I think one good way to know if we are good at what we think we are good at is from feedback from a large sample size of people. I think you write well, I also think you listen well. I imagine that you get told this often by other people too. Therefore you can feel reasonably confident that your feeling about your writing and listening skills are accurate. I think I'm a good acupuncturist. My patients tell me I'm a good acupuncturist. So I tend to think I am a good acupuncturist and am not deluding myself. Also I don't think I sing well. Sometimes I live stream and sing and people tend to disappear when I do this. This supports my notion that I should not get into a singing career anytime soon lol.
  17. Daoism and artistic pursuit

    I'm not really artistic but I have noticed that when I do simple breath meditation (samatha) that an unwanted side effect is that I get super creative. Typically this is something that I try to ignore, but I was thinking in your case it might be what you're looking for.
  18. Tai Chi Master online?

    I'd heard that Tai Chi was primarily a grappling art recently from an MMA coach that was looking into it.
  19. Reflecting on TDB

    You're not wrong there. In regards to ego causing some people to like Trump while you dislike him. Ego (therefore delusion) is what leads to desire and aversion. Some like him because of ego, and others dislike him because of ego.
  20. Reflecting on TDB

    I also think Trump is an ass-hat and get upset, but then again I've not transcended ego either lol. You get upset with Trump because YOU think he's doing something wrong, and YOU think it should not be that way. This is where ego comes in. Were it not for ego you would see what Trump was doing and realize it wasn't skillful, but you would not be upset, and so would I.
  21. Reflecting on TDB

    It's important to remember that the Buddha taught about letting go, but also taught a great deal about compassion.
  22. Reflecting on TDB

    According to the Buddha giving too much of an ef is the source of our suffering. * society is part of samsara, the Buddha was about liberation from samsara.
  23. Reflecting on TDB

    According to the Buddha it comes from the ego or the false sense of self. You probably don't care if someone disagrees with Joe Schmo in Kalamazoo, You probably do care if someone disagrees with you. What's the difference? You are not Joe Schmo, there is no sense of self there, therefore you don't get upset.
  24. Reflecting on TDB

    And where does that come from? Also if there's irritation is it just about facts or is it about the facts that "I" said matter?