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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. I'm a licensed acupuncturist and I regularly treat ptsd, anxiety, depression, ADHD. I would suggest looking into that as an option.
  2. It's easy to "win" your own game if you're both the participant and the referee.
  3. What problem is it that you want to address then?
  4. That was done by ABC news, so the United States I assume.
  5. 1 + 1 = apple *I think I've had enough fun, time to tap out.
  6. This has nothing to do with China at all.
  7. The demographics don't seem to support your position.
  8. It's also not opposed to socialism Acts 2:44-45 King James Version (KJV)And all that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
  9. You mean Jesus and the apostles didn't teach that mega church pastors should live in multimillion dollar mansions and have private jets?
  10. The scientific approach would to do a study and to see if what you claimed was indeed the case. It has nothing to do with what I like, it is indeed your opinion, which you are absolutely entitled to.
  11. What do you train

    I thought it would be fun/interesting to see if anyone wanted to share what they train in? I do mindfulness, mantra, (Buddhist) Pilates, yoga, and Brazilian Jujutsu. I used to do Karate but there's only so much time in the day.
  12. Do you have a source for that, or is it just your opinion?
  13. I'm an atheist that likes MMA lol. Perhaps the reason most MMA athletes are Christians in the United States is because that is the majority religion in the United States and it makes sense demographically?
  14. The Immortal Fetus or The Taoist Soul Body

    That sounds like a great name for a Seattle grunge band btw.
  15. Are you saying that when something is written in very vague metaphysical terminology that it makes it somewhat easy to retroactively interpret multiple events to "fulfil" the "prophecy"?
  16. Qi blockages as knots

    I can actually tell you exactly what the knots are. They are areas of calcium accumulation. It tends to happen when capillary level circulation stagnates and the calcium the muscle uses to contract can't be carried away by the circulation like its supposed to be.
  17. What do you train

    This is true for people who never "pressure tested" their martial arts. Dojo's that don't have realistic sparing produce practitioners that go into the same kind of shock the average person goes into when someone is finally trying to hurt you for real. The exception to this is when someone who trains in realistic pressure tested fighting techniques like MMA gets into a street fight, and the reaction is very different.
  18. Your Experience of Standing Meditation

    To me as a Buddhist for many years I find that the concept of having a large amount of sexual desire as an accomplishment interesting primarily for the reason that in Buddhism letting go of desire is seen as an accomplishment. Interesting difference in perspective.
  19. Your Experience of Standing Meditation

    Hopefully this question doesn't sound stupid on this sight, BUT I keep hearing a lot of talk about Inner Alchemy and such. The question I have is: 1. What is the purpose? 2. What does it do? 3. How does one go about it? 4. Why would one want to do this in the first place?
  20. Everyone is going to recommend a practice to you, probably based on what they do, BUT you need to find what works for you boo boo 😉🩷.
  21. Your Experience of Standing Meditation

    You're experience with standing meditation: 1. First thirty seconds: I got this, no big deal. 2. Two to five minutes: Ok this isn't fun anymore I don't like this. 3. Five to eight minutes: I hate this and I hate life, why was I even born. 4. Ten minutes later: I'm sitting on my couch having an existential crisis wondering what the point of life even is eating ice cream.
  22. What do you train

    Like I said I don't really like to watch that stuff very often because it is quite brutal, but it is important to remember that the fighters are there because they want to be.