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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. What do you train

    I agree it is brutal and I don't like to watch it either for that reason, BUT there are referees and they do insure that the fighters follow the rules. The main point I was trying to make however isn't that I enjoy watching UFC, but that MMA has done a lot to show what in martial arts is functional and what was not.
  2. What do you train

    I'm asking this sincerely but have you actually watched the UFC?
  3. What do you train

    I would assume that is because since these guys spend years of their lives training for this stuff they really don't want to get disqualified.
  4. What do you train

    Everyone that does not want to get disqualified I suppose.
  5. What do you train

    Small joints ie. fingers and toes are illegal
  6. What do you train
  7. What do you train

    ugh!!! words are hard :-(
  8. What do you train

    There are defiantly rules in MMA.
  9. What do you train

    I think it is important to analyze MMA in it's context, which is, its a sport, so of course rules are needed. The idea isn't to kill people.
  10. What do you train

    One thing that has come out of the MMA movement is what in my opinion is a rediscovery of what the traditional martial arts originally were by my best guess. I like how MMA pressure tests stuff and sifts through a bunch of delusion and finds what really works in real life in the real world. I like applying this concept with anything really.
  11. What do you train

    I think one of the biggest things that got lost from Karate as well as Kung Fu were the grappling techniques which were originally part of both. I strongly believe this is why when the early UFC's and Gracie challenges happened TMA that were striking based like Karate and Kung Fu were dominated by BJJ (Brazilian Jujitsu).
  12. What do you train

    Karate went thought its own evolution. Originally it evolved in 17th century Okinawa as a self defense system after some Okinawans went to China and learned White Krane Kung Fu and then made their own adaptations in Okinawa. Then fast forwarding to the early 1920's, news reels of boxing matches made their way to Japan and the people were mesmerized as Japan didn't really have a proper striking art. The reason for that is Jujitsu was designed to be used on a battle field where everyone was using armor so it made no sense to develop unarmed striking. So after the Japanese people became familiar with boxing they began to look for their own "Japanese" striking art. They found that on the island of Okinawa which was a part of Japan, there was a martial art that we know of today as Karate that had striking. So they decided to invite a few Karate masters to mainland Japan to teach but since the Japanese people were interested in the sport of boxing and not self defense Karate was modified into a striking sport and a lot of the grappling aspect that was organic to it was lost. *I was a history major in collage, so yeah I'm a nerd lol 🤓
  13. What do you train

    He is talking about modern sport Karate in Japan.
  14. What do you train

    I believe the controversy is that some feel that UFC 1 was "rigged" since Royce was not paired up against any wrestlers but only strikers.
  15. What do you train

    You are correct. Judo came out of Jujitsu. I believe back in the 1920's a Judo practitioner went to Brazil and began to teach. One of the students was the patriarch of the Gracie family Carlos Gracie. Back then Judo was still being called Jujitsu so when Carlos decided to make Jujitsu more functional (ie. throw out what was unnecessary and perfect further what did work) he named it Gracie Jujitsu. Originally even early Judo had a lot of ground grappling but as the sport evolved it began to focus more on stand up throws and take downs and emphasize grappling less. On the other hand Gracie aka Brazilian Jujitsu emphasized ground grappling a lot. It became popular in the states after UFC 1 when Royce Gracie won after beating every other opponent that he faced, which led to the modern phenomenon of MMA.
  16. I'm about to just start saying Dao De Yo Mama 🤭
  17. Hahaha yes yes! That is exactly the scene I was thinking of! You're awesome! 😂
  18. This forum is a slice of society like anywhere else so you get all types, but the forum admins definitely have our back and the majority are cool. 😉 *Transliteration of Chinese into English is tricky since there is more than one way to do it. You have chi and you also have qi for example.
  19. How to build Qi?

    That seems to be the opposite conclusion of Bodhi Dharma.
  20. Hey Zoe nice to meet you. I'm trans and also from Texas as well lol. The Tao means the way and we all have to find our own way and align ourselves with it and for some of us that can absolutely mean transitioning medically. 😊🩷 *Interestingly enough the Tao Te Qing says a lot about connecting to the feminine and becoming female as part of the path.
  21. How to build Qi?

    As an acupuncturist I have found that the patients who always have the most qi are athletic and just work out regularly.
  22. Your Experience of Standing Meditation

    What the actual F_ck *this has got to be a troll
  23. What do you train

    Japanese jiu jitsu was created by the samurai to be functional on the battlefield. Specifically a battlefield where everyone is wearing armor which is why there's not really a whole lot of strikes. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a derivative of that focused more on grappling and primarily a sport.