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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. We can even get people to agree about what happened in reality lol.
  2. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Spleen qi is the primary term to describe overall Digestive Health. Call that what you will.
  3. Your Experience of Standing Meditation

    You're saying your practice causes you to lose Jing?
  4. What do you train

    That's interesting. I've not really done much with mandalas. I'm not really sure what to do with them, but this post really resonated with me!
  5. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    I'm thinking if I had been able to go to that school it would have been much easier!! lol. Our school was hard. It was all professors from China and Taiwan that blasted us with Chinese terminology and didn't care that we suffered lol.
  6. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Usually spleen in TCM just refers to the entire digestive system and not so much the actually physical spleen organ. There is a term close to malfunction which is called "rebellious spleen qi" which is a nice way of saying someone is vomiting.
  7. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    The spleen is weak = spleen qi deficiency = weak digestion = low energy
  8. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    For example there is a term Stomach or Spleen qi. This term relates to how well (or not) someone's digestion functions. Spleen qi deficiency typically translates to poor or weak digestion, so thus a function as opposed to a thing. The same principle applies to the term Lung qi deficiency which usually translates to respiratory function, as opposed to a "thing".
  9. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    This is the primary question of interest to me! I'm not sure about that, but it's one of those things that if proven wrong I would be happy lol.
  10. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    I don't think I was expecting a particle to be found, honestly if anything is discovered I have no idea what it would be, even more honestly my default assumption is that its still just terminology to explain functions, but IF something is discovered that has previously not been discovered I think that would be fascinating.
  11. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Honestly as an acupuncturist I would find it very interesting if qi could be proven to exist. This is not the common view point in the acupuncture community in my opinion. I've been of the view that many ancient Chinese medical terms were the best way they had of explaining medical phenomenon back in the day before science got to the point where it is now. I see most of the classic Chinese medical terminology to be descriptive of various functions and conditions as opposed to being literal including qi. If an experiment such as this were to definitively and scientifically prove the existence of qi this would have massive implications not only in the world of TCM but in so many other fields of study as well. I think it would be very interesting, but I am admittedly doubtful. Perhaps I'll be proven delightfully wrong.
  12. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Oh yeah like that one old guy with the beard who was a stage magician that would debunk scammers all the time and pissed them off really bad lol.
  13. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    omg lol >_< doh * I guess I get twitchy when I see something that reminds me of the ole cult.
  14. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    That is indeed a very interesting story, and I don't want to be "that gal" but I will point out one issue I have with an otherwise very interesting story. My primary issue is that there is no way to independently verify that any of this actually happened. The reason that I am pointing this out is that in the past I was in a cult. It was a Christian cult and as all cults tend to be the leader was elevated within the cult as having had all of these miraculous encounters with God and done all of these amazing miracles in the Philippines, and this gave an otherwise abusive leader ultimate authority and legitimacy. As time went by within the cult however I began to wonder why all the claims of miraculous events were always long ago and far away and that there was no way to independently verify them. Towards the end of my time with the cult as I began to voice these perfectly legitimate questions I was demonized within the cult. Questioning the validity was not allowed nor tolerated. Soon after I left the cult and some years later it came to light via other former members of the cult that the only verified "miracle" that this leaded accomplished in the Philippines was getting a Filipino girl pregnant. The point of this isn't to be unnecessarily critical. It is an interesting story, but as Sam Harris always says "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". This isn't saying that the story isn't true, or that anyone is being dishonest and if this is just a fun story then it really doesn't matter. It does matter however if it gives legitimacy to something that affects people's lives and livelihood as I learned the hard way in my cult. Just to be clear I'm not making any accusations about this teacher but just highlighting the need and importance of healthy skepticism and critical thinking. If there is evidence that I am unaware of that substantiates this story I think we would all be very eager and even excited to see it.
  15. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    That's interesting. I guess the phrase must predate the book. Margaret Atwood wrote the book as a response to the rise of the Christian right as a political force in the early 80's.
  16. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Haha that line is from "A Handmaids Tale" a story about the United States becoming a ultra religious right wing cult that controls women's bodies and is totally fiction and isn't actually happening at all. :-/
  17. Your Experience of Standing Meditation

    I tried this for a little while several years ago and I hated it. I'm not saying it isn't good, I'm just saying I hated it. I noticed especially when I got to the part when you are supposed to hold your hands in a ball position in front of your chest all sorts of anxiety came up. It's been a long time though.
  18. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    We just aren't communicating are we? lol
  19. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Here's an important lesson I learned from Star Wars (which is where most of my most important life lessons come from). Palpitine could shoot lightning from his hands, but what did that really do for him? Not much. His goal during the entire prequel's was political power, and once he obtained it that is when he truly became dangerous. Magic tricks don't really mean that much. Other things are far more important.
  20. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    I have the power to be a super nerd 🤓
  21. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    If you have a thermometer and you take the temperature of the room and it says its 20c. It's going to be 20c no matter how you personally feel about it. That is objective.
  22. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    ob·jec·tive /əbˈjektiv/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1. (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. "historians try to be objective and impartial" Similar: impartial unbiased unprejudiced nonpartisan disinterested
  23. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    These super power threads always get so heated.
  24. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Unless of course you have everyone in the same room at the same time lol. The point being an objective measurement does not depend upon the perspective of the individual doing the measuring.