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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Karma

    This is exactly one of the methods I did to work on karma. What I found is that when you sit still and quiet the mind the Sankaras are given a chance to arise or at least we're able to become more aware of them when the other busyness of the mind is quiet. And then when they arise we observe them and then as we observe them without involvement they dissolve.
  2. The concept of God

    1. Are prepubescent girls and women who have gone through menopause not women? 2. Who said that? LOL. I mean granted some of the men here seem like they PMS sometimes but still....
  3. The concept of God

    I saw the post but I still don't understand LOL 😹
  4. History If the trinity

    I've noticed that if I try to post a picture from my phone it doesn't work and I have to use my computer.
  5. Karma

    What if anything do you do to work on karma?
  6. Karma

    Okay I had a feeling they might be similar since the word was so similar.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That was a joke 😉🤭
  8. Typically when faced these kind of questions I look at what did the Buddha himself teach? He said nothing about this.
  9. Karma

    Is that similar to sankara? Because in Buddhism it's the Sankara skandha that karma is made in.
  10. Taoism according to.....

    The last couple of posts have brought up another good question. Where does one draw the line between traditional Chinese folk religion and Taoism?
  11. History If the trinity

    Huh I thought that was a Bob Dylan song?
  12. The concept of God

    How did we end up on trans people in sports?
  13. Taoism according to.....

    This changes everything I thought I knew about you lol
  14. History If the trinity

    Let's not forget the most important Trinity ever
  15. History If the trinity

    The clarification has been accomplished 🙂😉
  16. History If the trinity

    You're correct but the question was about trinity's.
  17. History If the trinity

    Hinduism has the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The creator, the sustainer, and the destroyer.
  18. An abrahamic sub-forum

    I find the concept in theory interesting being the religious studies wana be nerd that I am. I would assume that the primary hesitancy would be that Abrahamic religions tend to be exclusive as opposed to the complementary nature of Eastern religions, so fear probably is that it might likely lead to heated arguments if I had to guess.
  19. Paganism

    I love that channel and nerd-ing out about the whole Indo-European commonalities topic.
  20. Paganism

    Thought you might find this interesting.
  21. Taoism according to.....

    🔥🔥🔥 burn
  22. Taoism according to.....

    I've never been able to make any sense of that book.
  23. Taoism according to.....

    That it is very interesting, but what's the actual method?
  24. Hello from Barcelona

    Welcome Tao Te Kat. Love the screen name btw! :-)
  25. Which Qigong/TCM/Acupuncture/ Etc. ?

    One of the best ways to refine organs is to use the back shu points on the bladder meridian. There's one for each organ and they have a strong effect on the organ itself.