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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Interesting I've never done acupuncture on somebody while they were practicing Qigong 🀭
  2. Feeling and mental perception

    Thank you! 😌 Do you mean like bangs? I've never tried it before but I thought about it.
  3. Taoism according to.....

    Actually now I feel like I understand Taoism even less than before.
  4. Feeling and mental perception

    That cat is so cute and I love that it's his profile pic lol 😺🩷
  5. Feeling and mental perception

    Is that the one next to "Jesus actually wrote the US constitution"?
  6. Feeling and mental perception

    I think that was taken about a month or two ago. I took this one this morning on the way to work since ya'll seem so curious lol
  7. Feeling and mental perception

    hahahah yes that is really a picture of me
  8. Taoism according to.....

    This has been a surprisingly helpful and informative thread so far. Thank you!
  9. Taoism according to.....

    I feel like this is the fastest satisfactory answer to a question I've ever experienced on a thread lol.
  10. Grokking the Dharma

    Suffering really is an inadequate translation. This reminds me one time when I was in college I was telling a friend a little bit about Buddhism and she's like well what's the point of Buddhism? And I said it's to end suffering. And she's like I don't suffer! And then went on to tell me how stressed she was about her day. 🫠
  11. Feeling and mental perception

    No you misunderstand. I'm tired of debating you so I'm going to stop. My suffering has ended. πŸ˜‡
  12. Feeling and mental perception

    The third noble truth: there is an end to suffering 😌
  13. Feeling and mental perception

    This could be the case but it's not something the Buddha taught. The end of incarnation is just the end of incarnation, the Buddha did not say what happens after the death of an enlightened being even though he was asked many times. To assume the next step is extinction is simply a conclusion you came to. I've been addressing some of your questions, and now I have one of my own. Your tone in discussing Buddhism seems at the very least agitated and what I want to know is why? If you dislike Buddhism for what ever reason why not just ignore it rather than get upset over a topic that you don't even think is correct?
  14. Feeling and mental perception

    What I have found over the years of speaking to various people about Buddhism is that what triggers people about Buddhism more than any other thing is attachment. The suggestion of non-attachment to someone that is very attached is an aversive statement, ie. the addict is separated from his addiction.
  15. Grokking the Dharma

    Suffering is why I'm a Buddhist Pain is why I'm an acupuncturist.
  16. Feeling and mental perception

    Maybe this will help.
  17. Feeling and mental perception

    The Buddha didn't answer questions all the time lol But seriously if you don't like Buddhism, you're under no obligation to practice it. :-)
  18. Feeling and mental perception

    The goal is to eliminate the cat's suffering
  19. Feeling and mental perception

    Physical incarnation is not the cause of suffering, desire is the cause of suffering and incarnation.
  20. Feeling and mental perception

    The goal of Buddhism is the elimination of suffering. Attachment dislikes non-attachment.
  21. Feeling and mental perception

    Don't confuse no more incarnations with annihilation.
  22. Which Qigong/TCM/Acupuncture/ Etc. ?

    You have different ideas than me?
  23. Feeling and mental perception

    Birth isn't the enemy. Suffering is the enemy. Desire causes us to be born into a new body. Being born into a new body leads to suffering. If there was no more human race the issue of desire and suffering wouldn't be resolved we would just find different bodies to reincarnate into. The important thing is to realize what the actual problem is.