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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Feeling and mental perception

    To focus on the infant is to miss the point. Perpetuation of samsara is the point. Birth is how samsara is perpetuated.
  2. Feeling and mental perception

    Birth is considered suffering because it perpetuates our existence in samsara.
  3. Feeling and mental perception

    The Buddha said that birth is suffering. 😉
  4. Grokking the Dharma

    Where did you get that from? There's pain, and there's suffering. They are not the same. Mindfulness helps one to realize this. The Buddha taught how to end suffering.
  5. Grokking the Dharma

    To let go of what is causing it which is attachment and desire. We let go by seeing it as it actually is. We see it as it actually is with mindfulness.
  6. When ever I have done LDT breathing I feel it in the womb area which is below the navel.
  7. Feeling and mental perception

    I thought I would go through some of these points one by one because they reflect both the common misunderstandings of Buddhism by non-Buddhists and Buddhists as well. 1. In regards to direct healing I have found nothing to be more direct or effective than mindfulness. The Buddha called it the "direct way". Nothing dissolves emotions faster or more effectively then being mindful of them in my experience. 2. If one wants to "appear" to be something rather than actually be that thing, then of course suppression is going to happen, but this is not what the Buddha taught. The Buddha taught to see things as they actually are aka mindfulness which is the opposite of suppression. 3. I am not sure what a "dark retreat" is but no Buddhist is required to go on a retreat for three years, or two years, or one year if they don't want to. 4. Yes "metta" is awesome! 5. Buddhism has often been accused of being "negative" because the first noble truth states that "in life there is suffering". It is important to remember the third noble truth that "there is an end to suffering". The four noble truths are patterned after a doctor. The first noble truth is the diagnosis, there is suffering in life. If one went to a doctor and she said "your diagnosis is cancer" while it is bad news, this does not make the doctor a bad doctor. Rather it would make her an effective one. 6. That being said the point of Buddhism is to enjoy life and be happy.
  8. I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, (I'm pretty sure its likely though) but I feel like the UFC/MMA phenomenon exposing a lot of traditional martial arts as BS has caused me to question things way beyond the scope of just martial arts. Basically in my mind I think "well if these martial art forms that I used to admire were shown to be frauds then what else from the East that I admired is a fraud? Qigong, religions, philosophies?". Has this happened to anyone else?
  9. Chain of disillusionment

    Yeah I can see how that would do it.
  10. Chain of disillusionment

    * I don't know what I was doing >_<
  11. Chain of disillusionment

    Here's a recent video of yet another TMA fighting MMA. The results are predictable.
  12. Feeling and mental perception

    Oh don't be sorry, letting go of attachment has been wonderful lol :-)
  13. Feeling and mental perception

    I thought it would be interesting to try this a few years ago, and now I no longer have a libido lol. (sorry if that's TMI)
  14. Which Qigong/TCM/Acupuncture/ Etc. ?

    Of course I'm very happy to share what I know and I can be a feisty gaI I don't take crap from haters LOL
  15. Feeling and mental perception

    I feel like you're replying to a straw man misunderstanding of Buddhism as opposed to actual Buddhism itself.
  16. Which Qigong/TCM/Acupuncture/ Etc. ?

    There's so many effed up things in what you just said I can't believe I responding, but I'm primarily going to respond for the sake of other people to not be confused. 1. First of all acupuncture has nothing to do with someone's sexuality which you assumed with me isn't heterosexual. I don't know why you made that assumption. This sounds like a homophobic attitude which you're projecting. 2. If you're a heterosexual male attracted to women whether they be trans or CIS then that makes you heterosexual. 3. I'm not going to even reply to what you said about acupuncture and TCM because you just sound like an idiot. * I find you to be both homophobic and transphobic and I think the forum should monitor you!
  17. Which Qigong/TCM/Acupuncture/ Etc. ?

    Acupuncture is a part of TCM.
  18. Feeling and mental perception

    I always assumed that the Buddha was talking about the enlightened state here.
  19. Feeling and mental perception

    Buddhist would just say that emotions are a result of conditioning and just something to be observed and as one is mindful the energy takes care of itself.
  20. Which Qigong/TCM/Acupuncture/ Etc. ?

    That is both a good question and a difficult one to answer with one easy answer, as the answer to the question could be either or, or both, or neither. For example Kidney qi deficiency can result in problems with the physical organ of the kidney, or it can relate to hormonal issues, or it can relate to lower back and knee pain, but it can also related to issues along the course of the Kidney meridian as well. So for example medial leg pain. This is a complicated and nuanced subject that has no one simple and easy answer. I hope that answers the question even though its not a great answer.
  21. Do you belive in ESP?

    Seems a bit judgmental don't you think?
  22. Chain of disillusionment

    That being the case it would stand to reason that one would want to make sure what they thought was correct is indeed correct.
  23. Chain of disillusionment

    No, what I'm looking for is if someone claims they can knock someone out, without touching them and when they get into the ring with an actual fighter and they get their ass beat, they are a fraud. This isn't as deep as spiritual reality. I'm just talking about people that are full of crap being called out on it. This then raises the question. If I had been told this style of martial art was wonderful for fighting and led to spiritual development and the martial art isn't wonderful because it looses, then are the other spiritual claims fraudulent as well?
  24. Do you belive in ESP?

    That's random lol
  25. Do you belive in ESP?

    We don't see the world the way it is. We see the world the way we are.