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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Chundi mantra

    I just do the mantra and like when I first start doing it I feel pretty good but then like a day or two later everything starts to suck lol.
  2. Chundi mantra

    I have. My personal experience is that Chundi (Zhunti) is more potent. Actually its more potent than any other practice that I do. As to the issue of why do I do it when I know how much it makes my life such (which is a good question) I realize its going to make my life suck, but sometimes you just really need to purge bad karma and accomplish things.
  3. Chundi mantra

    Seems like its been a little while since this topic has been touched upon. I still hate this mantra but recently began to do it again in order to boost my clinic. I had forgotten how utterly sucky it can make life lol.
  4. Ghost festival video
  5. Hair loss?

    He Shou Wu is a great herb in TCM for hair health. My patients get good results with it.
  6. Unpopular Opinions

    I wish more of that happened in this world LOL 😂🤭
  7. What's the deal with the 7th Uposatha precept?

    I think the short answer would be it's related to guarding the sense Gates.
  8. Mindful Chores

    I have always hated doing chores, running errands and other routine tasks like this. I think I heard there is a Zen practice of making doing chores a type of practice. Is anyone familiar with this, and if so what the correct approach is?
  9. I realize this might sound very speculative and perhaps superstitious but I was wondering if anyone had any real knowledge or experience in dealing with protecting themselves from the dark side of spirituality such as from evil spirits, or curses and other such things? how would one recognize it being something like this as opposed to something else? And what are effective measures that can be taken to deal with it?
  10. One thing I think I have come to notice as I continue to practice and experiment is that a lot of ritual practices of religion and the ancient world in particular that I had once shrugged off as the superstitions of a simpler time seem to have more to them than I once realized. One of these is the practice of animal sacrifice, which while still practiced these days, seemed to be a much more wide spread ritual in the ancient world that spanned most cultures universally. I'd never really understood the reasoning behind it, and I'm sure the reasons varied from culture to culture, but it seems that the sages and priests of old often had a deeper spiritual awareness than mere superstition. What I am wondering though is what is the benefit of doing so? What is the mechanism? Does the deity being sacrificed an animal (or sometimes human) to benefit from it? That being said it makes me wonder about other old practices such as baptism, circumcision, communion, pilgrimage, relics, and so on and so forth. I was just curious if anyone had any knowledge, thoughts, or insights into this topic.
  11. After my last question I thought I would ask another question that is both more specific and more broad, and that is what is the goal in Taoism. What I mean by that is in Christianity and Islam the end goal is heaven, in Buddhism and Hinduism the end goal is enlightenment. So what exactly is it in Taoism and or what is the point? What does the practice lean lead one towards?
  12. Karma Visible in our Energy Field

    Your response was pretty good lol. I would have said well if at the end of this you understand meditation better than before we started, then apparently teaching meditation is my power. lol
  13. Karma Visible in our Energy Field

    There's two things I'll say about powers and then I'll just leave it alone. They're actually easier to get the most people realize if you're willing to do a lot of Sammatha meditation. With that being said they're kind of pointless and a horrible thing to seek, as it's usually the ego that speaks power, and the ego is the problem. The Buddha said the best power to have is the ability to teach the Dharma well.
  14. What are Buddha 's teaching on householders

    At its most basic householders should follow the five precepts and earn merit with generosity.
  15. Karma Visible in our Energy Field

    Whenever I do samatha I always use the breath as my object. Well probably one of the most noteworthy experiences is I was out of state and I astral traveled to my mom's home and she was making cookies and so when I came back I got on the phone and I called her and I said you're making cookies aren't you? That freaked her out LOL.
  16. Dealing with the dark side

    There's various methods and I'm not going to claim to be familiar with all of them but the primary ones that I have become familiar with and that seem to be effective art various types of chanting.
  17. Karma Visible in our Energy Field

    Yes and yes. Again that would come down to Sammatha meditation.
  18. Dealing with the dark side

    Thanks for the reply. Since that post I have found out that Western Buddhism is pretty much useless for this kind of thing. For any kind of help at all you have to go to the more traditional Asian Buddhist approaches.
  19. Karma Visible in our Energy Field

    If I've been meditating a lot it just kind of happens automatically. If I've been meditating less then I have to try to focus a little bit. There's nothing magic about the breath it's just an object to make the mind still. When the mind gets still that's what unlocks its abilities.
  20. Karma Visible in our Energy Field

    Meditation is really such a broad word. The Buddha said that psychic powers are developed with Samatha meditation. This is what I was doing. Not for powers though.
  21. Decrease sexual energy

    Yes, I don't usually like to get into these topics but since this misunderstanding is soooooo widespread (thanks in part to Chia and others) I thought I would say something. Semen is NOT Jing
  22. Decrease sexual energy

    I agree. Orgasm, and mental stimulation are types of stress (remember good stress is still stress) what I am saying is semen is not Jing.
  23. Decrease sexual energy

    I think I would like to try to clear up the "Jing" misunderstanding. Jing is not semen. If we had to compare it to something in the West then I would compare it to genetics. Obviously semen relates to genetics, comes from genetics, and carries genetics, but that does not make it genetics. When it comes to life span then we can get even more specific and compare it to Telomeres in our genetics, and these are shown to reduce in length from stress and things like that, not from ejaculation. Ejaculating will not make one loose Jing, although being hot and bothered might. One time I asked one of my professors (who is from China) about this and she just blushed a little and then laughed and said that, that is just what they tell boys to keep them from masturbating haha. The masturbation taboo is probably a Confucian thing.
  24. Decrease sexual energy

    Oh dear ten points from Gryffindor all because of me lol. That's interesting about "given a dream" I don't think I realized that. It shows how language gives insight into how people think.