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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Decrease sexual energy

    I just thought I would share my personal opinion on these Incubus and succubus beings. Are there potentially entities out there that prey upon people's sexual energy and excite them to get this energy? Maybe, maybe not who knows? What I do think is probably more likely is that some people experience guilt over their sexual feelings and find it easier to create an external entity that's responsible for these feelings then acknowledge that they come from themselves because of guilt.
  2. Decrease sexual energy

    Here's an herbal formula to decrease sex drive. I'm an acupuncturist so LOL
  3. Decrease sexual energy

    There's nothing that extraordinary about energy vampires. Every internet troll is one whether they realize it or not. They will excite what ever their favorite emotional energy is and then feast.
  4. Karma Visible in our Energy Field

    I just found that as I began to meditate a lot it just sort of happened.
  5. Karma Visible in our Energy Field

    I have noticed that people with more gross karma tend to have auras on the lower end of the spectrum so like red.
  6. Decrease sexual energy

    Ooooooor its just made you more healthy and raised libido is a sign of good health lol. Again mindfulness can help.
  7. Decrease sexual energy

    Mindfulness over time helps to decrease this. If one pays attention to sexual desire as opposed to the object of desire it can be seen it is indeed suffering, and when the mind realizes something is actually suffering then it lets go of it.
  8. The way the Buddha defined the ego was identifying with any of the five aggregates as being the self.
  9. Crystals - no effect ? good ? bad ?

    A noble career field.
  10. Crystals - no effect ? good ? bad ?

    Wtf ?! 😂😂😂
  11. This does not answer the question of what method is used to "find and nurture" these qualities.
  12. Crystals - no effect ? good ? bad ?

    I have found these two things are often related :-/
  13. Probably, but the elimination of ego would make discovering these people very difficult, because they would most likely feel no need to proclaim this to anyone.
  14. Dao Discussion

    Yes, the Buddha had accomplished this, he said it was possible through Jhanna states.
  15. Crystals - no effect ? good ? bad ?

    I went through a phase of selecting a crystal every morning and putting it in my pocket. Usually I would forget it was there throughout the day. I began to notice that if I had placed a red crystal in my pocket I would feel anxious that day, and if I placed a blue crystal in my pocket I would feel sleepy that day. There are other examples but that gives one the idea.
  16. I find Pureland fascinating, both conceptually and it's rich history, but with anything that can't really be substantiated it always leaves me wondering but is it real? 🤔🤔🤔
  17. Chakras and Dantiens

    Ish.... The paths are different from the charts I've seen. And to my knowledge nadis don't have the organ correspondence that meridians do.
  18. Chakras and Dantiens

    Let's not forget there are also meridians. I'm an acupuncturist, couldn't help myself lol
  19. Help me find a gentle Qigong form

    Have you tried the sitting eight brochade set?
  20. Mindful Chores

    I don't recall calling chores mindless but I do agree with you about approach which is what I am currently doing, which is what made me aware enough of the situation to make a post about it lol.
  21. When I begin my study of Buddhism I think like probably most other people I learned from teachers and videos and contemporary books and they definitely all seem to have their uses and place. However as time has gone by I've drifted away from that and begin to read the Suttas from the Pali Cannon myself. At first I was still reading them through the lens of the contemporary stuff that I was taught, but after some time I came to realize that the Buddhism taught in the suttas is not necessarily exactly the same as what's taught today in a contemporary context. Probably the most vivid example that jumps out at me is most people I run into thinking Buddhism equals meditation and that meditation equals having a blank mind. We definitely do not find this being the emphasis of the suttas. Another common misconception I've noticed is that people think the Buddha taught that there is no self. Actually if you read the suttas he never said this, he just simply taught things that were not the self that were mistaken to be the self. He also didn't say there was a self but he didn't say there wasn't either. That's just a couple of examples but has anyone else found this in their own personal study of the suttas?
  22. What are the mechanics behind chanting?

    Well now you've come across somebody who has a different experience 🙂
  23. Buddhism of the Suttas

    The dalai lama walks into a pizza restaurant and says make me one with everything. Then I guess I got it backwards but my understanding is that someone who's fully enlightened could not possibly have a wet dream because there would be nothing left in the mind with which to have that reaction.
  24. Buddhism of the Suttas

    I heard about the wet dream debate and is silly as it sounds on the surface I think it raises a good question. I believe it was the Mahayana who said that an arahat could not have a wet dream.
  25. What are the mechanics behind chanting?

    My analogy would be how many dumpsters do you have to clean out before the experience becomes positive?