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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Transgender Q&A

    lol that was absolutely the case. When I was a teenager my parents took me to several councilors wanting to "fix" me. Every time the therapist would tell my parents that I was not the only issue and they needed to work on themselves, we moved onto the next councilor.
  2. Transgender Q&A

    Actually for most of my childhood (aside from the very beginning) I did not know I was trans. I showed tendencies early on but literally had it beat out of me. Well not really beat out, but I had to deeply suppress it so deeply that even I did not consciously realize it. This leads me to believe that a lot of kids that turn out to be "unsure" of their gender (i.e. think they are trans and realize they are not) might have had a lot of pressure put on them to "not be trans". But then again I am not an expert and don't claim to know the answer in every situation. This is why I do think that if a child does express that they feel that their gender is different than the one assigned to them at birth they should be made to see a licensed therapist.
  3. Transgender Q&A

    To me personally at least one of the main take aways from the video was that the kids were not confused at all about their identities.
  4. Transgender Q&A

    If anyone has watched the video I posted earlier about trans kids camp it is very enlightening.
  5. fairly safe for awhile?

    I do agree that probably one of the biggest challenges we face in this day and age is climate change. Unfortunately.
  6. fairly safe for awhile?

    I know it may not seem like it if we watch the news too much but as a historian this is actually one of the best times to be alive. There's fewer wars than there's ever been, medical science is at an all-time high people don't die of common diseases like they used to. Granted climate change is a problem but I can't think of another time in history that is better than now. This is why I like the study of history.
  7. Prophecy of the Coming

    This is the prophecy of what happens after my neighbor eats Taco Bell.
  8. Christianity

    As a fellow struggling entrepreneur I recommend lots of Zhunti mantra recitation. My business has picked up since I got back into it.
  9. Prophecy of the Coming

    What is this from? And what is it supposed to signify?
  10. Chundi mantra

    That youtube video that I posted is the one that I listen to most often, I seem to get results from it.
  11. What if, and hear me out, the problem isn't spiritual stuff, but Schizophrenia? I would highly suggest going to a qualified mental health professional asap.
  12. Transgender Q&A

    oh really? which way is the old weather cock pointing today? 🤭🐓
  13. Transgender Q&A

    I might be asexual but I'm not a-compliment so thank you :-)
  14. Transgender Q&A

    I've heard gay guys say this as well, that they like "straight guys" at which point I go into a feedback loop where I think to myself "if they slept with a guy how can they technically be straight?" lol
  15. Transgender Q&A

    I was say its internalized "homophobia" most likely, which would be a narrative in the back of one's mind that would say "straight men count more than gay men" or something to that effect.
  16. Transgender Q&A

    I'm curious, why does that fantasy embarrass you?
  17. Transgender Q&A

    I'm not sure but I think one thing that too me a while to overcome to realize I was trans was that I was not attracted to men. The first thing my sister asked me after I came out to her was "does this mean you are attracted to men now?" There's still a lot of confusion on the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity.
  18. Transgender Q&A

    I've noticed that since the original novelty of the thread wore off and the trolls either stopped trolling or got banned that it has quieted down and this in and of itself to me shows an important point. In spite of what some conservatives say (the trolls) most people don't really care what other people do with their lives, and I think that is nice :-).
  19. One meal a day

    In the past I thought I wanted to be a Buddhist monk so I tried living like one for a while, which included eating one meal a day. Once I decided that wasn't in the cards for me I stopped. I don't really think I noticed any difference before or after.
  20. Transgender Q&A

    The "Happy Buddha"
  21. Christianity

    Christ is the English translation of the Greek word Christos which is a translation from the Aramaic word for Messiah which means "anointed one"
  22. Transgender Q&A

    I thought I would take the q&A in a different direction today. Has anyone here ever dated a transgendered person or been related to one? If so what was your experience and how did you perceive theirs?
  23. Transgender Q&A

    Why did you transition? Me: because OVERALLS!!! 😃
  24. The feel of a place/space

    Sounds like Feng Shui
  25. Are most Daoist practitioners solo ?

    No I don't think its just a guy thing and I can't comment on gay guys (since they don't flirt with me). My socializing situation has improved a lot since transition. Before I would always feel more comfortable being friends with women but the outer packaging made it complicated (especially being a straight guy). Now I have many more friends and its easier to make them as a woman. Straight guys seem to think a "date" is "hey come over to my house new person that I just started talking to" lol