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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    Oh something else I've noticed lately is that at work there's kind of this long hallway and in the hallway are a series of lights and I've noticed that as I walk down that hallway very often the lights that are near me get really bright and flare for a second as I'm walking past them. This is kind of new and different and I'm not sure what that is
  2. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    Hmmmm interesting .....
  3. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    This has also unfortunately been the case as well. This has caused me to keep backing up to practices that I feel are more basic and gentle, like chanting, or at least I thought lol. So Palpitine isn't a good student to have? lol
  4. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    Thank you again very much for your answers. What's interesting to me is a lot of what you explain in regards to your experiences through what sounds like a Taoist or Qigong approach I have experienced a lot of the same things through a Buddhist approach but unfortunately no one on the Buddhist side told me that these side effects would occur. The main methods I used were meditation and chanting various mantras and sutras.
  5. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    Thanks. I have the feeling that a lot of what is said to be YJJ and XSJ isn't actually that, an I correct? Also in regards to side effects in addition to the ones we discussed before did you notice periods of having to go to the bathroom a lot more? And having other random emotions pop up spontaneously that have no relation to circumstances?
  6. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    I guess more what tradition but what techniques do you use what ever they may be.
  7. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    I don't practice visualization either, but out of curiosity what method do you use?
  8. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    I think what I find interesting about all of this is that it seems to show that there are multiple methods of accomplishing cultivation. When I read the Pali texts they seem to suggest that only what the Buddha taught works, but maybe that's because at the time they were made they only knew of a small part of the world.
  9. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    Ok, so this is all very interesting to hear from someone else. Since I approached this from the Buddhist side of things, this is stuff no one told me about but "surprise surprise" it happened. Especially the blister like things at the end of my fingers and palms, and certain joints especially particular vertebra cracking as loud as a gun sometimes.
  10. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    I'm curious in your experience with qi going to work in your body did you notice your meridians purging junk and like having random crap come out the end of the meridians in certain joints popping a lot for a while? Did you ever get randomly extremely aroused sexually for no apparent reason like you're just sitting there staring at the ground and then bam? I'm just trying to make sense of some things that I've experienced when doing lots of practice.
  11. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    This was definitely my experience with it. I thought it was going to make me feel great and in a lot of ways it started making me feel worse. Also yes I really don't think most people have the patience for it. As an acupuncturist I'll have people who have had a chronic issue for 20 years and then when one acupuncture treatment doesn't make them completely better they think it doesn't work. Most people's patience is definitely not adequate.
  12. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    I have found this to be the case my personal experience. I gave Qigong an honest try for several years and honestly didn't really notice that much difference or benefit. As an acupuncturist I think I can get more health benefits and needling myself for 20 minutes then doing hours of qigong. I recently just started doing the workout videos that my teenage daughter does for fitness and I actually started noticing a lot more health benefit from that than I ever did doing Qigong. And as far as meditation goes I eventually switched over to Buddha's practices because I felt like that Qigong meditation was driving me crazy. I think the thing that disturbs me about the Qigong movement and taoism in general is that it's hard to get clear answers to what exactly is going on and I get the feeling the reason is because most people don't know what's going on. I also agree with freeform that getting into spirituality to get powers is the worst reason that you can get into spirituality. What sense does it make spending your entire life learning how to start a fire with your hand when you can do the same thing with a 90-cent lighter in 5 seconds?
  13. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    If one's practice does not make them kinder, more compassionate, and tolerant then I am not interested in their practice.
  14. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    And is filling the dantein synonymous with dantein breathing?
  15. Damo Mitchell Free MCO Course

    So the specifics of Neigong tend to confuse me. Is the MCO part of inner alchemy or is it something else? and if so what? Is it related or different than Dan Tien breathing?
  16. Money

    I've found that FPMT has many practices for helping with one's financial situation. There are numerous sutras and mantras and other practices that are said to be helpful. This is what I am currently doing as my financial situation isn't that great lately. The Buddha taught that money or the lack there of was due to karma, specifically the karma of generosity.
  17. The 'money' mantra

    Would you mind elaborating on both what the practices are and the karmic cost please? *Edit: I've also seen Lama's recommend certain sutras like the heart sutra diamond sutra Golden light sutra and Sungata sutra for help with money problems.
  18. I think for me the confusion with the Taoist method is that the label is used a lot but the methods seem to be vaguely referred to you so I don't know exactly what's happening. That being the case I primarily use Buddhist methods but what I've noticed through my own experience even though I haven't really read about it from Buddhist sources is all kinds of weird changes that take place in my physical body as I progress. I can feel my body purging old karma through my kidneys and several of my meridians expelled dirty cruddy Chi and I get these watery bumps along the line of the meridian. I also have electronics go haywire around me sometimes. But this is all stuff I just experienced that none of the Buddhist sources are read told me it was going to happen. Recently my daughter has begun to do some of the same practices as I do and she's begun to experience some of the same effects including the weird bumps along the course of meridians and other things.
  19. The 'money' mantra

    This is an interesting topic because I have dabbled with this mantra on and off but I always feel a bit uneasy about it. I wonder if anyone has done long enough to get any results?
  20. I find the concept interesting but I think the reason I ultimately went the Buddhist route is because the Buddhist route is well explained and I never could figure out how to actually go about the Taoist route. Do you know where to find resources on how to actually accomplish this process?
  21. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

    I was searching this forum for anything on Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and was surprised to find nothing said about it. Does anyone have experience with this mantra? Lately I have found it to be pretty amazing. I'd be interested to hear anyone's experiences.