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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Which QiGong form to start?

    As you stated your intention I would recommend lower dan tien breathing.
  2. I also remember a while back when watching Battlestar Galactica thinking it was really interesting when they kept saying all this had happened before and it would all happen again.
  3. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    I'm curious if you could elaborate on that.
  4. This makes me think of two things. In the book of Daniel in the Hebrew bible Daniel saw a statue that was made from top to bottom gold, silver, bronze, and iron. Later in the book each element was said to be a kingdom. The other are the three ages of Buddhism of which we are said to live in the third. A subset of this would be the Kali yuga of Hindu thought.
  5. Chanting

    That much like what Nichiren said about this age and chanting daimoku.
  6. Then they create two new denominations based on did Jonah live in the whale's stomach or lung.
  7. The Perils of Meditation

    So today (a couple days away from the initial side effects) I don't feel anxious nor am I dealing with weird thoughts, but my head feels like it's full of cotton and thinking is hard.
  8. The Perils of Meditation

    My practice of Christianity wasn't really typical. Actually as far as schedule goes it wasn't really different from my more recent practice schedule. Almost everyday most free time was used for prayer, and contemplative Bible study. Had plenty of weird things happen then as well.
  9. The Perils of Meditation

    I can see how that could happen.
  10. Which QiGong form to start?

    Very advanced stuff there. Not recommended for beginners.
  11. The Perils of Meditation

    I used to write off things done in my church days as irrelevant, but lately I've been revaluating that. I now remember my practice as a Christian having some similar effects.
  12. The Perils of Meditation

    Why does that sound like the name of an album?
  13. The Perils of Meditation

    Urine being darker is due to a higher concentration of uric acid which is a byproduct of metabolism which would indicate the ZZ is increasing your metabolism.
  14. The Perils of Meditation

    Something else weird I've noticed not just when needling myself but patients as well is that when there is a damp condition such as phlegm the needle handles feel moist to the touch after a while after being inserted.
  15. The Perils of Meditation

    To me what is mysterious is why. I've noticed this tendency to urinate more with certain mantras as well. Here is just a speculative theory I'll pondered the past couple years. Since the kidneys are the source of our pre-natal essence and karma I wonder if meditation and mantras that work out past karma have a purging effect on the kidneys which house this karma.
  16. Money

    This is probably the most reluctance I have ever begun a topic with, but its time to talk about money from a spiritual perspective. My personal reason for this is that through out my entire life no matter where I have been, or what I have done I have always struggled with money. This has caused me to contemplate all sorts of various explanations such as karma to curses. The main reason I have been so reluctant to bring up this topic is because there is SO MUCH CRAP floating around regarding this topic, but with that being said I still want to figure this one out. I will share a few of my main theories. Karma is my main area of contemplation in regards to this topic. In the past I had other areas of my life that went bad no matter where or when I was nor matter how "smart" I tried to be, so after putting forth effort to change and improve my karma these areas of my life seemed to gradually improve, but this does not seem to be the case in regards to the topic of money. Curses have been another of my speculations concerning the topic of money as I indeed do know of a few people in my life that are nasty and vindictive and I have been told by others they they actually actively "pray" that I will be unsuccessful. Additionally my father would constantly tell me growing up that I would be unsuccessful and some have told me that this can actually be a real curse as well. If this is indeed the case though it would seem that I have been unsuccessful in breaking any such curses if they do exist. Other than that I really don't know why this seems to always be such a difficult area of my life, but I suppose that I why I'm making a post about it, hoping that someone out there might have a theory that makes sense. I know for a fact that this will require some sorting as I'm confident that I will be told a fair amount of nonsense as well, but hopefully I might get an answer that actually works for once in regards to this subject.
  17. The Perils of Meditation

    Naturally when this is occurring I drink more fluids.
  18. The Perils of Meditation

    To a point yes, but when it interferes with being functional in life then that is too much.
  19. The Perils of Meditation

    It's interesting that you mention this as another thing that happens when I meditate is I have to urinate much more.
  20. The Perils of Meditation

    Yes I have considered that but I don't think meditation is helpful if it turns one into a crazy person.
  21. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    Yes, I found that early on with breath meditation the mind would be very busy. As I continued over time it would gradually get quieter and quieter like a spinning wheel slowly losing momentum. Making the mind be quiet cannot be done with the will, as to do so is an act of the will.
  22. The Perils of Meditation

    Yes I feel like my recent accidental meditation and ensuring side effects were a wake-up call. I ordered a whole new set of herbs to deal with this and in the mean time have been doing Acupuncture. In TCM this is called Phlegm affecting the mind.
  23. The Perils of Meditation

    Something else I just remembered is now that it's been a couple days and I'm not feeling actively anxious anymore, I feel this odd brain fog and heavy headed.
  24. The Perils of Meditation

    The self inquiry like you said wasn't so much an active thinking thing. It would spontaneously happen sometimes during sometimes after meditation.