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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Jing / Energy Loss - Regain

    Well that is a very broad question. If you have more specific questions that would be easier to address.
  2. Jing / Energy Loss - Regain

    practice defensive crossing and look both ways anyways ;-)
  3. Jing / Energy Loss - Regain

    Um look both ways before crossing the street :-D
  4. Jing / Energy Loss - Regain

    The thing to realize with Chia's method is that you do ejaculate with orgasm, except the ejaculate is prevented from escaping the body. As an acupuncturist this is just creating a lot of stagnation and imbalances. I do not recommended this practice at all.
  5. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    I was wondering what happens if one does upper dan tien breathing as opposed to lower dan tien breathing?
  6. Money

    That would be to assume all westerners are capitalists, and all western countries are capitalistic.
  7. Money

    I think a lot of westerners are uneasy with the idea of Good karma equating to having abundant money and I think it's because Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil. So therefore in the West we have negative connotations about money versus spirituality and the idea of plenty of money being indicative of Good karma is uncomfortable.
  8. Merit

    Merit making is largely the main practice of lay people in Theravada countries like Burma and others. In these places it is generally the attitude that enlightenment is almost impossible for anyone other than a monk. That being said it is also generally thought that to have all the pieces fall into place to become a monk one needs a lot of merit. So the lay people focus primarily on earning merit by supporting the monks so that in the future they too can become monks. Another way of putting it is that the merit is not the building, but the scaffolding from which you build the building.
  9. Merit

    Yes that is true. Good karma or merit in and of itself will not do the job, but..... it will help you to come across the teachings and have the opportunity to do the things that do, do the job. So yes technically correct, but at the same time merit is very helpful in getting one to the place they need to be to do what they need to do on the other hand.
  10. Merit

    I'm hesitant to say more than I know, but I think the notion of good and bad karma keeping one stuck is a Hindu notion. From the best of my understanding in Buddhism good karma is what fuels successful cultivation.
  11. Merit

    The sutras tells us that once the devas exhaust their merits they fall from heaven. So if merit is not a literal thing, it at least seems to behave like one.
  12. Merit

    You can, but my point is perhaps that's not a good thing to do too often.
  13. Merit

    By using merit what I mean is that one can dedicate their own merit for specific purposes these days aka "manifesting". If one manifests too much and exhausts their merit then their life can change and not for the better.
  14. Merit

    Thought I'd dig up this old thread as merit is something I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. Specifically how using a lot of merit can cause one's condition in life to drop down, much like once the devas use up their merit they fall out of heaven.
  15. Chanting

    Well if you did it and you got a job I would stick with what works. Nam Myoho...... is a very good abundance mantra. In fact the SGI group practically promote it as such. I've gotten several jobs / resolved situations well with this chant.
  16. Chanting

    Interesting point. What I have noticed is that the more I do a chant, over time it seems to develop a rhythm and tone on its own. I might start off just voicing the words and as I progress the tempo and sound sort of reveal themselves to me. Sometimes I just do it mentally as well.
  17. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    It has begun to occur to me that perhaps my feelings for Buddhism have cooled a little bit recently because I think it may have given me somewhat of a negative attitude as it does seem somewhat nihilistic me. It seems like a lot of nothing nothing nothing which I don't think is actually correct but I think that's the version of it that I had been taught by a lot of the western theravada teachers especially this one monk that's on YouTube a lot that always looks like he's chronically depressed.
  18. Chanting

    This seems to be how it goes when I have a few people I know here try some of the mantras that I do. They don't really seem to feel much which baffles me because I do and I'm not sure why. Sometimes all I have to do is a couple repetitions to feel the effects (not always). Although if I do, do a mantra for a while and notice nothing I usually drop it and move on.
  19. Money

    If this is an issue you have strong feelings about I have two other daughters with this same woman that have expressed the same desire to live with me and get away from their mom. I'm still working on this. 😌 **I thought I'd add some special effects to show how this makes me feel
  20. Chronic Fatigue Healing Path

    No, no specific supplier. In your case I'd use Asian ginseng as opposed to American.
  21. Money

    Karma is hard to see when we only consider this life.
  22. Dharma

    What if one's natual aptitude was for healing and still is, but over time have developed more of an inclination to escape society and contemplate spiritual things?
  23. Dharma

    Since I don't really want to start another thread, I think I'll hijack this one. In regards to one's own personal dharma (in the Hindu) sense, how is one supposed to find it?
  24. Was Jesus A Taoist?

    peace of mind at the moment. In the past in helping me solve more worldly problems.
  25. Was Jesus A Taoist?

    So every now and then I feel the urge to do the Catholic rosary and to my surprise it seems to be effective. Does anyone else have experience with this?