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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Troll energetics

    There are several. Probably the easiest is herbs. Lui Wei Do Huang Pian is the most basic, widely used and probably easiest to find. Also limiting the frequency of ejaculation appropriate to ones age, health, and constitution are important as well. Reserve abdominal breathing into the LDT is useful also.
  2. Troll energetics

    It tends to be due to the judgment a lot of people receive about it during the course of their life. It can make speaking about it objectively difficult.
  3. Troll energetics

    Ok now that I have a little more time I thought I would go into a little more detail. As an acupuncturist, the five elements can explain so much. Also in the clinic, I come across hundreds and hundreds of various people. One common thing I noticed in younger males is that through pulse diagnosis and interview it becomes easy to diagnose which ones are spilling too much of the vital essence. Additionally, these same males tend to be very defensive and combative. In TCM school I focused on emotions and their relation to the five-element cycle process. That being said I am not just pulling theories out of thin air, but are basing this on both graduate-level education and thousands of hours of clinical experience. This is NOT saying that everyone that self stimulates turns into a troll. What I am saying is that overdoing it can cause Kidney essence deficiency and a lack of the water element in the Kidneys. The Kidneys house the Zhi or the will. This is why stopping excessive masturbation can be so difficult since those that engage are depleting the very thing that would help them to have the self-restraint to stop. This is not a moral judgment, but simply an energetic observation. Ok so now at this point the Kidney/Zhi (will)/water element/jing are depleted and weak. Next in the five element cycle is the Liver/Hun (ethereal soul)/wood element. Ideally, this is fed by a healthy and plentiful Kidney, and the virtues of the Liver such as kindness, compassion, and generosity are nourished and strengthened, but when the Kidney is deficient then the Liver will be as well. When the Liver is deficient these wood element virtues will be lacking and instead, the individual will be angry and defensive, but out of a sense of weakness and lack. It is at this point without even realizing why that individuals will unconsciously seek to make up for this lack by attracting the Liver/wood/anger energy through vampirism by provoking others. Interestingly enough, due to the defensive nature of individuals like this and the weakened sense of self in the weakened Hun (ethereal soul), they tend to become very defensive when what they are doing is pointed out. This is why there has been so much defensive reaction to the masturbation aspect of this post and the actually energetics of the inner workings of the energetic system have been ignored. I can guarantee that even after re-writing my post and even after making this prediction that the vast majority of my points will still be ignored and all the attention will again be directed at the self-stimulation aspect of this which is actually a very small part of it.
  4. Troll energetics

    It was really meant to be an opener into the energetics of trolling but it totally got off topic almost immediately.
  5. Medicine Buddha

    I've been doing this a lot lately and it's really good!
  6. Troll energetics

    Ah someone understands. Buddha held up the lotus and Mahakasyapa smiled.
  7. Troll energetics

    All or most trolls might be wankers, but not all wankers are trolls It's actually not about the wanking, but about the Kidney jing deficiency not nourishing the Liver, which is what I think everyone is loosing sight of.
  8. Troll energetics

    You have a rather artistic way of expressing thoughts.
  9. It's descriptive, as in the needles "puncture" the skin.
  10. Is meditation the only path?

    Based on what you said it is not possible to determine if you are either right or wrong as you made statements but gave no reasons to support them. Who is to say if you are right or wrong?
  11. Troll energetics

    The inference of disgust and laughing is your's and your's alone. Inferred judgments say more about the attitudes of the one making them.
  12. Spiritual hubris

    My first exploration into the spiritual world was though the lens of fundamentalist Christianity. Needless to say Christianity in general and especially this type of it tends to have the view that they are right and everyone else is wrong, or even evil. It came as a shock to me when I began to question and then doubt that fundamentalist Christianity was the one true religion after all. A few years later when I became interested in Buddhism one thing that I appreciated was that Buddhism was not exclusive and elitist like Christianity, or so I thought. As time went by and I began to read the suttas for myself I kept coming across passages where the Buddha supposedly said this is right view and if someone thinks differently it is wrong view and it will lead them to a bad rebirth or even hell. I had heard that line before and I wasn't amused. I would listen to Buddhist monks on YouTube speak about other spiritual traditions and generally why these other traditions were incorrect and why Buddhism was correct. Again after what I had been through with fundamentalist Christianity I wasn't very enthusiastic about this type of thinking. Even on forums such as these it is often the case that a view differing from one's own view isn't seen as a different perspective, but rather as wrong. Granted I don't think every single thought, view, or utterance that is said is true, in fact sometimes I think things can be quite wrong, but that does not change the fact that very often things are not right or wrong, but merely a different way to explain the same idea. The Buddha may not have spoken about channels or chakras, but that doe not mean that the practices the Buddha taught don't affect them. The Taoists might not have orinally spoken of karam, but they did speak of yin and yang transforming into each other and to me this symmetry of cause and effect sure sounds like karma if not in name, in action. Why is it that differing view are seen so often as wrong rather than simply an alternative perspective about basically the same thing?
  13. Troll energetics

    I can always tell how kind someone is to themselves by how kind they are to others.
  14. As an acupuncturist I might be biased but I was suggest going to see an acupuncturist there's quite a bit that can be done with acupuncture and herbs in stitutions like this.
  15. Troll energetics

    I would like to add that there is another well-known poster on here who tends to link an addiction to solo ejaculation to being a pervert and want to be very clear that that's not what I'm doing as that seems very judgmental and I'm making no judgment I'm just sharing observations of what I've noticed through my own meditation and as a practitioner in TCM.
  16. Troll energetics

    Oh you're absolutely right if speaking from scientific terms there is no way to intrinsically know this objectively. That being said having done excessive organ meditations on my own in the past and as an acupuncturist treating a large amount of patients one begins to see patterns and when I begin to treat somebody accordingly things improve. So again not that it can be scientifically objectively proven but the fact that I do treat people along these patterns with TCM and they do improve would suggest that there's something to it nevertheless.
  17. I think you need to get a therapist if things are that bad, and see a doctor.
  18. What are emotions

    I'll take that as you don't know what your statement means then.
  19. What are emotions

    Require no, but if you do not it would tend to make it sound like there's a fair amount of eel wiggling occurring.
  20. What are emotions

    I'm not the one that said it. So ask again do you even know what that means?
  21. What are emotions

    So aside from sounding like I am The walrus by the Beatles what does that mean? Do you even know what that means?
  22. What are emotions

    Well, ok then.
  23. The soul and the self

    Stripping yourself of a false notion of self takes you beyond the level of winners and losers and causes one to realize that's just a game of the ego.
  24. What are emotions

    For being the same person we certainly have very different thoughts.
  25. What are emotions

    The problem with the statement is that I have followed the Buddha's methods and I have let go of some degree of desire and with it the amount of suffering I experience has lessened as well. It's pretty hard to argue with personal experience confirming and verifying a teaching.