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Posts posted by Maddie

  1. 21 minutes ago, Trunk said:

    ~~~ admin comment ~~~


    This is a bit of a tricky thread to moderate as it's so unusual.


    As a matter of courtesy,

    the main point of this thread is not to explore every permutation of how things might be seen (and I get that that's *part* of the dynamic), but

    the main point is to allow someone who has direct personal experience to share their point of view.


    - Trunk



    I haven't had time to keep up with this thread well, so things might've sorted well already ... but I still had lingering that something like this needed to be said.


    ~~~ admin out ~~~


    It has not been sorted and thank you!


    I haven't actually been asked a question about my experience for quite a while. It kind of devolved into a few individuals seeming from my point of view to want to undermine my experience.

    • Thanks 1

  2. 10 hours ago, Salvijus said:

    Illumination of the mind still exists. It's not necessary to believe in anything to understand that ignorance can be illumined. 


    You sound like my mom when I was trying to get out of going to school as a kid LOL.

    • Like 1
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  3. 13 minutes ago, Nungali said:

        I could go to my friends place , take some cheese show it to the cat and 'Look, owner's cheese! "  and throw it to the floor and stomp on it, right in cats face .  And then rob their house . ... smash up the furniture , smear their walls with  shit and  .....   :blink:


    What was the outcome of the lawsuit? 😂

  4. 21 minutes ago, Jadespear said:

    ...its pretty amusing to see how much of all this is basically nothing.  

    ... people wanting to be paid attention to.  



    projecting a bit maybe? lol (since you're posting a response on a public forum and all) 

    • Thanks 1

  5. 4 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    I could say all existence is the mind of God and when mind is illumined. God recognizes itself in that vehicle for what it is - pure joy, love and peace. But not everyone likes that kind of terminology here. 


    What if one does not believe in God?

    Or a Universal mind?

    • Thanks 1

  6. 35 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    THE truth. The shared truth of all life. 


    To the mouse that is trying to get the cheese to eat the cat seems evil because the cat is trying to kill it.


    To the cat the mouse that is trying to steal its owners cheese is evil.


    Who's truth is THE TRUTH?

    • Like 1
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  7. 24 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    Yes. But it in pursuit of trying to feel better it has to realize one day that only truth will bring it happiness it seeks. 


    who's truth?

    • Thanks 1

  8. 39 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    Trying to be better is unavoidable function of the ego. 


    So what you're saying is if someone isn't feeling that good about themselves its normal to want to take measures to feel better? I'm sure its a very transformative experience. :-)

    • Haha 1

  9. 2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

    The beauty of playing mental jujitsu is that the one who is more true, wins. In the meantime of going back and forth.


    Winning and loosing is a very competitive view point. Competition arises from ego. Ego is unenlightened. Why not just become enlightened instead? ;)

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2

  10. 1 hour ago, surrogate corpse said:



    Your replies to me are full of basic misunderstandings of what I am saying. I have reread my posts to see if they are unclear; I am satisfied they are not. So I encourage you to reread them again and again until you understand what they are actually saying. Until then, it is not worth engaging with you further.


    I'm starting to think he's playing dumb and just trying to be a slick troll. 

    • Thanks 1

  11. 3 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    It was not your experience. It was shared experience. Hence I get to share my perspective why it took so long to arrive at some conclusion over then. 


    If you don't like my perspective then cool. No need to pretend you agree. No one buys it anyway lol


    I have a sincere question that I mean respectfully, but are you on the spectrum for autism? 


    The reason I ask is because the only time I've ever really gotten into a circular argument with somebody that makes up their own term and then insists that it be used is with people that are on the spectrum. 


    I'm just wondering so I would have a better understanding of where you're coming from?

  12. 48 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    That's because it took you 15 times to realize and admit that it actually makes sense. 

    Ok 🙂 . Thank you for explaining my experience to me so that I can understand it. 😌


    * One of the fun things about being a girl is I get mansplained to now lol.

    • Haha 1

  13. 1 hour ago, Elysium said:

    This thread has long been turned from a QnA to one guy arguing with everyone. I am guessing now he is gonna argue about how he wasn't arguing so. 🥴

    For the record this is totally still open for questions and answers which I would much rather prefer than having the same guy ask me the same question 15 times until I say fine call it whatever you want lol.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Sanity Check said:



    Is it?


    What is the appropriate term?



    For trans women you can call them that or transgender women and for trans men you can call them that or transgendered men. Or you can just call them women and men.

  15. 7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

    Unfortunately people missed my most important insight. If you want to be transgender. Become enlightened. Because that's where a massive shift in identity actually happens haha. 


    You seem to act like becoming enlightened is a rather cavalier thing to accomplish. Friends asking you how your weekend was and you're like well I really had nothing going on so I became enlightened.


    I could be wrong but I'm getting the sense that transgenderism makes you uncomfortable and that you're trying to use enlightenment as a way to avoid the topic. Maybe that's just my perspective because that's exactly what I did for years hoping I could spiritual away being trans until I realized that this was a form of control and suppression which is the opposite of enlightenment.

    • Like 1
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  16. 2 minutes ago, Nungali said:


    Arrrghhh !


    Just when I thought I had t worked out !


    What about this :


    Male to female transappearance is when a person whose deep down sense of themselves is male appears as a woman.

    (I'd call that ' guys at a bucks night )


    Male to female transgenderism is when a person whose deep down sense of themselves is female -- despite being born with male anatomy -- appears as a woman.


    ( This appears to be Maddie's and your definition  )


    What I am suggesting (If I aint giving S. too much credit )


    Male to female transappearence  is when a person whose deep down sense of themselves is female -- despite being born with male anatomy -- trans / changes their  (wrong, to them )  appearance  on the outside , to go along with what they feel / identify with on the inside , but specifically regarding  appearance ( and function ? )  of physical gender .




    Yes I think we are all on the same page

    • Like 1

  17. 21 minutes ago, Nungali said:


    That one flummoxed me  - am I reading it right ? 


    1. Stating that identity  and being / existence  are congruent   -  rhetorical question

    2.  or asking  what we cling to more than identity  aside from ( clinging to ) being / existence .   - real question .


    For me , my 'current identity'   and my being /existence are two very different things .


    According to the Buddha clinging to identity (the five aggregates) and clinging to existence (12 links of dependent arising) are related to each other and proliferate each other. While not being exactly the same thing, are quite related.