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Posts posted by Maddie

  1. 32 minutes ago, Apech said:

    Calling him jadeprick and not jadespear is a rule violation and undermines your argument.  Also I would say that a large percentage of people don’t understand the difference between gender and sex.  I don’t know if they want to understand or not but it isn’t a crime not to.


    Why do you have more issue with me calling him a prick than him acting like one?

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Apech said:

    There is no compulsion to understand or even to try - he has his view and that’s his right ( which everyone has) .


    Of course he can have his view, but its a completely different thing when he comes into a Q&A trans thread, not asking a question mind you, but just being a jerk. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, Apech said:

    Calling him jadeprick and not jadespear is a rule violation and undermines your argument.  Also I would say that a large percentage of people don’t understand the difference between gender and sex.  I don’t know if they want to understand or not but it isn’t a crime not to.


    22 hours ago, Jadespear said:

  seem to be confusing truth and fiction.  Feeling and fact.  


    You're not a woman, no matter what you do.  Spiritually speaking - no one is either. 


    This is not what someone says when they are trying to understand. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:


    That happens with us gay folk too, as I´m sure you can imagine, but not so much as some would like.


    Yeah there are gay trans people too and they seem to have no filter lol. 


    *ok that was a bit of a general blanket statement, what I meant to say is that the ones that want to spend time with me have no filter and are gay. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, liminal_luke said:


    Is it hard to make in-person trans friends in Texas?  My best friends live in Palm Springs, a city so gay ya can´t throw an acupuncture needle without hitting a queen.  There´s a special feeling of camaraderie hanging out with my gay gringo tribe that I miss here in Mexico.  


    I don't know but I'm a hermit, it don't hang out with anyone lol. Also the acupuncture needle thing was hilarious lol. 


    Most of the trans people that have wanted to "hang out" with me had more than "hanging out" in mind, so pass lol. 

    • Haha 1

  6. 36 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

    One interesting question, or area to explore anyways, is the relationship between trans identity and femininity/masculinity.  Are there lots of butch transwomen and fem transmen?  Can a butch guy transition to an identity as a women without embracing her girly side?  I´ve found that it´s possible to be a man and still be in touch with my feminine side, not always easy but possible.  Can transmen be in touch with their feminine side or am I "unclear on the concept"?


    There are two gay couples that come to my clinic regularly. One is a gay male couple, and the other is a lesbian in a lesbian relationship. 


    In the male couple one of the guys is clearly the "man of the house" and the other is very feminine, in fact I think in some ways he acts more feminine than I do lol. But while although he is very feminine he still identifies a a man and seems happy to do so. 


    The gal that comes here is also the "man of the house" so to speak and is much more masculine than I am. Her fiancé is a very girly girl. 


    I don't know any other trans people in real life but I do talk to many online. Again I have seen the whole spectrum. There are trans women that are quite the "tomboy" and rather butch and others that are super girly and everything in between (even some nerds like myself). Some trans women are lesbians and like women, some are straight and like men. I have also spoken to trans men and the same goes for them. 


    There is a lot of variety out there in not only identification but also orientation and so many possibilities for combinations.  

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  7. 34 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

    Seems to me there´s different things at play here, our physical anatomy and our spiritual essence.  Of the two, I would agree with most posters here that the spiritual essence, one´s deep sense of oneself, is the more important.  


    One interesting question, or area to explore anyways, is the relationship between trans identity and femininity/masculinity.  Are there lots of butch transwomen and fem transmen?  Can a butch guy transition to an identity as a women without embracing her girly side?  I´ve found that it´s possible to be a man and still be in touch with my feminine side, not always easy but possible.  Can transmen be in touch with their feminine side or am I "unclear on the concept"?


    I think people can be who ever they want to be lol. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, liminal_luke said:

    Seems to me there´s different things at play here, our physical anatomy and our spiritual essence.  Of the two, I would agree with most posters here that the spiritual essence, one´s deep sense of oneself, is the more important.  


    I think this again goes back to sex verses gender

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  9. 31 minutes ago, blue eyed snake said:

    When I was young I lived as a boy and later as a young man. I felt at home in myself, it was not a role, it was me.


    later i tried to be female, I even had a child. It became  strangling, I had to play a role, I was playing theater without a pause.


    When I  read about your feelings and experience I really feel bad and wish you could go ahead and transition. Sorry if I'm out of place, I just get emotional when I read about what you say. 🥹🩷

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  10. 13 minutes ago, blue eyed snake said:

     a hard topic indeed. I live in a female body and have done so about twice as long as Maddie, i could be her mom ( hello darling daughter)


    during my life I found that women at large have a certain set of feelings around their bodies, about motherhood, about being female, about interacting with each other that I could not relate too. Let alone duplicate


    That is interesting because it was basically the same for me growing up. Most of my friends were female, and back when I was trying to fit in and dating girls they would always tell me that I was not at all like other guys and that I was great because it was like talking to another girl lol. So much makes sense in retrospect. 


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  11. 3 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

    Jadespear has a pointed writing style and I can understand how people would find it offensive.  ^_^


    Sometimes it's not what one says but how they say it. 


    15 hours ago, Jadespear said:

  seem to be confusing truth and fiction.  Feeling and fact.  


    You're not a woman, no matter what you do.  Spiritually speaking - no one is either. 


    ^This is not wanting to understand. This is a Q&A. That is neither a Q or an A. 

    • Thanks 1

  12. 1 minute ago, surrogate corpse said:

    (projecting my values onto a silent world in sheer wild-eyed terror) u gotta Face the Facts


    I mean it's such a convincing argument after all lol. 


    "You're not a woman because.... reasons" 

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  13. 14 hours ago, Jadespear said:

  seem to be confusing truth and fiction.  Feeling and fact.  


    You're not a woman, no matter what you do.  Spiritually speaking - no one is either. 


    I see the transphobe Sleepy Bluejay has been reincarnated. You have been reported. 


    These idiots say this stuff like they just thought of something brilliant that I have not already heard a million times lol. 


    At least have an argument for your bigoted statements. Do you have a reason why you think what you think is true, or is it just because this triggers you for some reason and you don't like it? 

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  14. 13 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

    `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less.'

    `The question is,' said Alice, `whether you CAN make words mean so many different things.'

    `The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master-- that's all.'


    -- Lewis Carroll


    To me, this passage has a distinctly transgender flair.


    In acupuncturist school there were a lot of the hippies / new age types and I felt like they liked saying things intentionally that made no sense because it seemed like that to them the less it made sense the more spiritual it was for some reason.

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  15. 4 hours ago, Apech said:

    sola scriptura!


    One of the biggest differences between protestantism and Catholicism.


    And not exactly the same thing but a similar situation between Mahayana and Theravada.

  16. 24 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

    That whole 'according to the suttas' bit is the caveat.  With any of these traditions, it's always some human's interpretation and also often a translation on top of the interpretation in these areas.


    It's why I've always deeply appreciated the main tenet of buddhism about never accepting anything said by anyone, including the buddha.  To always run any teaching/offering through your own system and discover for ourself its potential veracity/application.


    Scientitic method really, at work centuries before it was codified in the West.


    I'm not invalidating the later traditions protestant style, just noting that there is a difference. To be honest a lot of my practice (mantra) is not in the suttas. 

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