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Posts posted by Maddie

  1. 4 minutes ago, Tommy said:

    I have a hard time distinguishing the truth. As in the story of the farmer who lost his horse, the next day the situation makes what happened before bad luck into good luck. And like subjective truth, Hamlet says that a thing is neither good or bad, but thinking makes it so.


    I suppose that's a whole other question LOL

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  2. 39 minutes ago, Mark Foote said:


    What is taught now of mindfulness and of the significance of the meditative states to daily living has very little to do with the teachings of Gautama the Shakyan, in my estimation.  About as much as the teachings of the Catholic church have to do with the teachings recorded in the Gospel of Thomas, which the church chose not to recognize a long time ago in favor of the later teachings recorded in John and the similarly late teachings of Paul.



    I have noticed this exactly. When I first started learning about Buddhism and mindfulness I just took what teacher said for granted until I started reading the suttas for myself and saw that what was taught by the Buddha at least according to the suttas was very different.

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  3. 37 minutes ago, EFreethought said:


    A few thoughts on this:


    When Benedict was pope (he was the one who looked like Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars), conservative Catholics said that what the pope said was the final word, and we should all be quiet and do what he says.


    Then Francis came along, said that Catholics should be Catholics, just not be jerks about it, and the same conservatives who said we should follow the pope decided that Francis was not a real Catholic and should be replaced. Even though he was chosen via the same process and probably most of the same cardinals.


    If you think "the Holy Spirit is correct when we say it is", do you really believe in the Holy Spirit?


    Excellent point 


    * "The one who looks like palpatine" 😂😂😂

  4. 3 minutes ago, blue eyed snake said:


    well, just a guess


    a lot of guys find Daoism due to them doing some form of martial arts, and they are prone to be power hungry

    after making fire with their fingers and blasting things out of the way...


    women tend to be more interested in healing and caring


    But I do not know and its unbalanced


    years ago the men and womens places were created to get rid of all the posts about semenretention

    That was good action


    women are a tiny minority here

    that's one of the reasons that at the first sign of misogynistic behavior I pounce


    also the whole forums is not to be compared with what it was, i hope it will become alive again, I remember a place teeming with threads of all kinds and lotsa people.


    I miss a lot of the old school here. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Apech said:

    I thought it was just the martial arts background of many plus the mantak chia retention syndrome which drives many young men here 


    What is up with this semen obsession? lol


    Also (and I could be wrong, but I'm not) I think, thinking and seeking literal super powers is more of a young man fantasy. 

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  6. 14 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:


    I don´t know but I´ll throw out a theory.  Could it be that women generally prefer a more collaborative, friendly kind of internet engagement and that the forum lends itself to forceful, sometimes aggressive statements of opinion that some women find offputting?


    I feel like this thread has a little more of that vibe -_-


    *shocker I know lol

  7. Just now, liminal_luke said:

    J.K. Rowling -- delightful author of beloved children´s book or enemy of trans people everywhere?  If anyone has an opinion and wants to share it, I´d be interested to know.


    JK Rowling is an anti trans TERF and a pretty cringe person all around. On the other hand Harry Potter is a wonderful piece of literature that I will always love. I just separate the art from the artist. 

    • Thanks 1

  8. 41 minutes ago, blue eyed snake said:


    This bunch of bums is not representative and on top of that the ratio male female is heavily skewed. 

    Too much women meekly do as the church tells them, thereby betraying their sisters. 


    I was just contemplating this yesterday. Why are there so many more men on here than women? 


    But in TCM its just the opposite. 

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  9. 6 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:


    My impression from reading Catholic stuff is that there´s lots of room for dissenting opinions in Catholicism, that each person has to consult her own conscience about matters.  So perhaps the Catholic mystics you find interesting aren´t always in agreement with the official Vatican statements?  


    True but I think officially what the Pope says is how it is, at least officially. Aside from that I have listened to Catholics that represent the entire spectrum of views. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, silent thunder said:


    The Catholic stories in particular always take a steep nose dive into darkness for me whenever the battles against witchcraft get mentioned...  Anyone a bit different than 'the norm'... any women using the old pagan folk remedies to cure the same whooping cough... anyone who didn't 'act right'.  Kind of like the heavier and more virulent reactions by many to trans folks and the new awakening in society right now.


    The Vatican just published an official statement a couple weeks ago calling gender affirming surgery a disgrace to one's humanity or something like that. It's complicated because stuff like that causes me to roll my eyes, but I find the Catholic mystics to be very interesting. 

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Forestgreen said:

    When it comes to the actual practice, what I do is described in the WuZhenPian.  

    Or, to be fair,  what I do can be interpreted as being similar to that process.  In reality,  who knows. 


    I use acupuncture and herbs (mainly Jing) tonics to increase jing and qi for health and longevity. 

  12. Just now, Forestgreen said:

    I agree that the term is used in a wide variety of was,  and the risk that we are talking about different things is rather large.  

    I might add that I do not practice daoist neidan, I'm doing a buddhist alchemical practice. 



    Interesting, I'm Buddhist but do not know what that is from a Buddhist point of view. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Forestgreen said:

    Neidan is supposed to work on reversing the flow, to return to the pre-heaven "substances". As far as I know,  TCM doesn't do that,  but I would be delighted if you can prove me wrong. 


    This was why I was trying to pin down the definition of neidan you were using. To be fair the goal of TCM isn't that, but as a TCM practitioner I tend to use it for beyond the scope of just medical treatment.