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Posts posted by Maddie

  1. One other thing of importance I thought I should mention. After I did the big draw the sexual energy issue was greatly improved, but there was still this lingering desire that really had no substance behind it. For a while I tried testicle breathing some more, but that did not seem to make a difference. Then I considered that after being sexual aroused it could create too much excitement. Over excitement / joy can harm the heart. So I did some smiling to the heart and heart healing sound and then that feeling of being overly stimulated mentally went away as well.

  2. Sounds like someone has a heart blockage, lol. I remember when I first started kunlun I had the energy stuck in my back where the heart center is...VERY uncomfortble, i did alot of stranger movements and felt like i as having multiple orgasms in my back, along with the desire to cry and scream :P Of course I bitched out cause I wasn't quite ready to do that, lol.


    But why do you think it's a bad thing to let it sit in the heart area? What have you noticed to draw you to this conclusion?


    I did an experiment today and stopped the chi at my heart center for a bit to see what would happen. I started getting palpatations, and overly stimulated. Now I remember why I don't do it. :)

  3. I had tried doing a variation of Testicle Breathing as taught by Mantak Chia in order to lessen my desire, but it did not really seem to work, plus I felt very lethargic. Finally I could not take it anymore and did the Big Draw instead. This helped a lot with the desire aspect as well as the lethargy too. At this time the only thing I can figure is that I did not do the Testicle Breathing correctly...

    You are suppose to breath into the testicles first, and then draw up the unaroused energy. I did not breath into them first as I was afraid that this might stimulate me too much. On the other hand the only thing I did differently with the Big Draw was to self stimulate and then draw the energy into my MCO and store in the Dan Tien. I had tried to do the same thing with my variation of testicle breathing but I suppose since I did not breath into the testicles first, there was not enough conversion? I'll try to do the full method next time and see what happens. Yet nevertheless now I feel more energetic, light and flexible, plus my desire is back to a normal/almost neutral state. Any input would be appreciated.


    P.S. I know that full lotus is also effective, but it is often very difficult for me to get into it, so I have to know alternative methods as well. I would also like to be able to do the method Drew does but as of yet I have no idea how to do that.

  4. quote from Drew Hempel----

    "Yeah at first you do standing active exercises at a 3 to 1 ratio to the sitting passive exercises. The standing active exercises build up your jing energy but then the "small universe" or "microcosmic orbit" exercise converts the jing to chi. When the chi builds up then you have strong electromagnetic fields going throughout the body and so flexibility returns from the chi energy. That's why it's more important to study the alchemy dynamics of building up jing, purifying it into chi. Then when the chi is strong enough it turns into shen for the third eye opening energy."


    Lately I have been doing a lot of sitting stuff, because emotional/sexual issues were my top priority to fix, and I have found that the meditative types of qigong more directly fix this. With that being said, I have found myself physically drained (perhaps because my chi is busy clearing out blockages?) and the thought of doing anything standing/moving/physical seems very exhausting.

    Is that why you recomend doing a 3 to 1 ratio of standing to sitting? If you do too much sitting at first with out a strong jing base will be become exhausted from too much sitting qigong? Yet on the other hand I placed an emphasis on sitting so that I would not loose jing the obvious way (I had to get control of my urges).

    Just curious how does standing/moving qigong build up the jing, what are the mechanics of it? What else does it do?

    For up until about two weeks ago the vast majority if not all my qigong was standing/moving (8 brocades), yet I was not making much progress on the emotional/sexual side of things. Now that I have been doing a lot of sitting qigong I don't feel like moving or standing lol, or doing much of anyathing for that matter, I'm feeling pretty lethargic as of late.

  5. About mudane reality. I love this forum, its very interesting and there is a lot to learn here. BUT with that being said sometimes I get the feeling here that the tendancy is for some of the people to be a bit top heavy. I mean its great if you can do all this cool stuff and understand all these concepts, but what about "before enlightenment chop wood, carry water, after enlightenment chop wood carry water?" I think when a person has a weakness they are aware of in themselves they are more easily able to recognize it in another as well. The reason I started this thread is because I don't feel that my Root Chakra is as strong as it should be, and I've noticed some others here seem to have the same issue.

    Isn't the purpose of the Root Chakra to ground is in physical reality? Isn't the sign of a healthy Root Chakra to be down to earth and to realte well to physical matters? Isn't that why we have a Root Chakra in the first place, because for what ever reason we exist in physical reality and therefore we just suceed at not only surviving in physical reality but learning the lessons of physical reality?

  6. It is close to impossible to get the MCO since most people have

    had their face pushed in by unseen forces. The face and part of

    the forehead is pushed in.


    Somebody possessed the nuts to do it to Green Tara. I found out

    that that she looks like Diana from Greek Mythology. Green Tara

    possesses the Truths of the baseball bat.


    This bullshit got done to me and a lot of people in our part of

    the realm.


    I don't understand a word you just said lol :blink:

  7. I saw this quote from DM above:

    (just a snip)


    Sounds like a good firs step, is this where holding attention to the dan tien comes into play until it happens? I say it that way becuase I don't have enough experience to build up energy purposefully. Practice is what I require! :P


    Holding attention in the dan tien while doing abdominal breathing is a great way to build up the dan tien. Another good thing to do is to not unnecessarily empty the dan tien. Once your dan tien begins to fill, you will know it. You will feel a lot of energy in there.

  8. Ok somehow this thread started out about Jing, and ended up on "how to be a porn star" lol, ok maybe not exactely, but Jing is not sperm, penis size, testosterone, or anything else like that, though it is related to those things.


    Kenneth Cohen states (I'll paraphrase) that sexual fluids are the yin expression of jing, and saliva is the yang expresion of jing. It is also the energy that creates bone marrow, bones, grey matter in the brain, hair color, and hair growth, and physical viatality. It is the source of sexual energy, is stored in the kidneys and the lower dan tien (where as qi is stored in the middle dan tien, and shen in the upper). It is described as being the most dense and refined type of energy in the body.

    It is easy to understand how it can be confused with sperm, because it takes a lot of jing to make sperm, and jing is also related to our DNA which sperm carries. It can also be understood how jing can be confused with testosterone because testosterone is made of jing as well.

    Now I believe that one of the purposes of doing physical qigong is to not only clear your channels but to build up jing as well.


    If anyone truely knows and understand what jing really is, and what it does, and how to build and cultivate it, I would love to have deeper insight into this topic.

  9. Sounds like a deeper layer of junk! Cool that you found it, and good luck healing it, man.

    (It sounds gross)


    Yea it was pretty gross. I can't say for sure, but I had the feeling my intuition told me two things about the dark spot in the center. One was that I should not try to figure it out, but just let it go, and two was that it was deep deep in my liver because it was karmaic baggage from a past life. Of course thats just my intuition and I could be wrong, but then again I could be right. :P

  10. In my limited experience, natural breathing (moving the diaphragm) is a big key to releasing strong emotions. Reverse breathing can build too much tension, which would be counterproductive at times.


    Keep smiling so that the lust turns into love. It's a very thin line between the two.


    True I don't like to over do it with reverse breathing cause like you said I definately feel more tension, but it does seem to be more effective in converting jing to chi, and lust surely isn't good for tension either lol. Indeed there is a very thin line between the two sometimes.

  11. I've read that the Isis Egyptian school has an orbit, but they don't really practice it like Taoists do. They do things at specific points which open them in a specific way.


    Interesting to read different ideas here. I'm hungry for moooooorrrreee knoooowwwllleeeddgggee!





    ha ha ha hilarious :P

  12. Has anyone got any experience doing the fusion meditations. I did it once and crappy organ energy just completely neutralized. I also sort of stumbled upon the same mechanism once in meditation and could just instantly make any crappy energy or emotions vanish. It was awesome. I want to do fusion again later on but its not the right time now. I do healing sounds which is very good for me but just can not compare to fusion.


    I dabbled with fussion a couple times, but can't I suppose it wasn't enough to really get results.

  13. Oh yes, did you think the Taoists have all of the trademarks to inner cultivation?

    In my travels I have had extensive conversations with high level practitioners of Indian cultivation, and the overlap is considerable.


    Bladder channel is involved, but there is another channel that's even deeper. An acupuncturist would know exactly what I was talking about... A certain TCM doctor altered the back shu points to be used in a new location about 1800 years ago, and this channel/points are named after him. The Wudang school calls it the channel of 4-10 branches. :)


    Oh when you said Middle Eastern I thought you meant Arab countries. I don't really consider India the middle east, but more South Asia. But do the Arabs/Muslims have a cultivation method? Is this deeper channel the Thrusting vessle?


    I will give you a tidbit. The back orbit has 3 main branches of yang. They can be found by investigating the shu points of the inner/outer bladder channels. I believe yoga has a specific name for the outer "nadi". But don't quote me on the Indian versions, as I have been trained only in the Taoist paths, which are modified and slightly younger than the Middle Eastern sects.


    The yin orbit goes along with the pictures of the water wheel of cultivation. You can find that illustration pretty easily. :)



    So are you saying that not all MCO uses the Governing Vessle, but some use the Bladder Channel going up the back as well?



    There are middle eastern sects that train MCO??

  15. I had an unusual experience this morning. I was going through my inner smile as usual. When I got to the Liver I sensed a lot of dark purpleish gunk on it. So I began to use the healing sound to remove this, and it took quite a while. Then I thought I was done, so I resumed the inner smile only to notice a very very large black spot deep in the center of my liver. So I once again began the healing sound to remove that. This felt different than anything I'd done before. The black energy in the center of my liver was very dark, very thick, and very sticky. This also took a long time to remove. I'm not really sure what this was or means. Has anyone else had similar experiences? or know what this means?

  16. Hi dmattwads.


    I wonder, why do you belive that it is better to have the lust energy stored in your dan tien rather than circulating? When you woke up the next day and were feeling stimulated it was probably all the lust energy stored it in your dan tien coming out.


    If you are around a bunch of angry people, would you store all the anger energy in your dan tien to not be overwhelmed by it? How about hate, anxiety, etc.? That sounds pretty unhealthy to me.


    But then again, what is the alternative? It seems like you need something to do in real time to neutralize the energies you are receiving (other than sitting in full lotus). If you just have the intention to neutralize it and let the energy freely do its thing, what would happen? (Easier said than done, right :rolleyes: )


    Does anyone have any real time neutralization suggestions?



    The reason I stored the lust energy in my dan tien at that time was because I was sitting in the church and really could not do much to deal with it at the time. Later on I did indeed have to convert it because I began to feel it as it started circulating in my MCO. As far as anger energy goes, I did in fact have to store it in my dan tien last week when my wife was PMS'ing lol. We were in the car and she was not really saying much, but nevertheless she was mega pissed, and I could feel the anger energy very strong. Since this time I was driving and could not deal with it, I stored it in my dan tien. When I got home I did not convert the energy and sure enough after a while I indeed did begin to feel extremely angery until I realized what was going on, at which time I did deal with the energy and learned my lesson lol. I have found full lotus a very effective means of convertin energy. The only draw back is that it is not easy for me to get into full lotus so sometimes I have to use other means. In the case of anger an effective method is the liver healing sound and inner smile, in the case of sexual energy I have found testicle breathing and reverse abdominal breathing to be effective. So there is more than one way to do something, its just that I have found full lotus (when I can do it) to be one of the most effective from my personal experience. The other methods I mentioned take more time and effort.

  17. The Micro Cosmic orbit is a very long pathway. There are actually 9 different orbits that I have practiced up to this point. The main one that most people know through public disclosure, is the yang pathway or the "wind" pathway.

    It is not the true microcosmic orbit. The true orbit is yin in nature, if we are talking on the level of body regeneration. 7 of the orbits deal with a more physical qi, while 1 is specifically spiritual in nature. That one is usually left for last, and as I have felt before, there are about 3 people who regularly respond on this website who have opened theirs, and about 4 more who read regularly, but remain quiet and don't participate. They just observe.


    The Wudang school is the only exposure of teaching who has any sort of idea about the true orbit. The Mantak orbit and the Jwing Ming orbits, are only "wind" in nature. And work very well at balancing the yang energies in the body to distribute qi evenly to generate a higher charge. But the actual orbit takes about one year of true dedicated practice, and has highly specific sensations that mark each level.


    The first sensation is "tickling"! And dedicated practitioners will understand this translation, and where it occurs. :)


    Would you mind elaborating more, I'd be interested to know more. :)

  18. I am curious about prayer from the Taoist point of view.

    My background includes being involved for several years with a rather radical/strict chrisitan group. Now we did not do meditation per-se, but prayer on an individual and collective level were a major part of it, and I do have some interesting examples both personal and otherwise of getting amazing answers to prayer on occasion. As time went on I first left that group and then later on left the christian religion all together which leaves me with the question, who to pray to? Now I realize that somehow prayer can and does work, but since I do not beleive the christian version of god to be correct, I'm not exately sure who or what answered those prayers.

    Also is there a Taoist way to pray? One prayer that I have not had answered is the one for finacial success lol. Is it wrong to pray for money/finacial help? It does certainly not seem to be very effective :/ . Anyone have any insight?

  19. Sounds like someone has a heart blockage, lol. I remember when I first started kunlun I had the energy stuck in my back where the heart center is...VERY uncomfortble, i did alot of stranger movements and felt like i as having multiple orgasms in my back, along with the desire to cry and scream :P Of course I bitched out cause I wasn't quite ready to do that, lol.


    But why do you think it's a bad thing to let it sit in the heart area? What have you noticed to draw you to this conclusion?


    1. Most of the books I have read about this say its not a good idea.


    2. I have noticed if I did let the chi stay there too long that I became very irritable, moody, emotional, ect...

  20. Alaska the home of HAARP?..


    Again, it's just one theory out of many, way too many that are way, way more than mere "theories," alas. Meds in the water supply (that's mainstream news, not some "conspiracy theorist's" paranoya) and they officially want to add more (e.g. lithium, which is an open invitation to irreversible liver damage on top of being a heavier CNS tweaker than the currently popular fluoride, but supposedly people with bipolar disorder and suicide tendencies are expected to benefit, and everybody else... well... they forget to mention everybody else. And usually by the time they start mentioning an intent to do something on the mainstream news, it's already a done deal.) There's way more... but I get disheartened, to tell you the truth, when I see, right here on this forum, evidence that it's all working just the way it's supposed to work. Entries that ridicule anybody who makes a peep about ulterior motives behind our overlords' activities... yeah, we are governed by knights in shining armor, everybody who takes any contrarian information to heart merely lacks the power of observation, besides being an undermedicated paranoid conspiracy buff.


    Ever so pissed. Must be something in the air...;)



    Dealing with conspiracy theories is a stick tar baby indeed, but thats to be expected due to the very nature of a conspiracy. Obviously if a conspiracy is taking place great lengths are being gone through to keep it very secretive, and under the radar as much as possible. So thus there are few documents, and little tangeble proof. The evidence that does exist while it may look very fishy, is not usually enough to stand up in a court of law. I think maintianing balance is very difficult indeed. It seems about this subject extremes in both dirctions seem to be common. You have the people that think everything is a conspiracy, and others who trust everything that we are told. Truth be told in my opinion I think its somewhere in the middle.

    For example in my opinion the offical facts about the whole September 11 story don't add up, yet just because I don't buy the offical party line, I do not know what really did happen, so to say definitevly "this is what happened" when I do not know for sure is only speculation. If something comes out in the open and there is tangible proof, then it is no longer a conspiracy. So just because I do not buy the offical story of 9/11 I can't say for sure what the truth is even though there are lots of theories, because I DON'T KNOW what the real facts are. So I try to balance a healthy skeptisism with realization that I am not all knowing either.

  21. HI all I thought I would ask if anyone of you have truly opened the micro cosmic orbit. If you have how did you know like what happened to you and how did you feel? What method did you use and how long did it take?

    Please describe in detail everything you can about this exp.

    Thanks and Peace



    I suppose I have, though I realize its kind of confusing due to the various teachings on it, but the main source I used was Dr. Yang's method of YMAA. First you have to build up a sufficent amount of chi in the lower dan tien. Once this is pretty high, and easy to feel, you begin to use the mind to circulate it. At first the chi seemed to get stuck in certian areas, such as the sacrum for example. But you just sort of patiently wait for the chi to open up the blockages (don't force it) and then as you lead the chi you just sort of feel it moving along. If I get out of practice for a while then it can take a while to get things moving again, but I think the key is to have built up enough chi in your dan tien.


    From my personal experience I noticed that I felt the chi more strongly when it began to go across my skull. Sometimes when it got to my third eye area I might let it linger there a bit, and I would feel this twitching feeling there. I have also noticed that its not goood to let the chi sit in the heart center area, so I tend to just zip it past there as fast as possible. And then of course its important to properly store it at the dan tien when you are finished.