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Posts posted by Maddie

  1. Because we lived in a stressful society or environment we may not notice that our bodies are stressed and are running on adrenaline or other types of stimulants, both natural and manmade. Adrenal exhaustion is what results.


    When the body starts to finally relax and not depend on stimulants we can find out how really depleted we are. It is like our reservoirs are empty and we are flogging our kidney/adrenals to get more energy. The liver takes over too and drives the body in it's role as the General rather than let the Emporer, the Heart, direct the body. Both will result in episodes of overwhelming fatigue.


    It is not unusual in the beginning stages of practice to feel exhausted and need downtime. This is why one does not have to rush and do it all at once. More intensity is not necessarily better.


    The secret smile will acitvate the parasympathetic nervous system to counterbalance the sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the Fight or Flight response. When the sympathetic nervous system is in charge for too long adrenal exhaustion and eventually PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) will result. It takes several years to come back from adrenal exhaustion.


    While coming into balance it is important to relax, breathe, not rush, and eat well with good company.





    I definately suffered from adrenal burnout aka (kidney yin depletion) not too long ago, but I didn't realize it could take a couple years to full recover from :( . I can also relate to General Liver running the show of my life for way too long, and am now trying to get out of that automatic responce reaction. The inner smile does seem to help with this, and as you said it can be quite exhausting at times. In order to help me recover from adrenal burnout I stopped drinking coffee and have limited my use of black tea, as well as having taken some herbs.

  2. It's literally in the air -- very low oxygen, even here in CA I can feel it, while people in the states adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico are getting cyanosis -- a symptom of low oxygen in the blood (cyanide, one of the many poisons that interfere with uptake of oxygen by red blood cells, is named after the effect, literally "death by color blue." The residents of the Gulf are talking about the "blue flu." With promises of a "blue plague.")


    Another weird thing... no chemtrails here in CA in the past two month, I've never seen them absent from the sky for more than a day or two ever before. Maybe a downer therein is not sprayed anymore and that's why people are having a harder time repressing their feelings? The air is heavily medicated, and the prescription may have changed? -- just a hypothesis...


    Well not bad theory, but why did I observe this in Alaska as well? I mean the air up there is really clean, yet I noticed the same stuff going on.

  3. Hey Matt, I'm relatively new to this subject on which you are writing. I am, though, reading and learning.

    If you don't mind my asking, you wrote that you did reverse abdominal breathing so as not to be overwhelmed by the sexual energy. I understand this. Then you stated that you wanted to get to work on converting the sexual energy in you dan tien before it starts to circulate in your MCO. 1. To do so requires sitting in full lotus, but what accompanies (sitting full lotus) to accomplish this conversion process? (I will carefully read the full lotus thread, btw, but it may not be clear enough.) 2. Why didn't you want it to circulate in MCO at that time?


    Thanks. Neophyte


    Q: "what accompanies (sitting full lotus) to accomplish this conversion process?"


    I asked Drew the same thing lol, and his answer was basically that nothing really has to accompany sitting in full lotus, it just automatically happens. And I have found this to be the case from my personal experience. Usually when I do full lotus (if I can lol) I simply do reverse abdominal breathing and empty my mind as in Zazen. Its really that simple :), well in theory at least, actually getting into full lotus can be another matter :P.


    Q: "Why didn't you want it to circulate in MCO at that time?"


    Because I didn't want raw sexaul energy flowing through my body lol. Storing it in the dan tien was a convinient way to put off dealing with it, but I simply stored it there, but did not convert it as of then. It might be compared to putting a bear in a cage. The bear is contained but if you don't tame that bear as soon as its out of the cage watch out haha.


    hope that helps ;)

  4. Body imaging can be described as layering one part of the body over another. It is a well-known technique and forms the basis of reflexology and many aspects of traditional Asian medicine.


    Essentially, the trunk of the body, the pelvis, spine, neck, head, and the organs can be transposed onto any bone along the limbs; the base of the bone corresponding to the lower part of the body, the head of the bone corresponding to the top. When there is illness in, let's say, the neck, it can be treated by using the associated neck part of the distal bone.


    It can be applied in many other ways too, for example, imaging the whole of the body onto the ear, or the face, or the abdomen. In this way, one part of the body can be used to diagnose another part. This is the idea behind pulse and tongue diagnosis, and also face reading.


    This way of seeing the body can be remarkably effective with treating illness. How can it be explained?

    From a Western medical perspective, the only viable explanation would be due to the nervous system, as the different nerves that run out from the spine reach and span different parts of the body. This isn't satisfactory though, as these nerve zones/dermatomes, don't correspond with many traditional mappings.


    Looking for answers in Eastern sources seems quite difficult- the common answer is, 'this is how it is, it works, what's more to know?'


    The closest understanding I can reach, is similar the the concept of Indra's net of jewels, which is a metaphor for the interconnectivity and interbeing of every single thing. The part reflects the whole, the whole reflects the part; microcosm and macrocosm are inseperable. Within every person, the whole world is contained...

    If we are to work along these lines, there comes some profound implications. I am reminded of the Kahunas of the Ho'oponopono traditional who heal people without ever meeting them, and succeed working purely on themselves.


    So, I'm trying to research body imaging and need some help... any suggestions?



    Isn't holographic theory that one part contains the whole?

  5. I liked your points about capitalism simply being a new word for trade. My professors would always talk about the development of capitalism, and I would be thinking "um what people didn't care about money and goods before lol?". I don't think the problem is the economic model, I think its GREED. :unsure:

  6. I did this intresting experiment about a year and a half ago. I began circulating jing through my Macrocosmic orbit, but not just through the meridians but also through the bone marrow. My reason for doing so was to increase my Karate abilities. The results that I noticed were increased strength, harder bones, more indurance, and better ability to take a punch. Also I was taking a swim class at the time at the University and I was able to swim further and faster. After I had been doing this a while my wife one day stopped and said "something looks different about you" and I was like "what?". She looked me over a few minutes and said "you look taller". So we measured me, and I had gone from a little over 6'1.5" to just about 6'2"!! I can not say 100% that it was a result of this practice (as it was not done in a scientific study) but during my meditation I would notice that the growth plate in my bones did seem to feel stimulated when I was running jing through it, so who knows. I do know that I am now slightly taller than before I did that.

  7. Funny, I was using secret smile during spin class and near the end of the 1-1/2 hour class I had this feeling hit me (After feeling superb the whole workout) and it said: empty


    Lol. I had to workout several hours later again. I'm tired but wired at the same time. Its a wierd feeling.


    Yea I know the feeling.

    Sometimes the "tired but wired" feeling can come from not having enough Kidney Yin (also called EMTPY heat).Cool things that come from the water are good at building up kidney yin, such as cranberries, kelp, remanhia (spell)? blueberries, dakr beans, seafood, ect...

    As you are doing the inner/secret smile, try focusing on the kidney until this feeling subsides if it continues to be an issue. ;)

  8. When I was doing Water Method practices, the instructors suggested getting more sleep and taiking vit. C when practices are releasing stuff in the body. (This was esp. true after weekend workshops. In fact, some students would take a nap during workshops as needed.)


    Be sure take it easy on yourself and your body, esp. if you are doing new practices, or experiencing deeper releases than usual. -_-


    Good I wanted confirmation that it was just not me lol :)

  9. It's funny you posted this topic now, because lately I have been doing a LOT of inner smile and healing sounds. Aside from the emotional benefits I've noticed another thing I've noticed is that if I spend a significant amount of time doing this practice, and I really feel like a made progress, later I feel very VERY tired. I went to bed at 7pm last night!! Last week when I posted the topic of Lethargy I had done a similar large amount of inner smile / healing sound work, and for the life of me I could not wake up lol, and went to bed very early those days as well. So I don't know if you or anyone else experiences this, but I sure do.

  10. I guess the simple answer is energy. Bit obvious I know. Since energy is creative and all the energy around is involved with creation(whether we see it or not)it follows that the energy within will seemingly have its own volition to create.....the act of sex being a form of creation(if done right/wrong).


    Don't forget energy is flying all over the show, other peoples sexual thoughts sends that energy your way and that can also give you a twinge in the perenium, if you become a bit sensitive you can often trace its origin.....they won't appreciate it mind you if you tell 'em "oh, you were having sexual thoughts about me the other day!". More sexual energy(charged)attracts more sexual thoughts.... not necessarily good or bad.


    What came first, the energy or the hormones is another conundrum.



    Its funny you should mention people's sexual thoughts, because it was larely due to an unusual experience I had on Sunday related to that, which caused me to post this topic in the first place.

    So my wife drug me to one of these new modern rock and roll type churches that seem to be the new trend these days. I didn't want to go, but I found myself there nevertheless. So I walk in the church and BAM it hits me, I wave of atomic strength sexual energy :blink: . So now I'm like "what the hell, I thought this was a church?" lol. So anyways its this huge darkened ampatheatre, and then the lights come on the stage and they are playing rock music (not even christian) and gyrating wildly on stage just like at at rock concert. I noticed that most of the guys in the church are dressed like pimps, and many of the females are dressed ... um ... in a very provocative manner. So anyways since I'm sitting here in this church being bombarded by a tidal wave of sexual energy, I start doing reverse abdominal breathing to store this energy so to not be overwhelmed by it. Then after the rock concert the preacher in his pimp gear gets up and preaches his little ditty, and then we are done.

    Now we get home and I'm thinking "I should really get to work on converting this sexual energy in my dan tien before it starts to circulate in my MCO". But alas I have been doing full lotus for a couple weeks now and at this point my hips are so sore that its just not happening. So as the day progresses and my dan tien feeds my MCO I am feeling increasingly um... stimulated. So I do a little testicle breathing and MCO and that helps somewhat for a while, but....

    The next day I wake up and I got it BAD!!! I try testicle breathing and MCO and reverse breathing but nothing is working. I even get into full lotus for a while, but I can't stay in it long enough. So I finally arouse the energy, do many many "Big Draws" bring the stimulated energy into my MCO and store it in my dan tien. Then ah bliss problem gone, which gave rise (pardon the pun) to my original question.

  11. Yea I definately don't want this to turn into a woman bashing thread. I do agree there are a lot of women like that poster showed, but of course there are a lot of women not that way either. Likewise I get sick of some chick saying "all men are liars, and cheaters, ect..." because she does not have enough self esteem to find a non-looser. Basically every gender, race, group of people is going to have good people and bad people and people in between. One wide brush stroke to characterize all people is always going to lead to problems.

    My point was that I don't want to be one of those "liars and cheaters" which is why I work hard at my qigong so that I control my sex drive, and it does not control me. ;)

  12. I had found this yoga website that had all sorts of cool asanas that are supposed to help you get into full lotus, but I can't find it right now. I've also noticed that after Karate (a lot of our stretching is very similar to yoga) that getting into full lotus is easier (not easy, but easier, thought I can't sit in it very long yet, if I can get into it at all.

  13. I can't do the healing sounds at my current residence, but i'll try it when I move.




    If you don't think you can do the healing sounds where you live now because others will hear/be distracted, Mantak Chia says you can do them sub-vocally. I even do them in public this way if I need to. You just make the sound so slightly on your out breath, that only you can hear it, or perhaps you can't even hear it, but you just know your making it ;)

  14. Ok here is something I'm a bit confused about. What is the actual cause of desire? Lets say you start on day one after emptying yourself of fluid. Then usually desire is much less immediately afterwards. Now lets say you do nothing at all. Then you wait a few days and desire begins to increase again, and after a week or two you feel like an atomic bomb.

    Now obviously as time passes your body begins to replace its lost fluids, BUT is the cause of desire itself the amount of fluid you have or the energy contained in the fluid? I ask this because if my desire is strong, I can do the Big Draw, i.e. refrain from ejaculation, but cause the energy of the sperm to enter my MCO and store it at my dan tien, and then for a while I feel fine again, just as if I had released fluid, but the amount of time for desire to return afterwards is usually shorter than after a normal ejaculation.

    So this is what makes me ponder what the actual "thing" is that makes us feel desire in the first place?

  15. This attachment is for vortex...


    Also it's quite possible to reverse the "lust leash" if you know a few things. Women have the ability to feel such pleasure that their eyes roll to the back of their head, uncontrollably spasm. You do that to them and they'll be addicted to you. Unless of course they have a strong will or enough energetic development, but most women have neither (from my experience).



    LOL OMG that poster was hilarious, yet true. It reminded me of watching those nature shows when the males animals go bezerk during mating season fighting over the females.

  16. ~spot on, Mokona. :)


    the smile and happy feeling coming on it's own becomes automatic.. and then our pain and buried junk surfaces... the healing sounds are perfect for this, as is 'venting' - ie identifying the organ from where the emotion is coming and breathing out the murky organ colour and breathing in a clear and vitalised organ colour. ie murky blackish green stagnant liver chi on the outbreath and sparkling emerald green for liver as you breathe in. (red/heart. deep blue/black/ kidneys. golden yellow/spleen. white/lungs.)


    When I have been in a big emotional detox sometimes I use a Ken Cohen technique which is super simple, of breathing out all the grey stagnant chi and breathing in sparkly fresh chi. He recommends doing this via the spine I think.. It is an all purpose technique, I found it works well with whole body breathing, and can be done whenever and wherever, like walking down the street or whatever. He uses grey as a generic all purpose colour which covers 'stale'..


    It's great getting to know your organs well, figuring out what kind of relationship you have with each organ.. we get a chance to heal our relationships with our organs and to give them love..


    My spleen was kind of fed up at how much attention my liver got just because my liver was so much more 'extrovert'...


    anyway... great question. Good luck with it , sometimes, I know, :wacko: it is hard.. I have felt at times while clearing, that negative emotions were never going to stop streaming out of me,it just goes on and on and on sometimes... but eventually cleansing really shifts stuff and it's a great feeling to not carry so much stuff.. like cleaning really dirty windows.


    I remember doing cosmic healing with mantak chia and he had a phrase "clean, clear and bright, filled with violet light." and he'd say "sick cells please LEAVE".. whilst drawing in the violet light ( typically taoist, from the big dipper..) and make the point that the stale chi was to be recycled and move onto a new creative phase - which I find important, so that I dont wonder where all my junky chi is going to and feel like a litter bug..


    I liked hearing your experience as well, as it was so similar to what I go through. Sometimes it seems like you just keep cleaning and cleaning an organ and you think "when does it end?" but then eventually if you stick with it you get results. I guess I sort of combine venting with healing sounds because when I'm making my healing sound I visualize blackish/greyish smoke contianing the unwanted emotions being blown out my mouth while making the souond. I visualize it going to the farthest reaches of the universe where it can be safely recycled (ala Mantak Chia) as to not polute the local energy fields.

  17. A. But it's great for women who use sex as currency to manipulate men with!


    B. But great for women to control you with!


    C. Hey, if that's good enough for most Americans, then that's good enough for YOU! Why change? *burp*



    D. Exactly! Lust is the leash that women use to control men with! They are used to men acting like starving puppies ready to jump through any hoops to get some! As soon as they make a suggestive flirt with you, you're supposed to start drooling like a rabid Pavlovian dog automatically ready to do their bidding!


    But, if men start thinking that the hidden sacrifice is not worth it except for procreation with a select few...then how will the rest retain their control over men?

    I think any woman who cares about you would support your higher aspirations. Whereas those who care about keeping you in their sexual bondage will feel threatened by your liberation. Like a drug dealer whose clients are going clean! :D



    Well put, well put indeed. I've noticed in real life and this thread shows as well, that guys tend to see the wisdom in this, and females tend to think its retarded lol.

  18. I'll have to really focus, sometimes its like a large wave at the beach and all I can do is ride it out, sometimes I get squashed in the wave. I felt that this meant there is TONS of crap to heal but more time in meditation is needed to know for sure.



    I definately know what you mean man. One of the main reasons I got into qigong in the first place was because of emotional issues. Growing up in todays society is not easy, so I'm sure most people have lots of junk to clean out, just that most people don't realize it, so if you look at it that way, your doing pretty good lol :). Sometimes if an emotion is sooooo overwhelming that I can not focus at all, then I'll use acupressure, I mean holding a point does not take too much concentration lol, and then once that settles me down a little bit, I'll get back to the meditative approach. If you are not familiar with acupressure here is a good place to get started. hope this helps, good luck.

  19. When first sitting for meditation my mouth has started curling into a smile all on its own, and sometimes a "good" feeling accompanies this, and my eyes even move into the correct position.


    As of yet I haven't added in the confidence or any other emotion other than happiness becuase I just can't make it or remember what it feels like.


    My question to the bums(any bum whom practices Secret Smile) is this: Why would you say that Secret Smile meditation causes tears and a turbulant emotional state as often as it helps?

    Is this part of the process of smiling away all the junk in my system? Sometimes my eyes tear up upon starting meditation and my fear or depression overcomes the practice.

    Can anyone perhaps also suggest an energetic and effective healing for assisting in healing my emotions?



    Hey good question. I have noticed similar sensations when I do the secret/inner smile as well. I think what it can do is just make you more aware of what is already there. So what I personally do when I find some junk in a particular organ I smile to is to use the healing sound for that particular organ until I feel that the negitive emotion is gone. I have found this to be very effective for just the sort of thing you are talking about. As far as trying to make the virtuous emotions of each organ, you can do that, but you can also just smile only, and let the smile do its work ;).

  20. If you want to see a true 'American' culture that still lives in a relative harmonious relationship with its environment, check out Swamp People on the History Channel. Granted, as most humans, they have to attempt to 'subjugate' their environment to a degree, but regardless, the population is kept low enough to be sustainable (granted, the region's innate harshness sees to that) and they do/survive with the minimal amount it takes to exist more or less comfortably (at least as much as the show portrays)...I don't care that people tend to judge them as bumpkins, as they have an instinct that the rest of us could benefit from rekindling; including the so called taoists...I had to throw that in there so this thread seem pertinent to the forum :D.


    you gota link?

  21. To me the early UFC's were like a labratory. All the talk was finally put to the test of which style was the best. This was before the UFC bred modern MMA, back when it was one pure style vs another. What it showed almost immediately was that in one on one competitions grappeling almost always defeated striking. Look at Randy Coutours fight last night, he defeated the boxer fast and easy.

    Is this not an example of yin overcoming yang? Stiking being a hard yang type of fighting style, and grappeling being the more yielding yin type of style? I know I've heard the arguments that grappeling is not practical for the battlefield, but keep in mind that Jujitsu was developed by the Samurai of Japan for the battlefield.

    Now at the risk of sounding like a broken record Shuai Jiao it would seem is the yin aspect of Chinese Martial arts, to compliment the yang striking component. Yang by its nature of being less subtel would of course be more flashy and entertaining on the movie screen than yin grappeling (who wants to watch a movie with grappeling lol). Since it was primarily Kung Fu movies which popularized the style in the West, and since most Kung Fu movies typically only show striking, then I'm sure that would explain the perception of Kung Fu being only stand up / striking in the West.