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Posts posted by Maddie

  1. Not sure why but this is a topic that really baffels me, but I have a new insight from my adventure from last night (and yes this does tie into the topic, and I'm also trying to not side track the 3rd eye thread anymore lol)

    So yesterday my wife was PMS'ing really bad, and was uber angry. So as I already stated in the 3rd eye thread, I had to end up basically transforming the anger energy for both of us, because it was affecting me as well.

    So today I began this mundane reality thread because I felt very ungrounded, worried about material survival, pensive, stressed, ect... Now I'm not saying I have all issues concerning surival in physical reality figured out, but I did have an insight as to my pensiveness about such things today.

    As we know the Liver can offend the Spleen in the relationship of the five elements, wood weakens earth. Since yesterday my wife's liver energy went atomic, today I felt that her spleen was in a weakened condition. She was very worried about money, bills, i.e. mundane physical survival issues. Again since I was in close proximity to her I was feeling this too (again probably why I began this thread). So as I pondered this I came to the realization I mentioned above concerning the Spleen. So I began to do the spleen healing sound and inner smile, and sure enough the worry and pensiveness concerning material survival lessened significantly. I suppose another point worth noting is that the spleens element is earth, and the earth element is associated with survival issues, pragmatic reality, ect..


    Things like these are making me begin to question how much of the emotional issues I deal with are really mine at all??? I started this road in the 3rd eye thread, and due to the fact that I have been doing full lotus as advised in the 3rd eye thread, I think that these deeper insights to my inner workings might very well be due to the effect full lotus is having on my third eye, in making me more cognisent.

  2. Yea I have run into this also. In the case of my wife she had the same attitude at first, but when she began to see that with out ejaculation that things lasted much longer and she got to have more fun, then she was not so much against it as before. :blush:

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  3. Interesting answer Drew. I guess what I was wanting to find out is what way is there to be more in the "here and now", cause people are always getting pissed at me saying thats what I need to do, blah blah blah. But perhaps they have a point (at least you start to wonder when like 99% of people around are sort of implying that.

  4. Ok life is weird lol, so last night I finally processed all my wife's PMS anger and went to bed feeling pretty good. Only problem is I went to bed next to the living nuclear bomb of PMS energy, so all night I was aborbing this. So I wake up in the morning and am like "RAWWWRRRRR!!!!" boy am I pissed, and for no reason what so ever, I mean come on I just woke up. So we get up and I'm pissed and I can tell shes pissed and between us this angry energy is just bouncing off of eachother like a resonace chamber, it sucked.

    So I got in full lotus for a while and while it helped it seems that I have been getting faster results in full lotus if I want to convert sexual fluds into energy. This on the other hand took far longer. So then its time to run errands so we get in the car, and I'm still pissed, but since we are driving to and fro I can't get into full lotus, so I instead opt to do the liver healing sound and inner smile to the liver. This also helps slowly to a degree, but it took a lot of time and effort.

    But what is really unusual (as I observed yesterday in the car when I concentrated all her anger energy into my dan tien) it seems like the longer I'm transforming the anger I feel, the more calm down she becomes. I suppose it wasn't really my own anger, but I was just feeling and processing hers then? Finally I got to the point where I feel pretty calmed down, and I look over and she's finally chilling now too.

    So all seems ok for now, but I dread the next time she goes to her sister, cause her sister is one of those people who is always mad at someone or about something (come to think of it, most of her family is mad a lot) and when she gets around them for too long then she gets all pissed for a while too. Not sure if its related but her family are all fundamentalist christians, and some of the most negative, judgemental, angry, unspiritual people I've ever known.

  5. Ok here is a long standing dilmea I have had. I have always had a tendency to be interested and drawn to philisophical type topics, untangable type things such as spirituality and energy, the "big picture of life" ect... And as a general trend I have tended to have a rather hard time making money, find the conversations of the vast majority of people rather boring and shallow, and find typical day to day tasks tedious, (as I've noticed the same trends with a lot of other people who have this kind of personality as well), but of course this can be quite problematic for obvious reasons.

    A few months ago in order to become more grounded in tangable reality I tried doing standing meditation, and it seemed to help in that area a bit, because doing mundane tasks didn't seem quite as boring, but once my standing practice (holding the ball) got up to about 15 min (from the "way of energy" by Master Lam Kam Chuen) my emotions started to get explosive, so I stopped. After I stopped it seemed two things happened. I got less tempermental, and mundane tasks started to seem more unpleasant again.

    From what I have read this seems like a weakness in the root chakra, which is why I did standing meditation (to root). But then why would I become tempermental in trying to deal with it?

    When I was at University I saw a lot of people like this, even more so than me. They seemed brilliant about academic and philosophical issues, but when it came to chopping wood and carrying water they had no clue. Why are so many deep thinkers and intelligent people poor? My in laws (besides being kind of annoying) are not what I would call intellectuals, but they are very pragmatic. Most of them run their own contracting business, and all of them make tons of money, and are about as deep as the kiddie pee pool.

    So I guess my BIG question is how can one, if they tend to be of the personality that is drawn to the more intangable side of things, still do well in physical reality as well???

  6. ---So if you move the energy to your lower tan tien -- using reverse breathing -- this works but the energy still has to be transformed from a lower emotional blockage into a higher frequency as harmonized energy.---


    Ok ding ding ding, the pieces of the puzzle just came together and the lights came on. As I said when I was driving and could not do full lotus I safely stored her anger energy in my dan tien, but what I did not realize was that it was just STORED not transformed. So then the mystery of why I felt so MAD when I was alone later on... I suppose as the energy in my dan tien began to work its way into my MCO naturally, and because it had not been transformed at that point, then BOOM I had her stored anger energy circulating throughout my system. Only when I got into full lotus and felt like I was on a merry-go-round did the energy TRANSFORM and poof no longer angry.

  7. I'm sure there's a good reason for it! haha. I've mentioned one already several times which is pertinent to this thread. Discussing these issues on an open forum inevitably leads to "hanger ons" parasitizing on the energy so they can get a free ride. Most people intuitively get pissed about this although may not know exactly why. Let's just say words are cheap but the electromagnetic energy behind them is quite valuable. So if someone has their electromagnetic essence stuck in their lower chakra then they're hard-wired to suck off other people's accumulated jing energy -- to lower that jing energy down, thereby lowering the person's attempt to raise their chi up to the third eye. This thread's been hijacked so to speak for that very reason, as I've pointed out.


    Not that it's the only reason you're dealing with anger -- another issue is the full moon energy right now makes meditation 10 times as powerful!! Still when a person is clearing out a blockage then there is a flare up of the blockage -- because most blockages remain subconscious and then qigong enables a person to be conscious of the blockage. Being aware of the blockage is a good thing in terms of qigong -- then as you practice more the blockage is cleared out.


    There's nothing better than the feeling of a blockage cleared out -- because when it's gone it's gone and the qigong did it -- very simple yet powerful. Still at the same time if an environment continues to create blockages then a person will constantly have to be clearing out those blockages over and over as the environment continually creates the blockage. For example Jim Nance told me he had been working at a job that constantly created energy blockages which he had to clear out every night -- so he had to change jobs. He hinted at me that I was in the same situation -- which I was, of course. But then how to find a place with good energy? haha.


    The full lotus, on the other hand, is considered to be like a private throne -- as this blogtalk host calls it -- here's an interview he did with Chunyi Lin -- you gotta fast foward 10 minutes in to get Chunyi Lin.



    Anyway Master Nan, Huai-chin says that in the modern world where the dharma is so low it's probably best not to even meditate since it just makes a person too easily get angry! haha.


    I would say that is definitely true if a person is trying to store up their energy. But instead if the philosophy is that the energy is infinite and the energy is always flowing -- then the person can just doing healing and receive loving energy back at the same time.


    That's what Chunyi Lin teaches -- the more you heal others, the more you heal yourselve -- have you seen Chunyi Lin's Sword Finger video -- which is new?



    So if we just sit in full lotus then the energy can freely flow -- even if a person is constantly trying to suck down the third eye electromagnetic energy back down to their perv level -- the full lotus will protect against this and also the full lotus will recharge any energy loss.


    You can do the "small universe" on other people as well -- that is a very effective healing technique. Chunyi Lin teaches this also.


    Another way to deal with anger is to increase the greens in the diet -- the energy of the liver wisdom is green -- because the pigments in chlorophyll along with the magnesium act as photoreceptors -- so the photons are then turned into photoelectricity -- eating greens turns light energy into chi energy. Greens detoxify the liver -- and then the anger is gone.


    One time I was in full lotus in BK and a Native American came in and immediately my liver got real hot. So I knew he had a liver blockage! Usually this is from alcohol -- and so he saw me in full lotus and he was angry at me -- I was just reading in full lotus. He was on the other side of BK and I just kept reading -- then slowing the burning hot in my liver went away and I knew I was safe from his anger. Then this man, we had only just glanced at each other, a total stranger -- and after about 20 minutes -- he walks up to me and this is all he says:


    "thank you."


    It was really wild.



    Yea I have noticed I tend to feel more froggy on full moons.


    So I just finished sitting in full lotus for as long as I could, and it felt like this tidal wave of energy rushed up to my head and made me really dizzy, it was good I was already sitting. It felt as though the room was spinning, very odd, but on the plus though, I feel way more calm and not angry, weird...


    I had sort of a similar experience one time. I was in line at the grocery store minding my own business. Then out of the blue I feel this intence anger / hate burning the back of my neck. So I turn around and there is this guy I don't know behind me just glarring at me, for what I have no clue. So I just got in the most subtle karate stance I could, just in case lol. But yea that was odd.


    But yea the full lotus seems to be a cure for many ailments eh? Not sure why I got so dizzy though? but I sure feel better, even when other things didn't help very much.


    About the other thing you mentioned. So will a perv try to get you angry in order to feed off the energy? I guess I should beware of that then?

  8. So then about the liver opening up..... does that make you feel really angry / irritable while that is happening? Cause I've been feeling pissed almost all day, but even when there isn't really a good reason for it.???


    Don't mean to ramble, but I thought perhaps if I gave a little background it might clarify things a bit.

    So I've been doing either half or full lotus a few times a day for about a week now, with the origianl goal of burning off sex fluids as for it to not be a problem for my peace of mind. It has been working wonderfully for that, so that is great.

    Today I woke up and felt pretty normal as far as I could tell, but my wife has been PMS'ing for a couple days and was REALLY difficult today, i.e. screaming at me for no good reason at all. So needless to say that could make anyone get pissed being yelled at for nothing. But I experimented with a few things today.

    First thing, she starts yelling and screaming and talking crap to me for no reason, cause shes all PMS'ed out. So obviously that makes me pissed so I go to the back yard and start doing the inner smile and healing sounds, which help calm me down. Then I go back inside...

    So I go back inside and the nagging and yelling continue so I got pissed, but I don't like getting pissed and loosing my peace of mind, so I tried getting into full lotus while she was gnawing on me. Amazingly when I got into full lotus her nagging and yelling didn't bother me.

    Then we got in the car cause I had to bring her somewhere, and she is silent, but I can feel her anger in the car very strongly, even though she is saying nothing. Now what this starts to do in me, is cause me to feel angry as well, but since I'm in the car driving and can't get into a lotus position, I start Lower Dan Tien Breathing and I felt my Dan Tien absorbing this energy and storing it in what I presume was a more neutral form, because I felt less angry again, AND she seems to cool off as well.

    So then we get home and I'm sitting there for a while and now she is not doing anything to me, but now I'm starting to feel increasingly angry, pissed, irritable and for the life of me can not figure out why, which is where I am now.

    Now I don't know for sure but I'm trying to go by my intuition and figure out what might have been going on, on an energetic level. So here goes.

    I suspect that she began to feel angry because due to it being PMS season, a lot of blood is being removed from her liver to go to her uterus. In TCM women whos liver blood and or yin is not strong get angry when the extra blood the liver stores goes to the uterus since blood and yin are very closely realted. So what remains is an over abundance of liver yang relative to the blood loss. So the excess liver yang produces anger.

    Now since chi creates electromagnectic fields, I'm guessing that since the electromagnectic field of her liver is full of angry energy, with me being in proximity to her, her liver field was resonating with my liver field (since like seeks like) thus making me feel angry. So then I go off by myself and bring my liver back into balance, but then as soon as I'm around her again her liver field begins to resonate with mine again, and I'm back to square one.

    Now since Liver yang rising is an expansive condition then as her liver is sending off extra energy, it might resonate with my liver, but if I put this energy into my dan tien which is better able to store energy, I guess it is better able to handle this, plus this storing action removes some of her exess liver yang from her field which may explain why she seemed to calm down after I stored her excess energy in my dan tien. So that is my theory at least.

    What really baffles me now is why I am feeling more angry now, even though she is not expressing anger at me, and she is not even present now (she went to see friends). Is it just left over damage from earlier? or now is it unrelated to her at all, and something going on with my recent lotus sitting practice?

  9. The jing energy builds up in the kidneys then opens up the liver -- and then when the righteous anger of the liver is converted to wisdom the jing opens up the heart. The heart is what converts the jing to chi energy. First though the jing creates the emotion of love -- real love -- and then when the breathing slows down more the brain chi energy concentrates the heart jing energy more. The brain is linked to the breath -- so the slower the breathing the slower the brain waves which increases the amplitude of the chi energy. So the lung emotion of sadness is converted to courage and then the courage of the lungs combines with the over-excitement love of the heart to create the chi energy.


    So then about the liver opening up..... does that make you feel really angry / irritable while that is happening? Cause I've been feeling pissed almost all day, but even when there isn't really a good reason for it.???

  10. Alaska! I lived there 6 months -- I worked in the Cook Inlet Processing fish factory for a couple months -- including Kodiak but mainly in Nikiski -- and then I hitchhiked up to Talkeetna -- working as a sled dog handler for 4 months -- in a cabin with no electricity, no running water. We had 26 dogs and we were just south of Denali -- bear tracks covered the forest trail -- moose, etc. So after that I was feral. haha.


    Yea I lived in Fairbanks for 8 years. Alaska is definately a different world, its not uncommon there for people to live in dry cabins with no running water, and some with out electricity. I had several friends when I was at the University up there who did that. Now I'm back in the lower 48 and feel so clausterphobic with all these people and civilization everywhere lol.

  11. That's the secret to harmonious female male relations -- it's what the Bushmen relied on. Only the Bushmen males do a month of male only training when the males hit puberty -- to open up the third eye. Then before any hunting the males go three days without any contact with females -- that way the males accumulate the electromagnetic chi energy. So then the chi energy attracts the animal jing energy that the males hunt. Then the males give the animals to the females -- so the females get their iron which is lost from menstruation. Then the males do the trance dance while the females sing -- and so the males "collect the N/um [jing] of young maidens" which is transmitted by the female voice. The males at the same time transmit the chi/shen into the females during the trance !xia state. So this solves any issues of sexual jealousy for the Bushmen -- as sexual jealousy is a most common energy blockage.


    So yeah when ever there's females around I try to go into full lotus ASAP so I can send them chi energy or else they might get pissed at me. haha.


    Thats interesting, as I just moved from Alaska. There the Eskimos consider it bad luck to be around females before they go whale hunting, but my professors and myself just thought it was an old superstition, very interesting to have an explination that makes sense.

    I assume that sending females energy long distance takes some time and practice eh? When I have physical relations I do energy exchange between me and her, but I don't know how to do it with out physical intimate contact.

    Perhaps the best I can hope for at the moment is that full lotus will at least help me to not go insane ha ha :-P

  12. The jing energy builds up in the kidneys then opens up the liver -- and then when the righteous anger of the liver is converted to wisdom the jing opens up the heart. The heart is what converts the jing to chi energy. First though the jing creates the emotion of love -- real love -- and then when the breathing slows down more the brain chi energy concentrates the heart jing energy more. The brain is linked to the breath -- so the slower the breathing the slower the brain waves which increases the amplitude of the chi energy. So the lung emotion of sadness is converted to courage and then the courage of the lungs combines with the over-excitement love of the heart to create the chi energy.



    So how do you convert the emotions of the organs such as anger into wisdom, and sadness into courage ect...?? Do you keep sitting in full lotus until the jing fills up and then it happens on its own? run the MCO?

    Emotional balance is an issue that has been problematic for me for a long time. Especially when my wife is PMS'ing like she is right now. Now I realize that a PMS'ing woman could possibly even drive a Buddha insane, but is there anyway to lessen emotional reactions to difficult people and to not let it get to you as much?

    One practice I do for this is the inner smile and healing sounds as taught by Chia, and they seem to help a bit. So like if a PMS'ing woman is pissing me off, it takes a bit of the edge off to smile to my liver and do the shhhh sound, breathing out anger and breathing in kindness ect... but I was hoping to accomplish a more permanate balance on a deeper level.

    Still loving the answers, thanks a million. :-)

  13. Drew continuing thanks for all your wonderful answers to my questions.

    I got another one. Based upon my limited understanding of the heart, heart center, heart chakra, middle dan tien (I'm not sure how connected or not they all are) I think I'm beginning to have issues with this area now, with the associated emotions ect... Thoughts?

  14. Is being very sensitive to other people's energy / emotional state a third eye issue or something eles, because I am extremely sensitve to other peoples emotions, and I wish I knew a way to shield myself somehow because I don't like it.

  15. Yea that reminds me of one time a couple years ago. I came to visit this jujitsu school, but it was one of those "tough guy MMA" types of jujitsu schools. So anyways I show up and generally people are being friendly in their exagerated tough guy way. This one guy comes up and introduces himself and we shake hands. Then he says "what kind of hand shake is that, shake my hand like a man" and I'm thinking "????". So appearantly I had to squeeze his hand the the proper amount of PSI before the needle on his "man-o-meter" went "ding" and then "a good time was had by all". :rolleyes:

  16. Something new today. I had this sudden intence bout of horniness come over me, so I got into full lotus to deal with it, and I got really hot, and felt a lot of pressure in my head. Wonder why???

  17. Oh, you are talking about traditional chinese medical techniques? Do you mean trough accupuncture?


    As far as methods go yes acupuncture is one of many, others that I use specifically for the Liver are the Inner Smile and Healing sounds.


    Below is Mantak Chia's version of the inner smile, you can do all the organs, or if you are wanting to focus on one you can do just that as well.



    The healing sounds


  18. LOL! he's talking about your liver! :) As I understand it (which is only in a very superficial & amateurish way), the liver and gallbladder, as a zhang fu pair, cover emotion and decisiveness, repectively -- so the gallbladder would be more correct (I think...) This is from a TCM/energetic perspective rather than from a "Western medicine" perspective.


    Hopefully, someone who knows what they are talking about will step into this thread (as opposed to me! :))


    Yes that is what I'm talking about lol sorry for the confusion. Well technically the Liver from the Taoist / TCM perspective deals with planning, and its paired Yang organ the Gallbladder deals with decision making, but since the Liver and Gallbladder are paired I just sort of lumped them together.

    But additionally since you mentioned assertiveness as well, that is also considered a balanced attribute of the Liver, as well as kindness, and anger.

    In acupuncture being easily angered or depressed (anger turned inward) is a reslut (often) of Liver chi stagnation, which is a very common pattern in the West.

    Check this out it will tell you a bit about this ....





  19. My grandfater was a WWII vet, infantry on the front lines, tones of medals including a bronze star for valor in cambat, he was in Normandy, across France, Hurtigen forest, Battle of the Bulge, across Germany, ect... So what was he like?

    He was one of the meanest sons of a bitches I've ever known. He was a chain smoking alcoholic, bigoted racist, hated everyone thing and everyone. My father said when he was a boy, my grandfater would come home super late every night drunk as a skunk and beat the crap out of him for no reason at all. Of course this screwed up my father, who is a total arse, and then my father abused me when I was little, which is a lot of the reason I got into Qigong in the first place, in order to heal that damage which really is just second hand abuse from my messed up Grandfathter.

    Of course I loved listening to my grandfater tell war stories when I was little, as almost every boy does, and I'm sure its why my focus during University in histroy was upon WWII, but our family line sure suffered because of it.


    After my parents got divorced, my mom went out a couple times with this ex speical forces guy who was in Vietnam. One time they were at a picnic and a helecoptor flew over and he dove under the table and low crawled across the ground. He could not sleep laying down, or with his feet covered because in the jungle he always had to sleep propped up against a tree because the VC were in the area.



    When I was in the Army I was deployed to Bosnia right after their civil war ended with IFOR in 1996. Granted Bosnia for the US Military was realtively tame on the war scale. Yet there were land mines everywhere, you always had to be aware of where you went so you didn't go boom. A few guys got killed by mines. A couple times we were put on alert at our base because of possible terroist attack, and your thinking "oh crap I might have to shoot someone in a second, or be shot at". So when I got back to Germany where we were stationed it took me a while to be able to walk on grass and leave the sidewalk due to paranoia of mines. I would also wake up in the middle of the night groping for my weapon (which we did not keep by us in Germany) because I'd have a dream that a Bosnian militia group was over running our permemter. Now keep in mind Bosnia was a very tame experience and it still had a small effect on me for a little while. I can only imagine what a real war would do to someone.