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Posts posted by Maddie

  1. 19 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

    Is this thread turning into a mashup of transgender issues and Buddhism?  That´s what a friend of mine would call a double-dip combo.


    This is what happens when you talk about trans issues on the Dao Bums lol. 

    • Haha 1

  2. 5 minutes ago, Daniel said:


    Understood.  There's potentially a great conversation to be had regarding these questions.


    I think so as well as its at the heart of the Buddha's second noble truth. :-)

  3. 28 minutes ago, Daniel said:


    My friend tells me:  Gender is "role" that is assigned, like a casting director would assign a "role".  But the casting director is not an individual. The casting director is more like a hive-mind.  It's the social norms and expectations which are flooding each and every individual's experiences as they walk around and live their life day to day in society.


    If we need evidence, look at how a new born baby is treated.  The clothes, the toys, the room decor.... it's all setting the "stage" for the "role" which has been assigned to the baby.




    The last video I posted talks about this. Gender has a biological component in the brain. Gender roles however are a total social construct. All one has to do is to look at how gender roles have changed over time and vary from place to place. 

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  4. The six healing sounds were one of my early practices that I did a lot for a few years. Unfortunately I can't say I didn't have any experiences with trauma not coming up because it did but that seems to be the case for me with any practice I do for the most part. At the same time however I feel like I did make a lot of progress working on myself with them.

    • Like 2

  5. 2 minutes ago, Dirk47 said:


    The book hammers home the point that Tantra isn't solely about sex, it's about energy.   Face facts, get hard-ons, that's why YOU are here...because your dad got hard-ons. 


    Yes! in fact very little of tantra is about sex, but most westerners don't realize this. 

  6. 19 hours ago, Nintendao said:

    Within most daoist frameworks, the soul is subdivided into yang and yin aspects of hun魂 and po魄. The hun is sometimes considered as detachable and can visit the heavens. It is one of the first things to become visible with the third eye. At least parts of it anyway. Like how when looking at the aurora borealis, it's not the earth's magnetic field itself that is being seen, but rather energized gases being held in place by it. The po soul is less mobile and can be perceived from deep within yin stage consciousness.


    Spirit on the other hand is what they call shen神. That is branching into more wholly non-local domains such as of gods.



    Agreed. I can expand on this from a TCM point of view.


    As Nintendao said there are two souls from a TCM point of view. The Hun is the ethereal soul and is said to reside in the liver and is the part that is thought to reincarnate after death. It's thought to be where our deep seated personality characteristics are stored. The Po is the corporeal soul and is said to abide in the lungs. It has more to do with our animalistic and survival urges and dies with the body.


    The spirit the Xin is said to reside in the heart and relates more to the mind and intellect and is also said to not survive death. There is also a Shen that is thought to reside in the upper dan tien as well. 


    To me as a TCM practitioner these are more of a functional description when treating a patient and not necessarily meant to be taken literally, but of course some can and do take them this way. 

    • Like 2

  7. 4 minutes ago, The Duke said:

    Kundalini is nothing more than a mix of the lower Dantian and all its chakras if you look online for the Kuji system you will find a PDF for free that talks about an initiation to do the initiation which is intense electricity to cleanse the body it tells you to work the root the sacral the lower Dantian and solar plexus hand mudras I’ve got that PDF there exists two and the hand mudras are very powerful I always wondered about the kundalini but it’s a recipe like baking a cake when the energy is sufficient in the lower dantian it is because it has built the foundation in the root chakra the sacral the solar plexus chakra and this works like magic you will never be free from kundalini but with us who work the three Dantians of power it’s a real powerful secret that this exists the person I told you about who when soaring has all the electricity flowing through him is a world record holder Frank Willis at any one time when he’s soaring that electricity flows through him I never felt it until I worked the Ming men then I was so scared that this exists within us but be warned do this with a major yang inbalance like you cannot build Yang your always cold you will get more of it I learned all the points in the MCO and what those points actually do some mix energy so if you cannot store yang heat seek out which point is inbalance etc it’s simple but takes time to learn a book needs to be created with the correct way I’ve got hundreds of books non helped me other than me learning searching this chants are on Google for the Dantians I always was told AHHHH is the crown not the middle Dantian 


    Traditionally Kundalini is from the yogic system which states that the Kundalini is at the base of the spine.


    Ming Men and Dan Tien are from TCM and are on the spine between the Kidneys and slightly under the navel respectively.


    They come from two different systems. Obviously many people have wondered if there is a connection and if so what it is, but they do come from two different systems with different goals. 


  8. 22 minutes ago, The Duke said:

    Ok I will share a secret I found out that works like magic 


    lower Dantian mantra HUN

    this spins the lower three chakras root sacral lower Dantian and solar plexus


    middle Dantian mantra AHH 

    works the heart chakra


    upper Dantian mantra MMM

    works throat third eye crown zeal point chakra and soul star chakras


    now the Ming Men has to be activated with the heart chakra easy to do but you have to find the correct spot look it up on google the exact location place left hand on heart centre right hand place on your king men the king men is an actual chakra 


    chanting these sends chi to each area when you look up Chinese methods they never work the chakras the Ming men chakra can be worked on its own by chanting Ming Mennnnnnn on the inhale and exhale with all these chants you keep saying it in your mind but extend the end of the mantra so that it vibrates on the full inhale and exhale if that makes sense


    Now here is the best bit which some of you will resonate with others may struggle with all the energy centres including Dantians contain a frequency which if you read or listen to Dr Joe Dispenza’s book becoming supernatural you will see by upgrading the frequency of each energy centre you can fix a whole host of sickness within the body 


    so what I do is just silently say I bless my lower dantian with Love same with middle same with upper with your awareness in that centre if you have not activated your lower dantian properly you may not be feeling the awareness side but it doesn’t matter just place your hand in each centre and bless it 


    to activate those chants first go and take a bath with some salts in it to clean you make sure you have clean hands this is very important if you want this to work then place your right palm on your belly button area chant HUNN 9 times then goto your heart centre chant AHH then the third eye chant MMM 


    you have to be clean always when you activate these centres then daily habit bless each dantian with love, peace or enlightenment 


    what I found is doing this doesn’t just upgrade the frequency in the dantian but also all other chakras that correspond with each dantian


    now with the lower dantian you need to link it to the Ming men you do this by blessing the lower dantian then immediately after bless the Ming men 


    what you should find is when you build power in the lower dantian it will chill you out because it goes through the Ming men chakra as well if you do not link and work the Ming men you may end up like I did cold always up the spine the Ming men chakra pulls energy up the spine you also have a very power centre at the back of the heart called Jia Ja and it responds to its name so you do the same with the middle dantian I bless my middle dantian with love or whatever frequency you like the Jia ja has the power of you chant any body part any bone make you increase the electrical energy at that bone so I decided to learn all 33 vertebra’s of my spine and started blessing those and energy gets condensed into the spine you can also do the full skeleton by saying skeleton seems strange to think of it like this but it works so if you have cold hands I bless the bones of my hands with love keep saying that energy goes there 


    now the three Dantians can be powered up by chanting the mantra circling the eyes clockwise do this the dantian gets more power Ming men as well clockwise increases the energy at any chakra don’t over do this this works I’ve been working with energy since 2011 


    I remember a person who visualised all the bones in his body and remembered the bones he would do this method every day thinking of his bones he new where they were it was called the white bone meditation method very powerful he was actually burgled and he looked at the burglar waved his hand and the burglar froze these are very good methods but take things slow and if you work the Ming men you maybe supprised what happens but there are cautions to the Ming men I would look it up before you mess with it if you have a major imbalance of yin and yang let’s say your always cold you cannot build Yang working the Ming men will make the coldness worse so be very careful 


    what does the Ming men actually do apart from drawing energy up the spine it releases the kundalini it’s where it is actually stored this is very powerful I’ve been lucky to meet people who felt like they had 10,000 vaults of electricity through them when they were sparing it’s due to the Ming men chakra it’s what it does but it has another function in martial arts and when you work it correctly you will find this out it has the ability to blow people off there feet I don’t do this but it reverses thrust or energy motion sending it to the floor so the more incoming force the more they are repelled away that’s my understanding of the Ming men but once you work it you will find energy goes to the feet and back up when you get it to work 


    allot of info here Dr Joes book becoming supernatural is well worth a read to give you the science of how this works but you can speed it up by using the three Dantians work then you also work the chakras


    the upper Dantian is really fun to work it’s not the same as chanting the universal frequency AUMM or OMM all spooky goings on will happen when you build that energy in the upper but when you think what’s actually going on your working the main psychic centres of the body by working it keep upgrading the frequency you will find the energy becomes very lite almost like you can’t feel it due to the upgrading of the frequency contained in those centres 


    give this a try not many people actually have real experiance working them properly and you don’t need to spend months or years to build the lower Dantian building and compressing do the basics maybe a slight pause on the breath on the inhale and exhale is all I do I used to do reverse breath compressions all a load of crap when you can have enough power to blow someone through a brick wall if you spend some times activating the Dantians and Ming men properly 


    the back heart chakra is very very powerful and when it fires up it will shock you the Ming men will electrocute you 20,000 vaults of power runs through a standard body at any one time you can’t feel it until you work the Ming men if it scares you lay on the floor on the ground to ground your energies until it calms down you will get used to it but if you activate it cross legged the vantage will want to snap your legs joints open the legs and go through the cleansing you will never go back once you do this all the power you need is in you rite now you do not need to waste years building power activate things properly this is not in any book I nearly died from not understanding how this works energy has to flow if it cannot look at the ones from Mopai who died very sad to talk about them and more will follow because not everything activated properly the way it should this is very true 


    Where did you learn this? Your take on Ming Men is quite different from the TCM understanding of it, which is basically the Kidney Yang fire. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:


      The sessions where my zapchen coach and I simply attended and responded to what came up in the moment were always more productive.


    Sounds like mindfulness :-)

    • Like 2

  10. 8 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:



    I agree.  The path of karmic untwisting is, shall we say, not entirely pleasant.  What needs attention sometimes is pacing.  People vary in terms of physiology, personality, and traumatic history.  Some people can handle long intensive retreats while others would be well advised to take things slow.


    That sounds like good advice. With Zhunti mantra practice I got pretty intense since I was trying to not go out of business. I knew it was going to suck and it is. I hope business improves to the point soon when I can back off a bit and be more chill with it. At least it has seemed to make a difference. 

    • Like 1

  11. 11 minutes ago, stirling said:


    Just to clarify, the nature of an insight IS understanding how a mental pattern is/was established and what delusion perpetuates it. The point of Buddhism is to relieve the struggle (suffering) with the events of our lives. This is the point of the Four Noble Truths.


    I was thinking this as well. 

    • Thanks 1

  12. 7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

    I wonder if you people understand how toxic it is to laugh at the expense of others. It's never genuine and there's always an attempt to "kill", belittle beneath that sort of laugher. It's the worst use of laughter ever. 


    Sigh....... The world.... 



    I think all you have to do is become enlightened and transcend the ego and this kind of stuff won't bother you. 😉🩷😇

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    • Haha 3

  13. Lately I've noticed that if I'm going to work out and I do yoga to stretch beforehand I will get really emotional and often just ditch the workout because I'm not feeling so well. I had stopped doing Qigong several years ago for similar reasons and I'm just wondering is this an actual thing and if so why?

    • Like 2

  14. Imagine telling a version of this to children. The mom tells Jack and Jill to do their chores. Jack gets right to work but instead Jill asks for some money to go to the candy store and buy candy. She goes, spends all the money on candy, goofs off all day, and at the end of the day after Jack has done his chores and gotten nothing for it, Jill comes back and then gets to pick what she wants to eat for dinner. Which kid would want to do their chores if that is how it was?Â