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Posts posted by Maddie

  1. 5 minutes ago, kyoji said:

    the only guilt that arises in me regarding sexuality is when i let a lesser desire ( such as sex, lust) hurt my ability to act on my greater desires of serving others and true attainment. If I feel sloth as a result of imbalance or excessive sexual activity, I have failed my Daena and I have failed myself it is really that simple. I may be lazy and not do the things I'd like to ideally be doing because I need more time to regain my strength. There is a reason why you don't cum before a big lift day, or a fight.  If one prioritizes sexual climax over life destiny, maybe a little bit of guilt is the natural feeling to arise. don't dwell in it, or feel despair, but one must allow it to point oneself towards higher values than the gratification of ones sexual desires. Despair will lead you down a dark road, but when one can focus on selflessness and acts of service to ones community, there will be a higher value orienting your path, and it'll make it clear why shooting arrows constantly is an unhealthy practice.


    your attempts to psychoanalyze here are something else.


    Guilt. I'm not judging you, just identifying the issue. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, kyoji said:

     In cases of Schizophrenia for example plenty of third world countries have far higher recovery rates from abnormal psychological states such Schizophrenia for pretty obvious reasons


    You've clearly not been to a third world country and seen all the people on the street that desperately need help then. 

    • Like 1

  3. 11 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


    True story, next time I'm sick I'll PM him instead of going to my doctor 😁


    Nothing is better than "I heard this on the internet somewhere so it must be true" and "trust me bro"

    • Like 1

  4. 1 minute ago, snowymountains said:


    Referrals also happen because sometimes they need to happen, you make it sound like psychiatrists have almost no reason to exist, which is not the case.

    For some (not all) disorders under used to be called axis 1 in DSM IV, medication is the only effective tool, and of course psychotherapists always referred to psychiatrists for these.


    That said, yes there is a tendency to medicalise more and more and this leads to more prescriptions, I don't find that trend heathy but it's a long discussion and it's not as simple as you make it sound.


    But then again he also doesn't seem to think a degree and medical license in TCM mean anything either.....

  5. 1 minute ago, kyoji said:


    the one that just lost a class action for selling sensitive information to advertisers? sign me up!




    Some people in their clinging, cling to their suffering to the point that they refuse all suggestions of ending their suffering. To the mind and the nature of clinging, we tend to prefer what is familiar rather than that which is good often. 

    • Like 1

  6. 18 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:


    In my (extensive!) experience, big gay discos are not often attended by nondualists or their detractors.  I would love to go to a big gay disco with a Buddhist section, lots of sweaty queer mystics reclining on orange throw cushions, reciting mantras between sips of cheap well drinks and flirting in Pali.  


    Where can I sign up for this big gay disco? :-)

    • Haha 3

  7. 10 minutes ago, kyoji said:


    you would, this is the least of your confusion.


    Maddie has made the claim multiple times throughout this thread that vital loss does not come from excessive ejaculation, but the guilt associated with said loss. Not me.


    There is some good psychotherapy available ( if you have $$$$ )  but there is a low supply and high demand IMO.


    Actually I said that stress and over exertion are what deplete Jing faster. "Burning the candle at both ends so to speak". 


    * there is an app called "Better Help" that makes finding a therapist very easy and affordable. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, EFreethought said:



    The mantra phonetically runs as follows:

    Namo Sadoh Nah
    Samyak Sampo Doh
    Jee-tzu Nah
    Dah Zah Toh
    Ohm Zhurli Zhuli Zhunti Soha
    Ohm Brin


    After 1,000,000 repetitions, the mantra recitation can be shortened to:

    Ohm Zhurli Zhuli Zhunti Soha.
    Ohm Brin.


    I assume the "zhunti" mantra is the same as the "chundi" mantra.



    Yes same thing, and that is the version I do. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:


    I´m not Christian, kyoji, and don´t believe the Bible is the word of God.  Does the Bible contain mystical wisdom?  I´m guessing that it does although I haven´t studied it in any kind of in-depth way.  I do believe there´s great value in humor and that, in general, we´d make more serious progress in life if we didn´t take ourselves and our pet issues so seriously.  Still, I didn´t mean to offend.  My apologies.


    I apologize for nothing except being hilarious lol. :P Luke you did nothing wrong :wub:


    *this forum used to be filled with interesting people and interesting discussions. Now there are a lot of Z gen's that get triggered by farts and giggles. 

    • Thanks 1

  10. Just now, kyoji said:



    so you think one can healthily cum 8 times a day and still have time/energy/vitality to do hardphysical labour (which young men should be more than capable of ) , and practice internal alchemy? who has the unresolved issues here exactly? In moderation it is all fine and dandy at certain points in practice, depending on owns goals and orientation towards cultivation, and i quite clearly never said otherwise if you would've read my first response with any discernment.




    I think if they do it 8 times a day and they are not a teenager there is probably a sex addiction and therapy would be advisable. 

  11. 20 minutes ago, kyoji said:


    It is quite literally the number 1 barrier, especially for men it seems. 


    "1. Lust
    Sexuality is the force behind the procreation of all life. It is also the first great barrier of one who seeks to awaken to the Dao, achieve immortality and enlightenment by following the abnormal methods of the celestial ones. People are born from this path of desire and they die of it. This desire is an inherent nature which moves within us and creates a loss. This movement and the loss causes is a calamity and destitution of this world. Even in an unknowing and unfeeling state it, arises even in a state of thoughtlessness and carelessness it is there. People see desire, passion grows, entering this situation, the spirit moves eagerly and loss occurs. This creates many types of karma. If those who cultivate the Dao rid themselves of the deepest root of this desire, naturally the spiritual seedling will begin to grow. If they encounter this desire and aren’t immediately coerced, they may act without lust, Remarkably, they won’t create desire, preventing lust from entering inside themselves. Those unable or unwilling to eliminate this desire or those unable or unwilling to go this route have many methods available to them. Their ability is deepened through long practice. Eventually the time of elimination of desire will come, when the deepest root is removed, when the physical body is strong, the spiritual body is easily cultivated, all other barriers are easily overcome, whether one has renounced their family to join the monkhood, or not, their wish to become enlightened is unhindered. Although human relations continue into future generations, if the desire of lust is tasteless one’s energy and essence will be ample and flourish, extending life and preventing disease. One must know that human affection is needed for the beginning of cultivation; however, later it clouds they glory of the Way and those who use those affections will not know the Way. Life after life unending is called the great Dao, the cause of the seed to Immortality."


    this is a daoist cultivation blog. can we keep this in mind when we start appealing to freudian or reichian ideas on sexuality before the wisdom of actual cultivators of the dao?


    sounds like there's some unresolved guilt issues in relation to sexuality to deal with there. 


    Were you raised in a very religious family?

  12. 11 minutes ago, Taoist Texts said:

    whats the significance of this?


    I can't speak for what Apech might have intended but what I had heard before was that the statues of the Buddha and their veneration began after contact with the Greeks, thus making it more of a religion as opposed to a personal cultivation and liberation system. 

    • Thanks 2

  13. 18 hours ago, kyoji said:

     realize licensed acupuncturist or not, you are not a man and haven't a clue about how much depletion a man experiences after ejaculating too often,  shame or no shame (or especially @ the rate in which the OP is saying he does.)


    even when one has too much healthy sex with their loving partner, it is obviously detrimental in excess. I can hardly practice with all of the prolactin in my muscles/legs after a few too many rounds of "bedroom arts"


    woman lose their jing monthly, we lose ours largely through our orgasms,  not exclusively but it takes a large tax. we lose much more preheaven jing upon having an orgasm than women do. It is really that simple. Nobody should be masturbating 8 times a day, and the fact that you are closer to thinking that is a healthy habit minus the guilt, than you are to giving sound advice like others have chosen to do here. I think you mean well, but this attitude is terribly misguided.


    If this is a blog supposedly about Daoist cultivation, how on earth is the advice we are giving? Sexual excess is terrible for ones physical longevity, mental health and spiritual development. This is day one stuff. Could you imagine what the responses would be if somebody started " mansplaining " to you about what the experience of menstruation is like? :P  




    There's soooooo many things I could say, BUT I'll stick to the most relevant one.


    As a doctor of TCM, having a degree in it, and practicing it for several years now I would say this qualifies me to have a professional opinion on this. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Apech said:



    The art work of early Buddhism shows what early Buddhism and the Buddha was like.  He is not depicted but represented by a pair and sandals, or an empty cushion and so on.  He is surrounded by dancing and singing, by nature spirits including voluptuous female nature spirits, and naga serpents.  This is a shamanistic scene.  Buddha was a shaman who imparted knowledge.  A few centuries after his death the great king/emperor Ashoka appropriated Buddhism because it gave a chance of a way out of the otherwise inevitable consequences of the wide-scale slaughter he had perpetrated as part of his empire building.  He felt sorry for this - sorry for himself in fact and wanted to save himself from the hell realms.  The state subsidised Buddhism he introduced was, unlike the original Buddhism both scholastic and monastic.  Early Buddhism had no written texts but under the new Buddhism the collections of texts became everything - where liberation came from listening to the text being read, thinking about them, meditating on them and so on.  State funding institutionalised Buddhism into monasteries and universities - much as Constantine did to Christianity - and created a new form of Buddhism which emphasised intellectual learning and religious hierarchies.  Early Buddhist monks wandered in groups no larger than three, lived and worshipped in close connection with the local communities on whom they depended for food and supplied services such as healing and spells for good harvests and so on.  But for the monastics the text became everything in a kind of 'sola scriptora' approach.  Attempts by modern Buddhists to re-find 'early Buddhism' fall into the trap of trying to abstract ideas from the texts and end up with a kind of desiccated secular mental exercise.  Oddly to us moderns the closest thing to early Buddhism would be vajrayana even though it has much later historical roots.  And it is the main criticism of vajrayana that it introduces magical, yogic and deity practices which places it much closer to what the Buddha was actually like.


    It almost sounds like you're saying Ashoka was the Buddhist Constantine? I find this interesting for several reasons, but I'll refrain for the moment. 


    What do you base this upon?

  15. 7 hours ago, EFreethought said:


    I may have asked you this, but: Do you do the long version? Or the short version?


    And do you do the mudras? Or just chant?



    I'm honestly not sure which version I do. 


    I do not do mudras.

  16. Interestingly enough about a month ago we thought we were going to have to close the clinic and then I started doing lot of Zhunti mantra and now things are picking up a bit.

    • Like 2

  17. 17 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


    Distancing from the thoughts is also a thing, it's one approach, not the "classic" CBT approach though.


    My main practice is "mindfulness of mind" from the four foundations of mindfulness. I observe what is in there. 

    • Like 1

  18. 3 minutes ago, snowymountains said:


    no ! "Release the Kraken" 😁


    Granted some thoughts can be unwanted, but I think they are usually only labeled "intrusive" when we judge them as intrusive, when we have expectations that they shouldn't be there, that its somehow bad to have random thoughts. 

  19. 10 minutes ago, snowymountains said:

    Look up "negative automatic thoughts", all people have them, they're just usually not aware of them. 

    They're not in the unconscious, just below awareness, it's the sort of stuff that may surface after concentration or meditation practices


    There's also the non-negative variant of course.


    In any case, there's no need for metaphysics to be involved for something like this to occur and it's not uncommon at all.


    That's just the way the brain works. 

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