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Everything posted by Vajrasattva

  1. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    Lino you are on the right track. The juice goes where it is needed in the body & "Sparks" things up. A detox and healing process starts 1st then a activation & rewiring occurs and as you begin to have more energy in various centers and you learn how to move the energy where needed, more abilities start to manifest. Its best to just train and let things be than to force siddhis and also chase after them. They happen on their own if you have real juice. Peace Santi
  2. To be at one, or not at one- this is my question

    Love & Happiness is the best Psychic SelfDefense & Martial Arts.
  3. To be at one, or not at one- this is my question

    there has to be appreciation for both sides of the coin to understand power & also to understand the Creator/Divine Source. Also you must understand not everything that "EXISTS" wants to have or has virtue or care or compassion for other living beings. Hence the reason why you MUST learn some form of self defense. Even your "AVOIDANCE" is a self defense method. AKA "TARGET DENIAL". A good one to know aswell. How ever there is only so much you can "AVOID" in your life. You can not live in a bubble 24 /7 The Buddha himself was a skilled martial and "psychic" warrior. As are some of the best energy workers known to man. there are peaceful measures and there are more warthful measures. Ultimately the difference though is to do the will of the Divine Source. If you want to call it TAO its ok. But yes the Universe knows best. Even she if full of DEADLY things Neutron stars, Suns, poisonous gasses, Black holes, sharper than sharp razor edges!!! you would be naive to think you do not need some form of Spiritual or Psychic Self defense. You live in a world where you are bombarded DAILY by frequencies that want to do 2 things to you 1) Make you die of cancers 2) Keep you stupid 3) Keep you in control / Zap you from having any real potential. 4) Unfortunately Not all beings want or care to be buddhas/tao masters/saints... 5) Energetic astralor alien Entities, and more powerful negative energy workers run rampant. Sure you can say its "all in your mind" until you yourself have to deal with that sort of thing on a daily basis. My Dzogchen masters were both GENIUS at psy self defense. Yes in the grandscheme we are all ONE and or do not exist....But not all observe that LAW. Chi Kung in itself is a PSYCHIC SELF DEFENSE. You build your wei chi and you get stronger and build a natural "shield" against most ailments & negative energies. love Santiago
  4. To be at one, or not at one- this is my question

    Speaking of Nature.... There are certainly a lot of thorns, fangs,claws, poisons in nature and in some cases in & on some of the most beautiful beings....
  5. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    Simon knows his stuff he is my silat brother.
  6. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    Thank you Lino. And as for the person asking about Psy ability.... let the siddhis come on their own. Just do a lot of meditation, chi kung/breathing & Dan tien work. Love S
  7. David Verdesi

    Drew non of this is fully true... We know already you pimp the lotus & spring forest kick but come one man its not 100% true. Tantric Chakra Puja and methdology supersedes any "posture" or asana including Padmasana and meditation. 1 hour of real Tantra is the equivalent of 8 hours + of sitting in meditation by yourself. What do you really know of real sexual tantra? How many hours + women have you made love too? How much milage do you really have in that field??? What has really changed? Also where you in the same room with Gurdjieff to know if he never "achieved" what you are saying? seems like you are still also dependent on things out side of the ONE.
  8. Pranic Healing is TOP NOTCH aswell.. Santi
  9. KAP
  10. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    Thanks Lino
  11. Who is trained in Micro Cosmic Orbit?

    ??????????? Just practice your Tummo & 5pb you will have more chi than you know what to do with it. And Dan tien will be filled.
  12. What Exactly Is A Kundalini Experience?

    dont label it JUST DO IT. OPen your Kundalini there are "ways".
  13. Want To Get Into Yoga/Learn Yoga! Please, help.
  14. David Verdesi

    We have been through this before you and I Drew... And I will say it again LOTUS POSE is not needed. Its just an "ASANA" . Once you know how to run energy & Keep the Spine Suspended and how to Transmute/Sublimate Energy You can work from ANY POSE/ASANA. The REAL lotus you need to worry about is the HEART LOTUS. The Physical Posture is just that.....a POSTURE. A way to reroute energy in your body and a way to come in resonance with a certain "Gesture". Yes it does activate Ajna Chakra & it does help the Yogin Transmute energy up to the 3rd eye. But If you are a REAL MASTER... You can do that in any POSE. And truth be told there are MANY postures that can do this for you. Lotus is NOT considered the "King" of asanas in ancient Tantric texts. More power to you if you still feel the need to sit in it. Peace Santiago
  15. David Verdesi

    Very True Chen.
  16. David Verdesi

    Real Chi Kung/Nei Kung and the ability to master it is Not dependent on Lotus Pose.
  17. David Verdesi

    Not true...
  18. My brother Parvez is doing a great thing please get involved if you teach IMA or any MA. WORLD FIGHTING FOR LIVES WEEKEND (November 14th-15th 2009) For the first time ever, martial arts events will be held simultaneously across the world to raise money for children in need. The events will be held by respected martial arts instructors. this page is dedicated to advertising the events globally for each instructor and as more events/event information unfold, this page will be updated. GET YOUR CLUB INVOLVED - MAKE HISTORY!!!! contact me on [email protected] web address: I will be holding a SILAT DAY for charity to support this event in MIAMI Nov 14.
  19. Alcohol since we can remember

    MODERATION is key. A little alcohol can be medicinal .
  21. Microcosmic Orbit method

    I disagree. : ) But some meditation is needed. maybe not 100 days...
  22. Is Capoeira the Supreme Martial Art?

    Again ... DENNIS NEWSOM Real capoeria & 52 Blocks.
  23. Is Capoeira the Supreme Martial Art?

    Real Capoeria check out Dennis Newsome. That is REAL FIGHTING. that samba girl however is VERY GOOD! But in other ways.

    you sent email to [email protected]?