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Everything posted by Vajrasattva

  1. Kunlun with Reiki

    Makes Sense, Anything that is good should enhance what you already know and not conflict. Things are Universal. KAP, Hoshin Tao Chi Gung & Lightning practices really boosted my healing abilities & Reiki. I know that Max uses thunder bolts & lightning to heal this is the same as in Raku from Reiki. Peace Santiago
  2. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    True you do not need anyone its all inside you. However try unlocking that with out a guide in under a year or 6 months : ). A guide that knows the map can get you back to your true self much faster. Shakti also communicate but not in the words or the language or with state of brain most people are in. So being around someone that can run that voltage and can act as a bridge to such energy can trigger your own Kundalini & also trigger your Self actualization. There is Mindfulness. You have to be mindful to achieve anything with Kundalini. Glenn Taught as Mushin or o mind or empty mind. Even in Dzogchen when you do any energy work you start from an empty vessel , fill it do you work and then return it to emptyness once full. This is no different to how Glenn did things. It was all about going back to the Void. Well there are times you deal with different shades of this reality and not all of them are happy go lucky. But you will have enough tools to heal yourself and other and also stay for the most part in MUSHIN and let the Universe respond to the situations at hand. As the old Ninja saying goes....Let the Universe decide.....funny how that corresponds to what the Bon Po say as well and what a true Taoist would say. Yes 1st liberate yourself and in the process work to liberate others. Generation of enlightenment as taught in esoteric buddhism/Bon po is in this practice. It is a Boddhisattva way. Goal is you do what the universe wants You be a real human being and you center yourself and give long life and nourishment & stability for others. To me its a Buddha way with out all the dogma : ). Just being breathing & sharing. As Glenn would say like a little kid playing. Or like a bear cub. >> ABSOLUTELY! I will give you a story Glenn told me. He said that when he visited the monestaries in JAPAN of ZEN buddhism, the monks said only to sit. and do nothing. But after a while they noticed Glenn had actual awakening. THey opened more up with him. In private the head monk said after 5 years or so they begin to teach students how to circulate the mind around the body, and how to strengthen their internal winds, and how to become more energetic....(chi Gung!!!!!!!). Glen said well why not teach them now? Said no first they have to empty their cups. Monk told Glenn if someone really wanted to acheive enlightenment it should only take 6 months at the most if he or she has the right methods. When I did Bon Po with my Lama, it was the same thing. For a long time it was sutra chanting & then mindfulness. There is Value in this for sure but he was holding out. It was not untill we did Trulkhor & Tummo that he tells me this is the single most important practices to achieve true enlightenement. Infact he said it was everything. Tsa Lung Thigle (channels, Chakras, Prana, Sexual energy) the ingredients you need to achieve a real Kundalini. So in the trulkhor practices everything is geared to open your channels, stimulate your prana and increase chi levels and also circulate your sexual energy arouse kundalini. Its no different than the aims Glenn was meeting with. I think that for the most part spiritual institutions have held ot information for many reasons. Some for good some bad reason. But times are changing. The Earth actually needs more awakened folks. In Shakti, Santiago Partial kundalini is what glenn is talking about a Kriya or purification or a moment of Bliss that Fades and is gone. This is not the Full Monty : )
  3. All the hurt in the world... what do YOU do?

    Well i think as you open energy and you develop a connection with the Universe, depending on your development and level of achievement the Universe will by itself put you to work. I always think its MAN FOLLOWS EARTH , EARTH FOLLOW TAO So if that is the Case earth nourishes and grows, gives, shelters, flows, strengthens, roots, etc as should MAN if we truly follow TAO....then we must Follow Earth. What is the point if developing CHI if you will not put it to good use?????? You essentially will end up being like the Universe which is the ultimate goal....what does the universe do with its energy? Peace Santiago
  4. A thought on Max

    Some people can be "different" by who is driving them inside.
  5. A thought on Max

    How do you explain Michael Winn & my 2 other friends also finding the new max to not the same as the old max..?
  6. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    hi James i think in July. In any case you can message me here and i can give you my # you can call me anytime. best wishes, Santiago
  7. A thought on Max

    Come to a KAP seminar or come see Rob Williams, or Tao Semko or myself. I hold seminars every few months or so. Read Glenn's books so you get in to that "head space". To me "Kun Lun" and all that stuff is all Old Bon po, Bon goe back 15- 20,000 years. Ku Means dragon Lung is shakti/prana. A lot of Bon practices are similar to Taoism & Other forms of Shamanism. Obviously today Bon is very Buddhist but its much deeper than just that alone. There is an order in learning things you first start wth Ngong Dro and then move on from there. Well Real Bon Po is very shamanic & very primal. The thing in Bon Po of today is very buddhist and sutric mixed with the old Bon Visuals & Buddhist practices. To get the OLD bon you have to do the visualizations and go deep with whats there. I trained for 2 years with a Lama. Did Dzogchen, Zhine, Ngon Dro, Tummo, Father Tantra, Mother Tantra, Phowa, Long Life practices (very much like REIKI/ Energy healing) , Retreats, various shamanic healings & Offerings, Dream Yoga, & Trul Khor (the roots of Qi Gong & physical Yogas) Very much based on the use of Tummo & Various postures to open channels etc. Every thing you need is in Dzogchen Ngong Dro But you have to know how to dig it out or access it. Most of the power comes from the transmissions and then applying what you know. Now the truth is you want to learn bon now you have to go through a LOT OF LAMA ASS KISSING, Dogma, religious bullshit that has nothing to do with the actual shamanic/shakti practices. I was lucky that I already had a kundalini awakening and this particular lama was being very generous with Tao & I so we learned fast. Also we learned by the energy exchanges. (Glenn's method). what impressed me the most is that its core it was a lot of the same stuff Glenn did. My suggestion is if you really want Bon study some type of siberian, nepalanese tibetan shamanism. Also you can find som real BON elements in Nyingma.... that mught explain my Max studied nyingma. I have researched with friends in Indonesia and my Silat teachers a lot of Kejawan & Ilmu is very close and similar to Bon Po...could be cause of its ancient Persian conections & ancient Tantric connections. New Bon is an attempt to save Bon but also make a "church" . I can tell you they have a lot but they hide the good stuff in order to keep people in their "relegion". Also most Lama's like the power and control issues...I can't stand that bullshit. I was given a Name and a "status" i do not use it nor wear tantric robes. I like being much more down to earth and normal : ). It aint the time to be galaventing in miami in tantric robes...might end up in mental ward : ) When you see a system go past it to its roots and then go past that as well. Peace Santiago
  8. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    He certainly modified things as he saw fitting but not really make anything up. It all has its traces in Shamanism, Tantra, Taoism, Esoteric Buddhism & Bon Po. Also Shakti taught him. Best teacher on energy is a kundalini itself.
  9. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    Thanks I sent you some shakti around 7:30 am and then through out the day. Jut sent you another kick of juice about 5 min ago. I did in fact send energy to your spine earlier. Also not sure if you noticed the clouds out side above your head in the skies : ) Visited you a few times..was wondering why you not email me yet : ). Thanks for the endorsement. I appreciate it. Many Smiles to you I have to admit its Shakti who does what she does I am just a conductor Peace Santiago
  10. A thought on Max

    No I do not sorry Glenn did not want KAP on video. So i respect his wishes. can't always believe what you hear. One of my closest friends said it this way once....."Max can do everything he says but Max is a Bullshitter". Believe me they know Max better than all the folks studying with him now. I can tell you that having studied Bon Po for real and seeing Max's DVD, there is stuff missing in the practice he gives either cause he: 1)made it more watered down for westerners 2)is holding out valuable info for what ever reason. 3) Does not know the other practices dzogchen practices that are missing in his Vajra Kilaya practice that he gives. Either way I can not say or judge you will have to ask Max himself I do not study with him nor ever have. But with all do respect he is still very good. At least the Max from old days from my friend's days with him and his DVDs with Toledo. New Max maybe from KPAX. .....Sorry I had to it rhymed : ) its all in the breathing, visualization,and intent you want to use or have. You have to have been able to draw chi good first. Believe it or not its all fundamentals. Go back to belly breathing and understand how to use your Chakras & the 5 elements. Thanks I only know a bit from Max from my friends.I do not use it since i have my own practice. But like i said its not bad at all. Max is talented for sure. I can assure you though had Glenn worn the robes and the funny chinese outfits and acted all "Light & Bliss" and changed his name to swami lama vajra natha ding dong he would put all these guys out of business. Glenn's Kundalini is real so where his siddhis. But he stuck to his wife beaters & cargo shorts and sandals. He was as real as it gets. peace Santiago
  11. A thought on Max

    Well i do not know about that. All I know he was a big Tesla freak and did the practices I mentioned before. He was good at what he did. And my 2 friends that studied with him are very impressive. Mind you they also studied with Dr. Glenn Morris & Michael Winn & Mantak aswell. I completed their Bon training for them in Chod and other dzogchen techniques cause Max did not show them that aspect of Bon only Thunder breathing and an Indonesian way to circulate the orbit. Anyhow regardless of techniques these 2 folks have a tremendous amount of juice and one is a BAD ASS internal MA guy and the other is a great healer. Well I do not do it Max's way. I have seen that DVD even that is different than the way he used to show it and how he showed it to my 2 friends years ago. Back then it was only in the 3rd eye type of thing and sometimes with crown. My friend is VERY good at the old way. I suspect what he taught in the DVD after seeing it is him combining what he knew before to a standard generation for enlightenment technique from Nyingma & Vajrakilaya practice technique involving the heart lotus & rotation of thigle & Phurba + mantra counter clockwise & then clock wise. I should my friends they said that was not at all how he used to teach it. Anyhow my friend can light up a strong glow as if a night light is on in his head in the dark and its noticable. Max's way was a bit to complicated although still effective and worth seeing. I am surprised he is not showing that know it is a good technique. The way I do it is far simpler and the results are clearly seen in the sky above you. Interestingly enough the way I do it is also found in TENAGA DALAM ILMU BATIN from Indonesia. I do a different version which is also from Bon Po for calling Thunder & LIghtning & I use a breathing technique Glenn showed me. If anyone was in miami this week they should have noticed the short out of nowhere storms the last 4 days. The strongest was at 6am the other morning and today's around 1pm. I used the technique to bring rain for the everglades along with a few of my students where also doing it so the combined focus brought more showers and beautiful skies afterwards. I have noticed it makes me very electric and magnetic. In fact i got shocked when i got out of my car after doing it yesterday as i picked my kids from school up. Glen did it a lot. He actually managed to get me struck by lightning while i was in my car. It hit my car and the student's car in front of me. It blew out there tire. Glenn was in a house 20 min away doing it and visualizing sending me lightning! Yes he had a great sense of humor! I suspect that the technique may also be in Usui's original reiki in japan. Cause the principle is the same as one of its symbols. I was taught another technique by a Venezuelan old native shaman she showed me a way that for the most part was the same way i perform it and as how GLen did it. She said it was the way storms and healing energy was gathered for working on others. I like Max. Like i said I like what i saw and what my friends knew. The only weird part is why my friends do not recognize him now and neither does Toledo & Winn. I must admit the max now looks different than what i have seen. But hey what i did see of him was good. It (Max) is certainly more straight forward than the other clown charging $7,000 a seminar to teach you to be broke and claiming that other masters do not know what chi or dantien or kundalini is.... as my brothers say in Florida city....."NIGGA PLEASE!" Peace Santiago
  12. Glenn Morris died

    Sorry you should tell dade county to open the ducts in the everglades so your street wont flood. At least the air is cleaner now and more "Ionized" : ) Should be no more traces of that smokey shit we had for days from the fires.
  13. A thought on Max

    I have friends that trained with Max many moons ago in Hawaii. But back then it was more Bagua & wudan stuff with a little Bon Po & standing Chi gung. It was not bottled up as "Kun Lun". There was a lot of thunder breathing practice done back then. Which i learned a different form of that from Glenn & My Bon po Lama. The little I knew of the old Max is very good. At times he is theatrical but he is good at what he does. Funny though the old folks that trained with him say that the person now out there in the for-front is not the MAX they knew before and doesn't even look like him. The little I have seen from old videos is good and on the money with powerhouse energy folks. I do not know what he is doing now however. Peace S
  14. Hello to Tao Bums

    Greetings! Peace, Vajra
  15. Hello to Tao Bums

  16. Glenn Morris died

    If anyone is in Miami now they should look up at the clouds Storms a coming. Peace Santiago
  17. Glenn Morris died

    You could do the entire practice of KAP 1 in 20 to 30 min. Glenn Recommended you do 2 or 3 20 min sessions a day. Best early in the morning or late at night. Now you could also take anyone of the techniques or principles learned and drill them like a monk. I used to do one of the main techniques 4 hours a day that produces ridiculous amounts of chi. It was the thing Glenn did the most daily. One of my clients had bone marrow cancer I made her do this technique she increased bone marrow 30% and did not need to get chemo. Her Dr was impressed. This is one the things that allowed Glenn and myself to rip car door handles off by "accident" or by just being gentle. At first is huge amounts of Shakti & chi but you get used to it once you know how to store and root it all. I remember at first going through strange stuff like water bottle exploding 5 gallon ones for no reason they would "Pop" and crack while meditating in a room.Ac units would go weird as would Computers. But after a while it all settles and you have much better control over that much energy. We use that technique to do weather magic. I was once asked to stop the rain at a wedding sure enough after 5 in the rain stopped and halted and as soon as reception was over the rain poured in. We had fires here in FLA last week myself and a couple KAP students did our thing and we had 4 thunder & rain storms and no more fires nor ashes in the air we breath. In KAP II I had a group was able to make rain and stop it and move the clouds and make it rain again. Glenn had a real connection to LIghtning. Recently I was teaching 2 students and as I did the technique for no reason clouds began to roll in and lightning started happening. I was just doing the breathing. As Glenn usedto saywhen you have CHI or Juice ANYTHING is possible if you give it Juice. He is right. Today I was just doing my breathing and i went out side storm clouds where forming as was the lightning & thunder it poured for about 5min. then when I stopped doing it it was clear sky and beautiful sun. Shamanism + KUNDALINI + CHI GUNG is a powerful deal. Dr.Porter makes it rain in TAMPA every where but above his house he likes the clear sky. I like the thunder& lightning its a Bonpo thing : ). After years of practicing KAP its now like I do all day long while i do my normal life. Energy is always flowing. If i sit and make a focused effort its very powerful. I usually do as I do my daily things. Glenn told me its best to just be once you have it and go about your business. Stuff works.. Peace Santiago
  18. Glenn Morris died

    Thank you Jonnybrand. Yes we Umaa Tantra guys knew him very well. The other person that really understands Glenn's Magic and has gone past it is Soke Rob Williams . The other person is the one that was THE OLDEST hoshin guy and glenn's oldest friend and associate DR. John Porter. He is an expert in mind sciences (Psy-ionics) and he has done KAP. He is the one that Taught Glenn how to walk fires. this guy is in my book the one that knows the history better than anyone. Susan Williams, I do not know what her involvement was in teaching when Glenn was alive cause she only came into the Hoshin picture in a year or 2 before Glenn passed. I have seen the meditation mastery manual a lot of stuff in there is Glenn's, Dr. Porter's material, and my material. The manuals are just notes with further details but still even then the tradition is based 100% on energy and oral tradition so in order to get what Glenn did you need to spend time either in commune with Glenn or with those that knew him best & Spent the most time with him doing the actual Kundalini work. Peace Santiago Dobles
  19. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    : ) Well see i did not Dismiss Path notes...But Glenn told me its just my notes its not everything. And that is the truth. I am not putting a gun to your head and saying this is the END ALL PATH....: ) Here is the will never stop growing or evolving no matter what "LEVEL" of attainment or how much Kundalini you have aroused. Also everyone has a little kundalini active otherwise you would be DEAD. However there are biological signs of a "full" Kundalini. One is a definet Glow in the aura from head to Toe of Bright Whitish Gold & Purples. Another is all chakras full open and emitting out a field that is pretty big by most standards, another is being able to raise ones own kundalini in their body and bring the Downward flow down aswell and also circulate it. Another is being able to tap into the Earth's Kundalini and the Sky's Kundalini. Most of that is in tibetan Thigle/ tummo practices and taoist practices. I added some things to KAP as Glenn requested i came from a tibetan/hindu tantric Background and was able to raise my kundalini up to crown before i met Glenn which is what he liked cause it ewas easy for him to take me further with out much effort. I have been able to raise my kundalini to crown since i was 18 years of age. I am 31 now and I am in a constnt stae of bliss and energy is flowing 24/7 with out much effort. I usually do not toot my horn nor post here but i have seen so many things about what glenn did or did not do and or what kundlaini is and isnt and what is real and what is not that i figured i would share my 2 cents. There is a distinct feeling and occurance biologicaly that happens when you start opening your kundlaini and you get kriyas, and then when you take to crown and you get a SAMBIJA SAMADHi (Bliss with object, but this high fades in time), and then when you go past the crown and merge with void and you get a NIRBIJA SAMADHI (Pure Bliss without object , formless this bliss is permanent) where you are in a constant state of bliss and arousal you are for the most part "ON" all the time. Most people with partial kundalini are not rooted and also are burning up their own "Ojas" and body in the process. Hence why kundalini can be dangerous. Full Kundalini is balanced it is you as a bridge between Earth & Sky, Lower universe and upper universe. And then on a quantum level all that stuff is within (thigle). You have to realize that not everyone is the same hence why Glenn wanted to make sure it was all put into simple ways and also it would cater to many paths. He believed that having kundalini fully open is like adding catalyst to what ever you do. Path notes is a great read but again I am telling you cause I got it directly from the horses mouth....NOT everything is in there nor in Shadow Strategies. He left some keys hidden so you would have to go see him. I know cause I was there I went through it with him and it wasn't just "once" I was close with Glenn for many years and he was both my friend, teacher and also my student when it came to Tibetan & Hindu Tantras. You do not have to take my word for it. But there is a reason i have a certificate signed and stamped by him : ) . Peace Santiago Yes its a way to establish a "inner domain" to work out your practices. In the higher stages you do a lot of your actual practice in Damo's Cave. This allows easy work with Dream Yoga, Manifestation, etc. It is a Shamanic practice. And again what is in Path notes is just the beginning. The cave is "huge" asset to those that know how to use it. Santiago
  20. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    Glenn had many interested. He was more into it for the sake of playing with the energy cause a lot of things came easy to him. THere are many paths and and they all have something good to offer. And at higher levels all the good stuff is very closely related. His thoughts and view for KAP was to be a system the westerner could do with out getting entrapped by dogma, greedy gurus, and frankly a lot of bullshit that is out there. He also wanted something what geared for the Healer, The martial artist, The meditator, The seeker or mystic, The Tantric etc. So it fills many shoes. Glenn liked Shamanism, Martial arts, tantra, Bon Po so he wanted a system that had the best of what was out there but accessible to westerners. I have a full Kundalini and have taken others through it as well as Glenn did. here are Glenn's own words: "Santiago Dobles and Tao Semko of Umaa Tantra have been my friends and guinea pigs for integrating chi kung and yoga into an even faster path to enlightenment that I was teaching in the Kundalini Awakening program." -- excerpted from Quantum Crawfish Bisque for the Clueless Soul: How Choice Works To Create Success or Despair, p.73 by Glenn J. Morris, Ph.D., Sc.D., Templeton Prize Nominee in Science and Religion, 2006 Peace Santiago Dobles
  21. KAP Kundalini Awakening Process Dr. Glenn Morris

    I only a few things from them that Glenn Taught. One is similar to Glenn's Damo's Cave and the other is a western form of Vajrasattva purification practice but with the Golden Chalice & Also their form of the Secret Sword.
  22. Glenn Morris died

    Not at all infact Glenn was actually very "YIN" and ran cool energy. He was Firey dduring the Path notes days. But after that he switched gears a bit and became more Yin. He had a very supple body and could breath Very deep & Slow like a turtle and seamless. I spent many years with him. I know what he was capable of. His Kundalini is Real. I received Shaktipat from many times and went through a full Kundalini awakening in 2001 with him in the room. The Nirbija Samadhi lasted for a few days. Anyhow he was a close friend, teacher, and also student. I trained with him in his house in Lake Charles and also he came many times to my house to teach me and my close students. I can tell you he opened peoples Kundalini very easily and yes his system became more smooth as time went on. He was very open and generous. And there are more FACTS to his actual death but I will not disclose this in public out of respect to him. It was not cause of his health cause he was actually in great shape those days and was training/ fasting a lot. It is something much more personal and sad and has little to do with "FIRE", Chi, Heart conditions etc.... In any case he is very much still a live in many ways and there are folks that carry on with great success. Peace Vajra Correct lino...Peoples Neglect... His dojo was crushed to the ground. His house damaged. Also many other issues. He was working day and night helping people give chi massages to the fire dept/and Police dept & redcross workers with out asking for a DIME. But there is more to it.... this will help...
  23. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Ok cool I know him. I have not seen him in years but he is close with friends of mine. I know he use dto do a lot of wing chun before. Good to know he is doing Chi Kung.
  24. Hello to Tao Bums

    THanks mate!
  25. dr glenn morris

    Enjoy, In many ways Glenn is still around. Peace, Vajra