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Everything posted by C T

  1. Matter or consciousness?

    Are the little stones 'weeping' the girl, or is girl weeping the little stones? http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report_meet-the-seven-year-old-indian-girl-who-weeps-stones_1613239
  2. Are Six Realms Of Buddhism Real?!?

    Because everything is transient and apparition-like, we cannot say they are real. But then, we cannot, for example, say that dreams are unreal either. While thoughts may be insubstantial, yet when made habitual, thoughts can become things. Hence the Buddha encouraged mindfulness with what we habitually think about, for it is said that with our thoughts, individual worlds and realms are made life-like. To agree with this, one finds oneself in one realm - to disagree, one finds oneself in another. Neither agree nor disagree is the way... remain always in contemplation, and watch how things move and change from one moment to the next. Seeing one's self being carried away by change, surrender to the humor/ Almost nothing creates suffering more than taking life overly seriously: perhaps the only other factor that causes more suffering is to think that life is a just one big joke.
  3. What about serial criminals being addicted to jail time? This is an extremely worrying trend across the world - one that is gradually (but picking up momentum due to obvious reasons) and systematically choking the veins of humanity, eroding it from the inside out. Its massive, its complex, and its unstoppable. I would imagine whole judiciary systems collapsing even if, figuratively speaking, 50 percent of serial criminals in the system were to be reformed permanently, and with no new ones being added to the mass. Lawyers would be out of work, and so would cops, wardens, and a whole host of other primary and secondary dependents!! :blink: Heck, even the so-called 'entertainment' industry would be blown apart. Who could afford to let this happen?? My prediction is that when space cities become a possibility, earth cities will be over-run by crime addicts, and this present way of existence would eventually be reversed. Where once criminals and gangstas were frowned upon, it may turn out that it will no longer be cool to be un-gangstalike, and what was once seen as ethical/moral behaviors will be scorned at and deemed sissified. Its actually happening already, with an ever-increasing number of young kids desiring to emulate such a lifestyle choice. Even upper class kids are forming gangs and stuff... anyone notice this? This seems like a gravely terminal disease, unfortunately, and one in which all other apparent forms of addictive behaviors will find fertile ground, take root and flourish in.
  4. Poll on Moderation Issue

    Twinner/Encephalon, Gents.. comments appreciated, and no disrespect intended. The point i was trying to make was more a reminder to myself and not a criticism of either of you esteemed individuals ~ my humble apologies if it was seen as being unsavorily misdirected. In my limited understanding, one of the primary obstacles towards the cultivation of spirit is a hardened mental space where there is no room to allow for the peculiarities and quirkinesses of other 'passengers' in this big ark we call humanity. I know the hypocrisy attached to the above statement as i have, on a number of occasions, ranted like a lunatic at past comments which i thought were stupid and ignorant, but lately, i have come to realize that its not others who are stupid and ignorant, its the way i relate to externalities that needed mindful reformation. The benefits of learning to become less reactionary is immense. Again and again, i find that i need to be reminded that the strongest heart is the one that is most willing to be vulnerable. The emphasis here is on understanding the essence of what it means to be utterly complete in one's willingness to yield ~ all this, without having to constantly put oneself in the line of fire just to prove one is above and beyond mediocrity. Evidentially... Even the sturdiest trees, with their deep, deep roots, are not immune to the poundings of gales. Not surprisingly, its the lowly grass that seem best to withstand the ever-changing nature of the elements. Yet, its growth is not solely restricted to places where only strong winds blow. Warm blessings to all.
  5. Poll on Moderation Issue

    Why is this even an issue? The banner "General Discussion" should point to the obvious. The way i relate to the forum is the same attitude i would have when, on the odd occasion, someone passes me a free newspaper - if i choose to read it, then i would pick and choose the interesting and relevant bits, and disregard the rest. Woe be unto me if i have to make known to the editor each time i come across some disdainful article or report, and demand corrective measures be taken. Criticisms and judgements of the actions of others are fairly easy to pass - what i find challenging is correcting my own faults and my unwillingness to be more adaptive, accepting, and perhaps failure to have a bigger heart with which my chances of transcending mediocrity are improved upon, and in the process hopefully learn to cultivate an open, more yielding nature. Isn't this one of the authentic hallmarks of every true spiritual endeavor? I would certainly hope so. Manitou ~ i miss VJ too. Hope all is well with him. Wish he would pop in now and again just to say 'Yo' and let us know he is ok. Thank you for bringing up some really worthy points in the above post. Sending lots of warm blessings your way.. Great weekend, y'all.
  6. Yes and yes to above. If you have some aversion to being guided by a teacher, one of the practical options available to you as a self-guided practitioner would be to loosen the intensity of the sessions you engage in - its quite ok to take breaks, sip some tea, apple juice, or warm water (is best) and then return to practice. Whenever you feel the onset of some unfamiliar anxiety, or some unknown sensation arising, you are free to disengage immediately and temporarily switch off, just to create some space to enable whatever thats arising to dissipate. If you overextend, what normally happens is that you will be creating probable causes for the mind to begin fixating on things, and this is exactly what meditation ought not to be for. Also, it may be good to try alternating between sitting, standing, walking, breathing, chanting, simply observing, reading texts and reflecting etc. Sometimes being overly concentrated on any one aspect would bring about various 'states' which may not necessarily be helpful since this tends to diminish one's creative flow. Key point to remember is Patience. If you anticipate too many things, the odds will be that your practice will yield, at best, some temporary transformation, which means more work for you in the long haul. All the best!
  7. Abraham Hicks - Do Desires Cause Suffering?

    Same theme.... different delivery ~
  8. Deity Yoga

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WtPrOE1JSk&feature=related Shinzen Young gives a clear explanation on the practice of Deity Yoga in the Vajrayana Path. _/\_
  9. Traditional Buddhist funerals are often celebratory in nature.
  10. Haiku Chain

    cosmic lunch is served ants scamper looking for grub freed movements of mind...
  11. Free Awareness ~ What Is Bliss?
  12. Awareness is more than the contents... watch the clip below pleeeeze!
  13. Haiku Chain

    I am divided 'tween tennis and badminton caught in the middle...
  14. Deity Yoga

    Is there a slight contempt for Shinzen Young being detected here? Perhaps you would like to share your understandings on Deity Yoga instead of restricting your input to such obscure, minimalist declarations. At least we can then learn something useful.
  15. Buddhism and the 12 Steps

    Very useful thread.
  16. Deity Yoga

    Perhaps Pero may be able to enlighten us on the purer aspects of what Deity Yoga actually is? You might find this explanation of this teacher's version of Deity Yoga helpful in the meantime. http://www.abuddhistlibrary.com/Buddhism/A%20-%20Tibetan%20Buddhism/Authors/Lama%20Tharchin/Deity%20Yoga/deity%20yoga.htm And this short but clear statement from Lama Thubten Yeshe basically saying the same thing as Shinzen Young albeit with less words - http://buddhism.about.com/od/vajrayanabuddhism/a/tantradeity.htm Another explanation from a different source - http://www.rigdzindharma.org/deity-yoga-practice.html
  17. Deity Yoga

    Quite sure a minority will find this an astute observation based on specific needs. Purity is good ~ after all, Deity Yoga is primarily concerned with generating and remaining in purity of body, speech and mind.
  18. Every moment, every breath, every thought.... Presence ~ The highest preparatory practice for connecting with the deathless nature of mind.
  19. Short Nat Geographic YT video on Buddhist Nun in solitary retreat for 45 years -
  20. Exactly! The whole idea behind the practice of Metta, Karuna, Mudita and Upekha rests on there being no 'self' to give anything... only then can true giving arise.
  21. Ubuntu -

    As the self gradually becomes more refined, as in working consciously to reduce grasping and aversions, there will come a point where one will begin to manifest and experience, in terms of feelings and perceptions, an equanimous attitude (or way of being) towards self and others. One who bears the fruit of equanimity spontaneously manifests impersonal compassion, because compassion is the natural expression of one who has risen above discriminatory mind. Some traditions say, and i agree, that compassion is indeed the driving force, the power, behind all actions where there is no requirement to delineate a self that attempts to 'practice being compassionate'. Once the notion of a self arises, a resultant dualistic outlook arises simultaneously, at which point the naturalness of a self trying to be good or kindly towards others becomes awkward, very possibly there will even be subsequent trails of feelings of resentment and doubts being coupled in to the process. When all forceful and intentional will to generate compassionate thoughts/actions for self and others, and teeth-gnashing attempts to stay 'kindly' in the face of confrontations, contentions and conflicts are no longer felt as a necessity simply because one is trying to be spiritual, or even virtuous for that matter, then the generation of this power of compassion becomes as easy and spontaneous as when one instantaneously picking up a fallen child, or throwing a flotation device to a drowning person ~ in such instances, should one hesitate or allow analysis to creep up before acting? The answer is pretty obvious. In the absence of self-considerations, truly, i say, one cannot find a self which acts, and when this self and the present demands of situations becomes merged, then true Non-action takes place, yet there is no person anywhere to be found who experiences this state of Non-action. I leave you with a relevant 10-minute talk by Thich Nhat Hanh on "I see you in me, and me in you" - - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azOZ8d0UvVs Kind blessings to all. as an afterthought, i think this clip is also very useful for reflection - - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y75EAhTX4vo&feature=related
  22. Excellent thoughts, Informer (these are your own reflections, yes?). Suddenly, i am reminded of a saying by Ryokan, "Even though we ceaselessly ponder on all things wondrous, how do we deal with each thing changing?" Blissful blessings to all!
  23. Deity Yoga

    Valid point. Reports of people misapprehending this practice are frequently heard. Actually, if one incorporates fully the Noble 8-Fold Path into the practice, coupled with a sincere desire to adopt the Bodhisattvic ideals into one's activities, most if not all associated pitfalls can be avoided. Its crucial for spiritual development to keep one's body, speech and mind can be kept in check thru mindful awareness and learning to persistently direct one's attention towards embodying the truly virtuous qualities associated with buddhahood, or arahatship. Certainly, pride and various portrayals of holiness or divinity in an arrogant manner are fully discouraged if one were to be a sincere cultivator or practitioner of Deity Yoga.
  24. Death

    Salute her bravery for attempting to tackle such a massive subject. She says everything arise from no thing, and then she also says there is only just this moment. If there is only just this moment, where is the arising, where is the ceasing in to 'no thingness'? What arises and what ceases? Where is the gap, or the cut off/cut in point?