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Everything posted by C T

  1. IMO, the most significant siddhi is the ability in oneself to recognize subtle inner growth that translates into outward changes. Without this ability no amount of transmission can bear any significant transformation. Sometimes 'siddhis' are very normal things that one performs on a daily basis, but because of being so used to it, one no longer recognizes it as such. For example, the ability to sip a hot cup of tea can also be a siddhi, for as toddlers, such an act could easily result in a horrific case of scalded lips and tongues. Taking simple feelings, thoughts and actions for granted could oft'ntimes be the stumbling block towards sensing other subtle yet potentially empowering inner growth. Nothing has the ability to curtail the recognition of 'siddhis' as much as cynicism, i think. This is why the Masters always emphasize the importance of Mindfulness, for without it, recognition becomes quite a task.
  2. Haiku Chain

    I lent him my coat he sold it at the market citing recession...
  3. Stripping The Gurus

    Was watching the telly news yesterday, whereupon a report came up of a wife who literally hammered her husband (26 blows!) to death, after being pushed to the limit by years of physical and mental (and of the 'spirit' too, IMO) abuse. She was given a 5yr suspended sentence. Was there a presence of 'evil' intent here i wonder? On whose part? What do you all think? Was her sentence justified? In my view, evil is the progressive presence of apathy, balanced out by the progressive absence of empathy. I have come across many teachers/gurus whose nature is so gentle and overflowing with empathy. Another group of people who display enormous empathetic vibes are those who work with the dying, like the hospice care-givers for example. Empathy promotes an abundance of inner (or spiritual) strength, so the more exposure to suffering, death and dying, the stronger these individuals grow. This is something to ponder about...
  4. Haiku Chain

    with each debt we ate spoonfuls of chinese porridge licked the bowl and all...
  5. Stripping The Gurus

    Ralis, Little do you realize that without the vibrant diversity and shades that 'gurus' come in, how would you hope to learn the value of discernment and acquire the discriminating knowledge that trusting yourself demands priority above all others? Do you honestly belief that your 'been there done that' would have been possible, even valuable, as life-lessons, without the errors of individuals who chose, or was chosen for them, the label 'guru'? Without these errant sons and daughters i suspect you would not even get this opportunistic pleasure to present your cynical (even a little sick)humor here. I guess there must be some dark unresolved issues within that spurs you to resort to 'poke fun at those who have been less than perfect' and have a laugh at the expense of others. Do you also poke fun at the disabled and the weak i wonder? Is this what 'been there done that' has taught you? Invaluable...
  6. Haiku Chain

    sailing moonlight bay left a pair of flip-flops there hope no-one takes them...
  7. Dear forum

    The last time i bought anything to wear was more than 4 years ago! There is enough clothes and shoes in the wardrobe to last me til i kick the bucket!! Sometimes there is the thought that i need 'things' to fulfill and complete 'me' but when such thoughts pop up, they instantaneously transform into thoughts of how fragile life is, and no matter where i think i am at in the process called 'living', there will always be an awareness that in actuality i need so much less than what i have knowingly or unknowingly accumulated over these past 40odd years. I wish everyone here much happiness, the kind that is not dependent on any 'thing', philosophy, analysis, or self-actualizing processes. Here is a meaningful song to accompany this post:
  8. Hermits and Tibetan yogis

    Here's an insightful read pertaining to this subject: "Ordinary People As Monks And Mystics" by Marsha Sinetar, published by Paulist Press. In this book the author interviews individuals who have made conscious decisions to walk the roads less travelled, and some who have discovered 'new paths' for themselves. http://www.marshasinetar.com/bookWebPages/ordinaryPeopleMonks.html
  9. Haiku Chain

    now with all your qi eat the blueberry muffin in all mindfulness...
  10. Question for Taoists and Buddhists

    I understand 'Sunyata' to be the basis of all manifestations, so neither the past, future or present has any 'substance' in this regard. It seems that the lack of stability in the view of 'sunyata' is what drives people to become dissatisfied and become engrossed in matters pertaining to the 3 times. Once the view of 'sunyata' permeates the being, then all thoughts of wanting to emulate 'enlightenment' or be free of all the fetters, including disengaging oneself from the past, present and future, becomes quite irrelevant... and unnecessary. I enjoy your insights very much Athanor. Thank you!
  11. Haiku Chain

    a road that never... sojourns without destiny free of a 'freedom'..
  12. Question for Taoists and Buddhists

    Exceedingly good thread. Thank you BT, for the time and thoughtfulness in setting this, and thumbs up to all those who responded just as thoughtfully. I enjoyed the insights very much. All pretty valid stuff. Cheers!
  13. Haiku Chain

    Stones beneath my feet attacking my worn-out shoes laughing as they went...
  14. Cooking/Combining Chinese Herbs

    Hello Mikael... To derive optimum effects from the herbs, try following the traditional way of preparation: http://www.secondhalflife.com/blog/concept-of-double-boiling-food Enjoy!
  15. Stripping The Gurus

    I'd like to think that essentially we are all our own 'gurus'. If there is harmony within, we will attract all that is harmonious - including the 'right' teachers, teachings, relationships, etc. First be a good guide to our own selves.. then there is no problem.
  16. Haiku Chain

    restless fires quicken hasten to extinguish flames trip over shoelace..
  17. Haiku Chain

    grow flowers on them that way the ancestors live death is but a dream...
  18. If you hear uncontrollable laughter the next time you step into a subway carriage, this could be the reason! :lol:
  19. Haiku Chain

    world war two again always takes two 'worlds' to fight peace a better choice?
  20. Haiku Chain

    and me, still undone without a wish for comfort blaze a fiery trail...
  21. Feeling emotions at heart

    Next time an emotion arises, you can try to do two things: one, see if you can resist labeling that which arises, or try acknowledging it with a different label. For example, when there is anger, say to yourself, "there is fear", or "there is sadness", or whatever else - just do not address the emotion with the specific label, and see what happens. I do this sometimes, and its quite fun. For e.g. I get impatient quite often when the pressure in the kitchen gets too much, and then what happens (not anymore though) is i will lose my cool and scream at the chefs. After i learned how counter-productive this was, i began to mindfully observe each time this thing rising up, and when it does, i say to myself, "there you go again, becoming all fearful"... and immediately my mind would hit a blank space because it seems unable to comprehend the conflicting thoughts/feelings, and this helps to pacify that particular situational crisis almost instantly!
  22. Hello Athanor, Are you familiar with Mahayana Buddhism, and specifically The 7 Points of Mind Training? Its one of the most profound teachings on training the mind to deal with all kinds of life situations. Its quite an elaborate teaching, but if you are interested, please check out this link: http://www.unfetteredmind.com/mindtraining/about.php Hope you will be able to pick up some useful methods here to aid you with this rather uncomfortable situation. All the best.
  23. What happens when you meditate?

    Dont think you are off the mark here at all. In many regards Meditation concerns focus, a sort of converting the mind into something like a zoom lens and then fixating itself on a subject. On the other hand, Contemplations are more pervasive and spacious, which allows the practitioner the freedom to roam the fields of endless divine possibilities and 'play with the gods' so to speak. Or it could be just an exercise in total relaxation. Its hard to find this state with Meditation, which is more like a profoundly conscious and mindful exercise to get at the root of old and redundant habits and then ousting them either thru peaceful means (the less harmful ones) or with more 'wrathful' methods if some of these ol'habits are more stubborn.