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Everything posted by Nilo

  1. I spoke with Max

    Why doesn't Max post himself?
  2. I recommend practicing with the DVD.
  3. I found out about TRE a year ago and now i feel that I don't have to do it as much since my body is alot more relaxed than before. I feel it has helped me immensely.
  4. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    I think you should watch your back or else with will make you ejaculate.
  5. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    It's not silly at all. At our cores we are super heroes and practice qigong so that more of these qualities shine through. Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes: Harnessing Our Power to Change the World
  6. Astral Projection

    I had this book but man it was an intimidating looking big red book. OBE are great for becoming more and more conscious in every moment, even sleep. Also great for taking the fear out of death.
  7. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    You don't choose the ring, the ring chooses you.
  8. How do you handle your liver heat rising? Alot of anger and frustration and total inability to be calm arises for me. Sometimes I like to blast through as much of it as I can through doing Zhan Zuhang or Horse Stance but sometimes I'll do a little and then rebalance my mind and do a little more gradually. Also massage the calves seems to work well in releasing. Any helpful suggestions?
  9. Actually I just did alot of research on TCM and took the advice of DragonHerbs team. I felt I was getting no energy from my food either so they told me to try their Astragalus/Ginseng formulation, it helps by heating up the spleen so I can extract nutrients from food. Also I am taking Ho Sho Wu and REishi for kidneys. one of my fav formulations has been the Goji/Schizandra tincture, I get a nice Shen high from it if I am relaxed. I recently tried some herbs from the Ayurveda system. The herbs were infused into ghee and I was surprised how well my body absorbed them. I was wondering if I can add ho shoo wu into ghee in a slow cooker. Would the herbs maintain integrity? I have had difficulty with my liver for 2 years and I know why, I was pushing myself too much in all ways including practicing qigong. Now I have learned so much and will flow with the Tao by nourishing myself and resting alot
  10. Michael Lomax can you give an approx date when the new DVDs will be released? Thanks
  11. Wow thanks Gerard , excellent advice. I started taking Bluporem/Dan Gui formulation from DragonHerbs and it has been helping alot.
  12. Yigong by Sifu Jenny Lamb

    I feel Max likes to make himself seem all mystical, unreachable and special, interesting ego trip. I like Jenny though.
  13. Thrive movement: THRIVE is an unconventional documentary premiering online on 11.11.11 at THRIVE lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
  14. Thanks for the thread and vids. So basically it's about seated meditation and holding postures? I think I will just experiment with how my hands/arms want to move and allow that.
  15. Anyone try ZZ with a weighted vest?
  16. Bliss VS Awareness

    I guess it depends on your definitions for what bliss and awareness are. I feel that bliss can cause an opening for alot more awareness but alot of people fall into the traps of bliss (pervert tantra fanatics) if they don't have much awareness. I also see that awareness can cause alot of bliss to arise but alot of people fall into the traps of awareness, I'm talking about rigid zen folk who don't know what to do with their body besides sit like a rock. Imho it's best to keep a balance and allow both bliss and awareness to come from a pure intention of the heart, cultivate both at the same time.
  17. Breath Retention Is Really Good For You

    Here is a really in depth write-up about someone's experience: BTW I have purchased the Frolove device to train my respiratory system with resistance, I will keep this thread updated.
  18. Breath Retention Is Really Good For You

    Understanding, I totally agree that developing a strong, muscular body buffers your energy system. It has given me more confidence (not becuase of the muscles but the feel of energy body) and allowed me to build resilience when it comes to dealing with stresses. Alot of members in this forum rely heavily on 'professional in-person instruction'. I seen people who say Zhan Zuhang is not meant to be done the way I do it but these people don't look inspiring or radiate an energy of inspiration. I find that learning the basics to be helpful but then I drop the system and make my own adjustments through intuition, afterall it's all about developing self empowerment and not a reliance on others. It's chi folks, play with it, trust your intuition and then you will become your own master.
  19. Breath Retention Is Really Good For You

    I feel the same way, it even goes beyond all the cells of your body breathing. Also it's about the quality of the breath. Alot of people tend to get caught up in O2/ CO2/ Diaphram but what about the warmth, stretching, sensual and nourishing quality of the breath. I bet if they did a study on people who gently sip their water vs. people who chug down alot more, we would see the sippers are much more hydrated.
  20. Breath Retention Is Really Good For You

    ChiDragon I do that as well. I breathe very slowly and really stretch the breath gently and it does the trick for more mindfulness and deeper breathing but I do find that if I have alot of internal resistance then the breathing retention exercise yeilds much betters results. It is ideal that I follow up with the slow breathing but I usually forget, thanks for the reminder
  21. Breath Retention Is Really Good For You

    Thanks for the links I will check them out. My breathing tends to be shallow alot of the time when I am stressed and breathing deep seems to be counter productive but breath retention always does the trick. Breath retention (holding breath after inhale) combined with exercises like a stretch/ squat/pushup have worked miraculously for me. I can't believe it's not practiced by more people. This 'Buteyko breathing' method, is there a book or video you recommend?
  22. i have 'Awakening the Soul' DVD. The routine the TS practices is from 'Returning to Oneness' DVD.
  23. I don't have the DVD with this particular set. I have the DVD with the seated movements. But yes I agree, simplicity and naturalness is the key. This allows the chi to move freely whereever it is needed the most.
  24. SHAKING by Bradford Keeney

    I love Braford's audio interviews. If one wants to induce shaking without making effort to shake then check out the Trauma release exercises by David Bercelli, some earth shattering stuff.
  25. Stillness-Movement Neigong Review

    Ya Mu, Do you use the rebounder in Gift of the Tao DVD? Are there any sample video clips out there? Also when is the Sacred Vibrations DVD coming out and what are it's contents? Are any other DVDs in the process of releasing? Thank you