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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Amen to that, there can be a lot of "little dark souls" on the way to the Big Dark Cahuna......the one that many many advanced practitioners have talked about experiencing at higher levels. Yet to get there myself, but look forward to being on the other side. If one things for sure, it's always better on the other side. My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Is this normal ?

    I would also add that having a balance between sitting and movement in ones practice is quite healthy....so you seem to have set a pretty balanced practice up for yourself. My 2 cents, Peace
  3. Is this normal ?

    Do not become attached to any physical, emotional or psychological state. I think this is a good rule of thumb. When we meditate if negative states surface in the mind we observe them and let them pass. I think such a rule can be equally applied to your movement practice. My 2 cents, Peace
  4. Is this normal ?

    I strongly disagree with this statement. Allowing the body to move spontaneously is similar to spontaneous shaking and is very powerful and positive exercise. It can be very powerful in removing blockages in the physical, emotional and psychological body. Where do you think Yoga postures came from?? People allowed the body to move on its own and do the self-healing that it already knows how to do and they would find themselves in spontaneous postures according to what there body needed. My 2 cents, Peace
  5. Thanks for the response Friend. I guess there really isn't any hard meter for any of this stuff, just Listening I guess. My 2 cents, Peace
  6. This is excellent and very thorough advice. Nothing much I can think of adding. My 2 cents, Peace
  7. Hello from florida

    Make a post and I am sure you will get a lot of responses. Welcome to TTB. My 2 cents, Peace
  8. Hey Michael had a couple of questions regarding practice, if you continually over a long period of time bless all of the food and drinks that you consume with a specific intent does it strongly effect your practice/vibration in the long run? Another question.....I was recently in a very intense mood......and although I wanted to go practice GOT I intuitively felt it wasn't a good idea. Should you not practice these high level energetics when In a negative mood? Also just 1 more question.......I have been noticing since I started practicing SECA that they'll be some days I feel I need to just take a break because it seems like my system is still adjusting to it.....is this something that happens when just starting out with SECA? Is there a certain limit one should put on practicing this? Much thanks for any insights you can give. My 2 cents, Peace
  9. New here. Need help.

    Welcome to TTB. Enjoy your time here being a Bum. My 2 cents, Peace
  10. Hi from Kinsale

    Welcome to TTB. Enjoy your stay. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. Magical Knowledge

    Cool, haven't touched it yet but look forward to it once I'm ready. Slowly working my way through some of the exercises she teaches. Tuning your space to the void with the candle is pure awesomeness. Powerful stuff My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Holy Guardian Angel

    Quite cryptic of you? Perhaps you could share your own experiences and insights on this topic? My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Holy Guardian Angel

    Made my way through Christopher Bradford's series of blogs/posts on the HGA awhile ago and really found them insightful. The fact that he emphasizes Prayer, Listening and Trust as the fundamental "techniques" really resonated with me and have been proven quite powerful in some of my own recent experiences. Simple is often so powerful. The link is just the first of several posts. http://heavenswithinearth.blogspot.com/2009/10/hga.html?q=Hga My 2 cents, Peace
  14. Magical Knowledge

    A pretty fun and insightful interview that bounces a bit all over the place....but is focused on Josephine's new book "Magic of the North Gate". I imagine they'll be more interviews soon. Enjoy. http://deeper-down-the-rabbit-hole.com/2013/10/episode-111-josephine-mccarthy-discusses-magic-northgate/ My 2 cents, Peace
  15. ...

    An interesting perspective: http://thetaobums.com/topic/16419-shamanism-use-and-misuse-of-power/
  16. Greetings from Oregon

    Welcome to TTB. Nice pic and name. Surprised it wasn't already taken. My 2 cents, Peace
  17. Mind

    The Qabbalistic glyph/tree I think is illuminating in showing how existence emerges from Mind as well as the nature of Mind. It's both a glyph for magical/cultivation purposes as well as a kind of existential cosmology all in one picture. At-least that is my understanding.....others may disagree. http://www.crystalinks.com/tolsnake.gif My 2 cents, Peace
  18. Chi or Kundalini

    Jetsun, I am curious what your experience with the emotional liposuction has been? My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Hey Michael had a question. When giving a medical Chi Kung session to someone else is it important to have the patient put there tongue to the roof of there mouth? My 2 cents, Peace
  20. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    I have heard nothing but good things about Kent's works. What I think distinguishes these works from others is that many of the practitioners have very long and intensive experience in the field in which they write about....as well as the ability to write in a reputable and scholarly fashion. Just listened to this new interview with Nicholas de Mattos on his book about Obeah Sorcery. The interview was a bit glitchy....but I still enjoyed it immensely, well worth listening to. http://deeper-down-the-rabbit-hole.com/2013/10/episode-110-nicholaj-de-mattos-frisvold-discusses-obeah-sorcerous-ossuary/ My 2 cents, Peace
  21. Scarlet Imprint: Occult Literature

    A cool list of the new occult publishers whom have been springing up in the wake Scarlet Imprint. Some very interesting stuff: http://usedkey.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/bibliorgasmic/ My 2 cents, Peace
  22. The Illusion of Meditation

    To get to the point where you take your mindfulness wherever you go (successfully) can take quite a bit of time and training. Though that should not stop even the greenest practitioner from attempting it 24 hrs a day.....that's what I did when I first started and it payed dividends later on in my practice....but indeed there is the sterotypical meditating in mountains and forests pictures.....places with cleaner energy make it easier to meditate and cultivate tranquility. My 2 cents, Peace
  23. Help with stagnant qi liver / depression

    If your low on energy...one thing I'd recommend is you stop whacking off. Seems like your at some kind of transition point....just a note....I am a strong advocate of trusting ones intuition...it's never steered me wrong in the past. My 2 cents, Peace
  24. Chi or Kundalini

    In my understanding this is the foundational exercise for Spring Forest Qi Gong. It's free and powerful. Practice daily: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI My 2 cents, Peace