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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Thanks for the insights Rainbow. My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Gift of the Tao II Neigong Movements

    Michael, I had another question regarding the sequential energy center activation. Should you put your awareness on the LDT or on the energy center your working with when practicing SECABDE? My 2 cents, Peace
  3. Deep dive - help a newbie start practicing

    Many practitioners do a combination of Qigong and Martial Arts in there practice....and I think that is a good and balanced approach because internal work helps your progress faster in martial arts (atleast IME). I would find a system of qigong that resonates with you and do it, I believe I posted a link to a thread in your introductory post regarding various styles. In regards to martial arts.....which one do you enjoy most, which one makes you go cocoo for coco puffs (do that one)? If you like I could do a Tarot reading for you for each style lol! IMO its probably better to pick one and when you reach a certain level of mastery after many years you can see similarities in styles and thus get creative and play with other styles.. Also If your studying Qigong make sure there is a balance between reading and practice.....if not more practice than reading.....otherwise we become armchair practitioners.....you'll find that as you practice and raise your awareness, your understanding of energy naturally increases and supposedly "secret" knowledge walks up to you and says hi, my name is Bob and I've been here the whole time. The level of depth we can see into these things is intrinsically related to how much time we've put into internal work....also yes......PathNotes is AWESOME!!!!! In addition there is a lot of great advice from actual teachers in this thread, best of luck in your work: http://thetaobums.com/topic/26816-qsonly-teachers-may-answer/ My 2 cents, Peace
  4. ...

    I find it a bit humorous that you posted a link to a sutra. One should understand that sutras, mantras, hymns, prayers.....etc....these are all WORDS. Words have power....a lot of power.....the words that we speak vibrate in a certain way and are a reflection of a certain level of consciousness (atleast IME).....this is what I was pointing at with my initial post...the language and words we use often orchestrates a certain state of consciousness. When divisive words such as "destroy" are used they naturally set up a certain state of conflict that may or may not have been present to begin with. In my understanding people repeat certain mantras because they vibrate on a certain level that uplifts consciousness.....you are disminished or uplifted by the words you speak, the thoughts you think....and the feelings you emote. I did not mean for this to be a big discussion, were all free men and can write and say whatever we want, I just hope I made my point as clearly as possible so there is no confusion in my original intent. Linguistics is an interesting topic. My 2 cents, Peace
  5. ...

    Destroy is not the best word choice to use IMO, I think it is both psychological and emotionally unhealthy to have that kind of attitude that you have to destroy a part of yourself. IMO, it is better to relax into tension and slowly dissolve. Ofcourse there are other approaches as well, the ladder is a bit of a watery way of approaching....but you'll find you have all the fire you need when practicing celibacy. My 2 cents, Peace
  6. Welcome to TTB.
  7. Part narrative, part informational, but good in the sense that it gives a well rounded understanding of Qigong but does have a focus on a particular system of neigong. One of my favorites: http://www.amazon.com/Warriors-Healing-Medical-Shamans-ebook/dp/B004GNFXMW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1379256444&sr=8-2&keywords=A+Light+Warriors+guide My 2 cents, Peace
  8. Which internal art should I practice

    There are various styles of internal work. Find the one that most resonates with you and then go with it. My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Hmm....my experience has been that from deep states of stillness comes a natural and relaxed feeling of joy/bliss. Perhaps your running up against some internal blockages. I wish i could give you better advice but i cant see within your body and tell you what your problem is. The only thing i can recommend is to get a simple spiritual practice and do it daily so you can hasten the process of dissolving major blockages in your system. My experience has been that the deeper i go with my practice the more i intensely and joyously i feel about life...of-course everyone also has bad times as well. Here's a basic technique for internal work, i wish you the best of luck and hope you can find someone whom can give you more exact advice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr5MkMLyoeI My 2 cents, Peace
  10. IMO, its been my experience that an intense state of inner stillness and lack of attachment/desire is often a sign of spiritual development. It seems that the meditation you were doing opened up something inside of you....and from what you said you were basically practicing emptiness meditation while listening to bi-neural beats, i don't think there is anything wrong with that approach....you seemed to have simply opened up something within you....the inner stillness can be a bit scary at first but you get used to it. What's important is that you relax, allow these changes to integrate themselves into your personality, and perhaps even facilitate the changes with spiritual practices (if you are willing) rather than fighting them....which IMO will not help. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. What is self-refinement?

    IMO, Self-Refinement is cleaning your house ie....dusting, mopping, brooming, scrubbing the windows, throwing away all of the useless junk you've collected which is taking up space, going into all of the nooks, crannies and hidden corners and picking up the dirt and tossing it into the dumpster. Self-Refinement is a form of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual detoxification which allows your greatest qualities that you already from the beginning shine through. My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Michael Lomax interview tonight

    Learned and clarified quite a bit of some things that Michael talks about in workshops. A very enjoyable interview. My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Michael Lomax interview tonight

    Cool. My 2 cents, Peace
  14. Hello

    Welcome to TTB, in my experience most meditations can be done sitting, standing and laying, though more details on what kind of meditation your doing would be helpful. I primarily use Burmese posture on my practice....if you feel that your knees are taking some pain (which they shouldn't be) then you might want to try so me hip stretches. M 2 cents, Peace
  15. The MCO is Taoist fundamentalism

    I tend to disagree with such broad sweeping generalizations. My 2 cent, Peace
  16. The MCO is Taoist fundamentalism

    My understanding of the word fundamentalism is that it is by nature a divisive ideology, it insists that "OUR WAY IS THE ONLY WAY"......therefore the very nature of the title of this thread is incorrect....as any Daoist would agree there are varying paths and that the MCO is not the only valid technique in the world.....but that there are many methods which are beneficial. My 2 cents, Peace
  17. Shen vs. Jing vs. Chi

    My understanding is the level of subtlety/refinement of the energy and to which area in the body it's associated with. Shen is higher in the body, Jing is lower, chi is middle. But that's just based on my own very limited understanding of this topic. My 2 cents, Peace
  18. A very interesting video. Thanks for posting. My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Bump, an excellent interview. My 2 cents, Peace
  20. I don't really think its healthy to make hard-fast conclusions in any esoteric sense. Life is dynamic and ever changing, as soon as you've made some intellectual conclusions....you've lost the essence of it. My 2 cents, Peace
  21. Your most amazing spiritual experience?

    When I first began practicing one of my biggest inspirations was another practitioner on this site by the name of Tony Wheeler (screen name: Phore). He shared a lot of his experiences in his journal while practicing KAP and it really helped me gain strength in my own practice. Also its fun and inspirational to know that other people are really cultivating intensely, it definitely helps. I may just go back and re-read it now, probably understand more of it. My 2 cents, Peace
  22. It's good to hear your doing well and still practicing. Congrats on all of your work My 2 cents, Peace
  23. Your most amazing spiritual experience?

    What has been most profound for me is not any single earth shattering mind blowing all is light and pure experience.....but rather the process of evolving and shedding my illusions....the process has been so deep and profound.....and what always amazes me is that I consider myself still so young in my practice.....yet things seem to keep getting deeper and more profound the farther I go with my practices, and there's no end in sight ....that's whats been most amazing for me....the process itself. My 2 cents, Peace
  24. A sovereign God question

    Seth, in your experience what is the best way to approach and experience this sovereign aspect of the Divine? My, 2 cents, Peace