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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Vegetarianism and Cultivation

    IME, dairy is heavy on the digestive system. I need to eat it alone otherwise it doesn't get digested properly. I try not to eat eggs anymore....I get chest pains when I do. I don't think it's good for the heart. My 2 cents, Peqce
  2. I found that doing sun salutations every morning has really helped clear out some blockages in my channels, especially my back. Also it's good to be flexible as supposedly chi flows better through flexible rather than knotted tissue. My 2 cents, Peace
  3. Vegetarianism and Cultivation

    Thanks protector for the link to the mea eating thread.
  4. Vegetarianism and Cultivation

    It's interesting about the flexibility. Thanks, I may eat meat but probably very sparingly....once ever couple months....gonna consult a TCM guy in a week or 2.
  5. The Morality of Meditation - 7/7/13 NYT article

    Just posted it on my Facebook.
  6. Cool post Dzogchen. I recently just changed my eating habits to purely: Veggies, Fruits, Nuts/Seeds and Legumes. I had been noticing for awhile that heavy foods tend to really slow you down and plus it limited the amount of time I had for cultivation. My 2 cents, Peace
  7. Hello from a newcomeris inexplicable.

    Don't worry, there are ways of cleaning out the garbage can, that's what cultivation is all about. Welcome to the Taobums. My 2 cents, Peace
  8. Levi's Baphomet

    Just an example. I am sure there are many other ways one could apply the principle. My 2 cents Peace
  9. Spinning Chakras

    Awesome post TI, thanks for so openly sharing your experiences. I found it interesting what you said about spinning it counterclockwise versus clockwise as I was toying around with it and noticed the same thing. I also found that counterclockwise rotation was good for bringing energy back to the LDT when I want to make sure chi doesn't get left in other parts of my body. At least that has been my observation it he short term. My 2 cents, Peace
  10. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    My understanding is that exorcisms are very dangerous....I have heard more than one person simply refuse to do them because of the nature of the working, it makes sense that someone would charge a lot. In regards to Jenny, I have heard nothing but positive things about her as a practitioner. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. spells that always work

    Nine tail, you may find Jason Miller's book on strategic sorcery quite illuminating. I have yet to read it but have found his work to be of excellent quality, I may buy it myself. http://www.amazon.com/The-Sorcerers-Secrets-Strategies-Practical/dp/160163059X/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1373843830&sr=1-2 My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Spinning Chakras

    Interesting stuff, thanks for the post seeker. My 2 cents, Peace
  13. ...

    IME, I would say yes. My 2 cents, Peace
  14. spells that always work

  15. Stillness-Movement Neigong Review - June 2013

    It was a cool workshop. Glad you had fun as well. My 2 cents, Peace
  16. Just so everybody knows...

    There are plenty of crappy new age esoteric books flooding the market....where your at you'll probably just be another one. Personally, i think you should practice cultivating for another 10-20 years before writing a word. My 2 cents, Peace
  17. Levi's Baphomet

    Generally when you do some kind of working you want to create a "space" for what you do via burning incense, taking salt baths, using a broom, fasting....etc. However, lets say you clean out your space physically and astrally and are ready to work......but you also invite a person into your space whom is scared and confused about Esotericism and has never done any kind of cultivation (dirty aura) and like most people is constantly thinking negative thoughts. This individual is gonna bring tons of psychic grime into the room, shift your space and dilute and influence your practice to a certain degree even if its as simple as something like meditation. When you talk to people and say "Oh yeah I am doing a ritual today with Gabriel and I'm going to be going into trance to do this, this and this." Although you might not physically invite them into your space, you are inviting them in other ways to potentially clog up your space and mess with your work....intentionally or unintentionally. Where awareness goes, energy flows.....within and without the body. My 2 cents, Peace
  18. Levi's Baphomet

    It is a principle of magic to keep silent about what you do, magically speaking. This I because people's thoughts can effect the outcome of your work if they know about it, people could do this consciously or unconsciously. However, after a period of time in which you have "finished" a working I don't think there is anything wrong with talking about your experiences....thus Grimoires....though its probably best to wait for the inner cue that you can talk about. My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Name request change

    Could I request a name change to "OldChi"?
  20. I think certain things you can learn from books. An example is emptiness meditation, this is something that most people probably wouldn't need a teacher for but is still a fundamental but very simple skill which can take you cool places and develop your discernment and intuition so you can pick apart the fakes from the people whom actually know what there talking about. Also so you can begin to get intuitive insights for yourself. As others mentions its important to not go into these things blind. However, extremely complicated and deep topics like Tai Chi, Bagua....etc.....geez good luck. Teachers are very important.....I also feel that when making progress the most important role a teacher has is to give you poke when your doing something stupid and make whatever corrections you need......the other 70% is hard work and being consistent on a daily basis in your practice. My 2 cents, Peace
  21. TV

    Awesome post Gerard. Been looking for some more info on Taichi Yang 24. Much appreciated. My 2 cents,Peace
  22. Hello Fellow Lovers of the Tao

    Practicing Chi Kung daily has greatly enhanced my sentivity and understanding of chi. If your doing something you feel is harmful....you should probably stop doing it. My 2 cents, Peace