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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Manifesting

    Yes. Edit: I would also add that the strength and sincerity of ones purpose is important. My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Manifesting

    It's important that whatever you manifest is in harmony with the way of things. I have only tried too manifest something once and that was a job because I was flat broke. I charged myself up with Chi and said a prayer. Simple and easy. My 2 cents, Peace
  3. TCM Food Combining

    Cool, thanks for the link.
  4. TCM Food Combining

    One of the greatest benefits I am noting from mixing foods properly outside of health and easy digestion is lack of any kind of constipation or difficulty when going to the bathroom. If your an older or a young gentleman or lady and suffer from any kind of constipation when taking a number 2, then I would highly recommend looking into what foods your combining. Bump My 2 cents, Peace
  5. A very good video. My 2 cents, Peac
  6. Are there any healers here?

    When healing others I think detachment is the best policy. Emotions tend to cloud our judgment and if we have negative feelings toward a person it can affect the healing and possibly make the person worse off than before. Though I fool around with Chi a bit I am not a professional healer I any regards....so take my opinion with a grain of salt I guess. My 2 cents, Peace
  7. We all know Chunyi Lin as a great and highly respected teacher. I have never heard any negative comments regarding him or his methods. Sound like your beating a dead horse Drew.....and to be honest it just makes you and your teacher look weak. My 2 cents Peace
  8. Taoist Third Eye Training?

    From what people have said it seems like there are various "parts" of the 3rd eye. The most common known being the surface part or mid-brow. A part of my personal practice is meditating on glyphs and I have noticed that meditation on symbols seems to stimulate this area and causing stirring in the midbrow. I was curious if anyone knows what the role of that aspect of the 3rd eye is? My 2 cents, Peace
  9. New here too....and have many questions...

    Its seems like your basically asking "How do i walk my Path?" IME thats's a very personal thing and everyone has to find that for themselves. I personally recommend deep contemplation and reflection........writing ones ideas down, picking them apart, analyzing, then reflecting....etc Slowly work towards coming towards the source your own truth.....then pursuing your particular "Vision" wisely but relentlessly. My 2 cents, Peace
  10. New here too....and have many questions...

    So you want your surroundings to mimic your internal pursuits? IME to a certain extent in your own life this will happen automatically and with a certain bit of effort....as we change internally the external will shift as well.....but you cannot change other beings or society at large. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. Frater?

    I have noticed that many people within the Western Tradition use the term Frater to name or describe themselves. I was curious what the term Frater denotes and where it comes from? My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Trance and the Path

    I wasn't really concerned about the block. I have progressed and continue dissolve those areas through my neigong. I was simply interested in the influx of energy. I was curious about what kind of dynamic is created when doing work in Trance, especially with other Beings, it seems like one can end up on the receiving end of an influx of energy and ones energy body has to be pliable enough to process it....anyone got any familiarity with stuff like that? My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Horse stance

    Just started my Horse stance practice today. I was wondering if I were to post some pics could anyone knowledgeable give me feedback on my posture, stance....etc????? My 2 cents, Peace
  14. Trance and the Path

    I was working in Trance a bit a couple of months ago and I found that after my work was finished and I returned I felt a surge or influx of energy throughout my body and it agrivated some blockages in my chest which I guess it rubbed up against. Anyone have any experiences like that when doing this kind of work? Haven't done any more of that particular type of trance work because I thought it might be a bit too rough on my channels and unforgiving on my blockages. My 2 cents, Peace
  15. Eating delicious food is great. But eating too much causes one to become bloated, tired, inefficient and stagnant. It is such with all things. My 2 cents, Peace
  16. Qigong Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang - My experience

    Thanks for sharing your experiences.
  17. New here too....and have many questions...

    Where do you want to go?
  18. Ritualistic Magic? Whats the point?

    I recently read Magical Knowledge by Josephine McCarthy. The first half of the entire book was basically about guiding the practitioner past the pitfalls of the path. I highly recommend. Bump
  19. Some Thoughts

    A good list. A method I have found very powerful for self-purification is devotion as he describes in this video. A simple bow can be very powerful.
  20. Hey Seth, a question came to mind regarding the 3 tantric keys you talked about (relaxation, transmutation,pause). Do you see transmutation as a separate process done after sex or during? If done during the act.....is it something as simple as putting ones awareness on the LDT? What methods do you use? My 2 cents, Peace
  21. Thanks for your insights Seth. Searched all over the forum to refind this post. My chest seems to beopening a bit more open lately and rather than pursuing things from a purely sacral awareness there is becoming a strong desire within me to "connect" from the heart, a good signi think that I am ready to experiment with these things. Blessings to you. My 2 Cents, Peace
  22. Intensity

  23. Why Taoism?

    This first stanza of the Tao te Ching is why I prefer Taoism to all other traditions, it admits the futility of words and language, it doesn't claim to hold the Ultimate within somekind of metaphysical box, it is raw spirituality at its finest. It admits ignorance and therefore it's wisdom shines. "The Tao that can be told Is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named Is not the eternal Name" Tao Te Ching My 2 cents, Peace
  24. A very powerful video. Everyone Bum here knows how powerful meditation can be. Glad to see it being shared with those whom perhaps need it most. My 2 cents, Peace