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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Trance Portation

    I am about a quarter through this book so far and am loving it. I have no doubt it is probably one of the most thorough and comprehensive books on practical trance in existence. I highly recommend. http://www.amazon.com/Trance-portation-Learning-Navigate-Inner-World/dp/1578634059/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1358088924&sr=8-2&keywords=Trance+portation My 2 cents, Peace
  2. hi

    Whether "divine" knowledge can ever actually be discussed is a topic in itself. Welcome to the taobums.
  3. increasing energy by inducing blockages?

    Probably don't think it is very intelligent to create blockages in ones own body. Knowing the body internally on an experiental level in my understanding takes years of practice. Its said that eventually one learns to see inside of one's body. Patience is a virtue. My 2 cents, Peace
  4. Trance Portation

    Not an expert, but i think practice is the key. I think Trance states are actually a lot easier to enter than people think. The more you empy yourself the easier it is to enter Trance. My 2 cents, Peace
  5. Tensed

    Do some basic Yoga every morning (sun salutations), this will loosen you up enormously. Also if you have the money for it get a massage once a week. Also practice correct posture. All of the knots we have in our muscles are caused by ourselves. My 2 cents, Peace
  6. Hearing about your work is an inspiration. Thanks for your postings Jenny. My 2 cents, Peace
  7. ...

    Probably just detoxing. Have you had any kind of history of bipolar disorder or any kind of psychological disorder.....if so I would probably consult your teacher and ask if it is safe to continue. My 2 cents, Peace
  8. Living at peace with society...

    There is no judgment in it at all (thats just another way of getting sucked into attachment) for me nor do I label people as we are all constantly in flux. But as a general rule I have found that its not fun to be around people whom are constantly negative, it's literally a "drain".......in order to "Live at peace with society" it's important to choose ones environment as it does effect you no matter how cultivated you are and as mentioned before always shield oneself. IMO once you raise your energy to a certain extent you will naturally not gravitate towards such people and things will naturally shift, you don't need to label people....water finds its own level....higher energy people tend to gravitate towards people with similar energy. I have never meet someone whom was consciously an energetic vampire and thus a practitioner of black magic. If I did I would do my best to avoid them at all costs. People whom are regularly leaching others energy either unconsciously or consciously have a lot of self-healing to do....and such a task can only be done by themselves....you just gotta respect other people's freedom to do what they want for better or worse and keep your distance and be detached. The greatest of bodhsattva know that you can point people in the right direction but in the end its up to them to choose which path to take....that's my compassion. My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Japan Mantra Cd

    Just got this cd In the mail and have been using it the last day. It's 2 tracks and each are about 40 min and the first is of the Japa mantra sung by a choir. I wasn't sure whether I would like the choir version of it.....but I gotta say its some of the most beautiful chanting I have ever heard..... I have never sung along with mantras.....I usually just play them in my car because I feel that they effect the space and I feel some benefit.....but for the first time I started to sing and chant with the cd....it's really good stuff. I have yet to listen to listen the 2nd track of Om, but it sounded pretty intense from the sample I heard. Just the Japa track is worth the cd...I highly recommend it. http://www.amazon.com/Om-Namaha-Shivaya-Deluxe-Anniversary/dp/B000006Q4B/ref=sr_1_13?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1359481377&sr=1-13&keywords=Japan+mantra My 2 cents, Peace
  10. Shavasana

    Twisted my ankle recently playing some basketball. One of the thing my friends said to me was that I should keep my foot elevated above my heart level in order to restrict blood flow to the area so it doesn't become inflamed. As I got back home and laid down in bed I realized that shavasana is one of the few positions that the entire body is equal in height to the heart. That would mean that blood flow is equally distributed to the entire body along with chi/piraña. Thought this was interesting. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. Living at peace with society...

    Most people can intuitively feel these out for themselves.....a simple example is a Troll on this site. A troll posts some outrageous comments which he may or may not believe and this post stirs people up emotionally and psychologically because they lack self-control.....this triggers lots of argument or fighting and very long useless threads....all of which feeds the troll/vampire. There easy enough to sense when you develop a bit of intuition. I see them all the time and I just ignore them. People can subconsciously or consciously be vampires as well....at one point or another in our lives we have unknowingly sucked other people's energy. Its conscious and aware vamps that can be quite annoying. Here's a couple of linkson the topic: http://thetaobums.com/topic/7752-spiritual-vampires/ http://thetaobums.com/topic/14177-tao-bumss-emotional-vampires/ http://www.owningpink.com/blogs/owning-pink/identifying-warding-emotional-vampires-part-2-of-emotional-freedom My 2 cent, Peace
  12. Living at peace with society...

    Over the years I have learned a variety of tips and tricks for psychically and emotionally defending myself...which I feel is what this thread is really about. 1. Always have your shields up 2. Learn how to identify emotional and psychic vampires right away and treat them with all the attachment you would a booger 3. Always be aware of your weaknesses or your trigger points (manitou touched on this topic) 4. Through meditation learn to control your thoughts and emotions (vampires will manipulate them if you let them) My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Taoist Bed Chamber Arts?

    Bump....this topic has been on my mind lately. My recommendation: http://www.amazon.com/Tantric-Sex-Men-Meditation-ebook/dp/B003ZHVB6W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359311571&sr=8-1&keywords=Tantric+sex+for+men My 2 cents
  14. Has TTB's had an effect on you?

    Found my current neigong practice through TTB.....and that in itself has changed my life more deeply than anything. I have had my fare share of dark nights of the soul on here where I was feed up with trolls and the personal attacks.....but even that kind of negativity has taught me to psychically and emotionally defend myself. All in all I feel i am better off from being a bum.
  15. Stillness Movement

    I have noticed this as well. Deep prayer always sends me into s-m. My 2 cents, Peace
  16. Some Thoughts

    Thanks for this. Still have a lot of work to do in this field. Gonna be re-doing my black and white mirrors soon. My 2 cents, Peace
  17. fasting, energy practice

    Never had any trouble fasting while doing energetic practices except not having enough energy to do movement Chi Gung and fainting when I get up. My 2 cents, Peace
  18. Illness and Purification

    I recently received a light flu and have coughing a bit and spitting up giant green louigies of phlegm a couple of times a day. I recently coughed up one that was about the size of my cell phone and thought too myself....."was this in my body before I was sick or after?". Thus the question came to my mind.....can illness be a form of purification, can it help us get through stagnant phases in our practice, help relieve the body of toxins, and further our practice and possibly serve as a right of passage? Is there such a thing as holy illness? Would like to hear others opinions and experiences on this? My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Illness and Purification

    I remember in the book Magus of Strovolos the mystic would take on other people's illnesses/karma in order that it wouldn't kill them. My 2 cents, Peace
  20. Illness and Purification

    Indeed, this is one of the major differences between the medical paradigms of east and west. The way they approach treating is completely different. So many people in the west are knocked up on medical drugs In order to treat the symptoms erathe than the deeper causes. My 2 cents, Peace
  21. Being challenged when energy is high

    The path will continue to place challenges in your way according to what level you are at...it is likely that this will continue until the day we die. It's a very important part of life and for cultivating virtue. Self knowledge is and intrinsic part of growth. My 2 cents, Peace
  22. Does art come from suffering?

    IMO.....all art comes from a level of "depth".....or to say it another way.....the "work" we produce is a result of our Vibrational frequency/Energy Level. When we practice cultivation or in your case are going through a Kundalini Awakening your vibrational frequency or level of conscious awareness is changing and as a result what you were attracted to create is changing because your energy is changing.....you can still write, its just the kind of writing your going to be drawn to write is gonna be different from what "your old self" would have liked to create. "As within it is without. Do a bit of reading and study other writers and find another style your interested in and matches your current "energy" and then roll with it. I have heard the same thing happen with musicians whom find the music they want to produce changes as they cultivate. Best of luck. My 2 cents, Peace
  23. All the money in the world won't end poverty. Change must come from within. There's no point In putting sprinkles on a shit sandwich..... My 2 cents, Peace
  24. Close down Qi, or always stay connected?

    In the system of neigong I practice they emphasize 24 hour practice....ofcourse it takes time and practice to develop the level of awareness to do "sleeping practices". My 2 cents, Peace
  25. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    When you experience the reality of every person being a Buddha then it will be appropriate to treat them as such. If you treat someone as a Buddha and have not yet experienced that level of truth.....i think that is stupid and unnecessary. Until as an individual you come into that level of experience I think mutual-respect and kindness is a good overall policy. Contriving supposed truths before you have yet to experience them is IMO silly and a waste of time....better to live by experience....there are some nasty Buddhas out there. -My 2 cents, peace