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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Interview with Chunyi Lin of Spring Forest Qigong

    Bump....A thread i feel definitely deserves more exposure. -My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Lol, i know several people whom are Freemasons. They are not Evil. I don't really know anything else about the other organizations. Its best to use ones critical thinking skills and analyze such things as they come before you. -My 2 cents, Peace
  3. Freemasons....at large....nationally...in my understanding is not an organization oriented towards Mysticism....although there are of-course exceptions. I have doubts as to whether an individual should attempt to join any occult organization....sounds like your in a rough spot....some basic introspection and maybe a Tarot reading can always shine light on events and bring new perceptions to the fore. Best of luck. -My 2 cents, Peace
  4. Spring Forest Qigong

    I think you will probably find many of your questions answered in this interview that he did for the TaoBums. Enjoy. http://thetaobums.com/topic/16067-interview-with-chunyi-lin-of-spring-forest-qigong/ -My 2 cents, Peace
  5. More MoPai

    Seems like an interesting Lineage....its unfortunate that it is so fraught with internal conflict. I look forward to hear more. -My 2 cents, Peace
  6. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "He who desires the Soul, who plays with the Soul, who makes love with the Soul, who attains ecstasy in the Soul, becomes his own master and wanders through the worlds. But they who know otherwise are dependent. They dwell in perishable worlds and cannot wander at will." Chandogya Upanishad
  7. Time for a break

    I don't mind the nut-jobs...at-least there sincere in their insanity...i am more annoyed by the intellectual-idiots that seem to populate all forums....but then again that's what the ignore post function is...i have made great use of it in my time on the forum. Also jumping into conversations with idiots on this forum has really taught to me "choose my battles" wisely and not waste my energy on "filled cups" and intellectual vampires.....a very hard lesson to learn but one that is applicable everywhere i go...both on the internet and out in the world. -My 2 cents, Peace
  8. Shamanism: Use and Misuse of Power

    Stillness Movement -My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Shamanism: Use and Misuse of Power

    Bump..... I flipped through this book again today because i felt it was time to me to pick it up again. I have always been on the fence in regards to doing healings as is done in my neigong system....but reading this over again has really showed me the value in the practice of healing oneself, others and the cosmos as a whole. A very good book, there is a lot of depth here and i highly recommend it. -My 2 cents, Peace
  10. Tony Parsons Interview

    Which book does he talk about Kabbala in?
  11. Indeed, i agree. I write a lot in my journal on the Bums and it has become a way of expressing and sharing my experiences with others without having to deal with awkward social situations in which people will stare at you because what your talking about is way beyond their level of perception and belief system...i don't even try to talk about this stuff with people anymore. I remember reading in Path Notes that one man went through a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening but didn't know what was happening and even though he had a wife and a family he didn't share his experiences with anyone for something like 20 years....until he met Glenn Morris...i am not sure if i would've been able to handle those 20 years. Furthermore although i am no expert atleast i can give my own amateur perspective on this thread.... The path can be a very uncomfortable place to be (at times)....especially when purging oneself of a lot of negative emotions and thought programs....its like getting broken down in the military, but there's no drill instructor yelling in your face....its a very slow and subltle process where day by day you seem to lose more and more of "yourself"....for obvious reasons this can be a very scary thing....expecially for those whom as Taoiseasy said lack "Virtue" and are practicing to become some kind of all powerful demi-god and all the other stupid reasons out there. Also i think there is a fine line between psychological illness and qigong induced mental illnesses...if you ask your average psychotherapist they will say that almost everyone suffers from some kind of personality disorder.....the qigong probably brought something up that was already there and it just takes some real sturdiness to deal with all that garbage (ofcourse people whom are psychotic should proabbly not be practicing)...i think it takes an experienced teacher whom knows the personality and weaknesses of his student in order to correctly asses the situation and understand the difficulties the student is going through....ofcourse if one has physical symptoms...blisters...etc...then that is also something that a teacher or TCM doctor should probably address. But hey that's just my amateur perspective....feel free to rip it too shreds. -My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    It seems like every spiritual tradition is always saying that the alphabet we have is a gift from God and is the True Language....aramaic, sanskrit....etc It must be fun when you get a certain level of sensitivity to these types of things to experiment. and toy with different mantras and runes and see what kind of effect they have on the body. Something to look forward to i suppose...one day.... -My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Hello again!

    Cool beans. Welcome back.
  14. did this woman cast a love spell on me?

    Ahhhhh......the trials and tribulations of the youth!!! You'll get over it, no need to really do anything. -My 2 cents, Peace
  15. Tony Parsons Interview

    He seems like a really genuine guy. Just watching him and his videos sent me into a pretty deep meditative state. -My 2 cents, Peace
  16. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    I had a distant healing from Michael Lomax and had a very positive result. Also i know phore does healings. Also you could email Jenny Lamb, perhaps she does distant healing, i know chun yi lin does as well. Websites: http://www.thundershaman.com/ http://easterninternalarts.com/ http://qigongamerica.com/ http://www.springforestqigong.com/ I am also sure there are many more...but these are of my memory. -My 2 cents, Peace
  17. I read this book awhile ago and found this excerpt which i thought was very interesting and i figured i'd share it. The following is a conversation between Cheryl Simone and Sadghuru Jaggi Vasudev from Midnights with the Mystic. Enjoy. "Are we at the mercy of our destiny or can even that be changed? "He paused before answering. Now what you are really asking is if life is already pre-fixed. That's the question. This question comes up because certain things are happening in you life, and even though you are trying to push it one way, it is often going another way. That is the reason for the question. So, is this destiny? As you know, external situations are controlled by many, many forces. Right now, we are driving in this car, and this situation is controlled by gravity, the movement of the planet-its rotations and revolution-and atomic forces, and any number of things. There are also forces at work well beyond present levels of perception and understanding. We only understand to some extent, and to that extent we can control them. "For example, one can steer a car, make sure there is enough gas, and obey the rules of the road. Those things are under one's control, but gravity is not under our control. But our understanding of situations has hugely improved in the last fifty years. We now think less about destiny and more about things happening by intent. Do you see this? He paused expectantly. Clearly he was not asking a rhetorical question. "Yes, i said. I definitely don't think along the lines that it is meant to be it will be, the wasy my grandmother used to think. " So, he continued, in the next one hundred years, if our perception and understanding is greatly enhanced, you will see us less and less at the mercy of destiny. Most situations will be in our hands. It is beginning to happen, slowly, step by step, isn't it? Still, we do not understand all the forces working upon this particular situation right now, so everything we don't understand, we say is God's will. That is God's will. That is a childish explanation for all that you are unable to perceive and understand. It's an easy way of washing it off. We label it this way because we have not understood the realities of life properly. Right now, we are doing a major project in the rural area in South India. You know i have been involved with rural people since i was young, but when i really got there and saw everything that was happening. I was amazed that in the 21st century, when a government dispensary is not more than 5 kilometers away in any village, every year more seventy thousand children lose their vision simply because of something as treatable as conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitus does not take away vision; the children are just scratching out their eyeballs. If they just leave thir eyes alone for another four days without medicine they will be okay, but the children are unable to bear the itch. Just two drops of an antibiotic and their vision need not vanish. Do you think that is destiny or something that we can change? "Definitely it's something that can and should be changed, I answered." Whatever your destiny is right now, he continued it is self-created, but unfortunately, you are creating it unconsciously. It is written by you and nobody else. The creator has given you perfect freedom. He has put his own self into you. Your destiny is written by you. It is only because of feelings of helplessness that people are talking so much about destiny. You can also create your destiny consciously. I want you to know the power, the liberation, of another kind of science-the inner science-the yogic science through which you can become the master of your own destiny. You have not yet understood the enormity of being human. If you take a human being to his full height, the divine will be a part of his life. If you have mastery over your physical body, 10 to 15 percent of your life and destiny is under your control. If you have sufficient mastery over your mind, 40 to 60 percent of your life and destiny will be under your control. If you have complete mastery over your life energies, 100 percent of your life and destiny will be under your control. The whole science of yoga is just to work on these three levels: body, mind, and energy. Any human being can explore his capabilities to the fullest only when he exists in a state where there are no issues of his own. There are no internal issues, either body, thought, or emotion. It is only in this state that he can find expression to all that he is. All that we are doing in the form of spiritual process is just that. You decide where you want to go, the next course and destination. It is in your hands. As there is a physical science for external well-being, there is an inner science,a yogic science. With this, you can take your destiny 100 percent into your own hands. You can take 100 percent of the very process of life into your hands. The very way that you are born you can decide. The very womb that are born in can be chosen by you consciously. That is the extent which you can have mastery over your own life. Your birth, the very process of life and your death can be your choice. You can create your life the way you want it. Even now it is your choice, but you are choosing it unconsciously. One can choose consciously also. If you do not take your destiny into your own hands, you live accidentally. When you live accidentally, anxiety is very natural. Almost 90 percent if the world is anxious all the time. This is simply because people make no effort to take their lives into their own hands; the way it happens it happens. "If we are uncosnciously creating our destiny right now, how is it happening? Is it our thoughts, or our actions, or our past actions." I asked Who are you right now? he replied, you whole personality, everything that you are, is a complex accumulation of your impressions of life itself. This is like your software. This is what is referred to as Karma. It is the volume of your impressions. Everything you have perceived has imprinted itself on your mind and even on your energy. The very way your body behaves, the very way your energies behave, is a result of the past impressions of your karma. The very way you move your body is programmed. So what you call karma is the sum of the vast store of impressions you have taken as your software. Because of these impressions, you develop certain tendencies. These are unconscious tendencies. Your body, your mind, you emotions, your energies, everything works according to these tendencies that evolve because of the vast store of impressions. This the influence of karma on your life. Unless one rises to a certain pitch of awareness and has a certain mastery over oneself, one is always being pushed and pulled by these tendencies that have been created unconsciously. Even though you are being pushed in a certain direction, all this was created by you, no one else but. "So if we created it, can we undo-or avoid-that which we created?" I asked excited at the prospect. " Or can we change it with awareness? Or are these some experiences that are definitely destined to happen?" Sadghuru answered, Right now, yes. There are many things that are bound to happen because these tendencies are far deeper than your mental determination. If you determine to go in a certain way, there are many things you can change. Certain fundamental things will find their own way. However, once a person has a certain mastery over his life energies, he can completely change the course of his life. Now we are talking about creating the same thing consciously. The very fact that a person turns spiritual when he says, 'I am seeking liberation' means he wants to take the course of his life into his hands. You want to take your destiny into your hands. With the very first step of yoga your are try to take charge of some part of you, starting with the body, the breath, and then the mind and the energy. You are going step by step. It is more than just being free from suffering. You can definitely change the course of your destiny." Midnights with the Mystic
  18. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    I imagine the blockage was already there...you just weren't aware of it...but maybe i am wrong....if you are right then i don't really know what to say. Perhaps you could see a professional healer....there are several on the forum...Michael Lomax, phore....etc -My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    Audiohealing....sturdy blocks in one's channels can take years to dissolve....IMO there is no quick fix....keep practicing and keep persevering....i would be suspicious of someone whom said they could fix all my problems instantly simply by chanting a few mantras or doing a few movements....the body has its own way of dealing with such blockages....spiritual cultivation assists and increases the efficiency with which the body operates...but still it takes time. -My 2 cents, Peace
  20. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    A wise man once said "You can't climb up a smooth mountain." I agree 100%, challenges are footholds in disguise...they are your own internal obstructions manifested outwardly so that you have the opportunity to conquer them. -My 2 cents, Peace
  21. New to qigong - what just happened?

    Most likely that is the answer. -My 2 cents, Peace
  22. The power of chakras

    Perhaps a useful for thread for you: http://thetaobums.com/topic/25326-the-importance-of-the-heart/ -My 2 cents, Peace
  23. The power of chakras

    Mark Griffin talks about how using the practice of the Japa Mantra you basically activate every single center in your body. Different traditions....different focuses. Here's the link: http://hardlight.org/om_namah_shivaya.html -My 2 cents, Peace
  24. The power of chakras

    In regards to your question of whether the heart center is grounding....i don't know....has it been grounding for you? You said your spend all your time in that area? What have been your experiences? -My 2 cents, Peace
  25. The power of chakras

    I am not sure if that question was directed at me....however i will answer it. In my own practice i find that the KISS program is what works best for me. Meaning "Keep It Simple Stupid". Thus in my personal cultivation i tend to stick to my Neigong and practice that single thing very intensively and as a result have seen great results. I have other practices that i dabble in (Tai Chi, Kabbalah, Tarot) but they are complimentary practices and not something i dedicate hours of my time towards....note this is my personal preference. Meditation on the LDT has been very grounding and stabilizing for me. However, you should find what works for you and find a balance in your practices. It seems from your post that you practice MMA very intensively.......chi gung or meditation is known as a good compliment to martial practices. IMO and IME if your martial practice does not eventually become spiritual then you're level of skill will always remain limited to the physical. Also if you are a massage therapist i think it is definitely important to practice some kind of Chi-Gung or energetics given that people in your profession can pick up a lot of energetic junk off of their patients and become sick because of it. -My 2 cents, Peace