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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Zen And Masturbation...The Struggle!

    Is there a better way to get over one's negative conditioning than self-cultivation and spiritual practices? It is the only thing that has ever worked for me. If anything people whom try to conserve bring there problems and negative states to the surface faster than a freight train. Though i understand your point....there is a lot of self-hatred that tends to try and get masked as spiritual pursuits...however, there can be no masking when toying around with sexual energy and meditation...it tends to bring all your shit to the surface real quick...atleast IME. -My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Zen And Masturbation...The Struggle!

    Indeed it is my understanding that women gain energy through sex...after all they are on the recieving side of the equation. Although men recieve from the women their with....in "plain sex" my understanding is that men generally give more than they recieve thus making and loss for them. -My 2 cents, Peace
  3. Been working out for about 3 months now...and only going to the gym twice a week. I have seen quite good results while retaining. Testosterone is one of the primary hormones that allow you to build muscle and when you conserve jing your testorerone levels and your sex drive jumps quite a bit during the first 2 weeks...and you continue to be horney as a rabbit the whole time. However, i still had to put in the neccesary work...there are no magic pills. I'd say give it a try if you want...though make sure you are doing some kind of spiritual practice that handles and transmutes the excess energy...it can be difficult to handle some time. -My 2 cents, Peace
  4. suffering and being natural

    The Buddha said that "Attachment leads to sufferring." IME i have found this to be 100% true. Attachement also tends to interfere with being "Natural" and spontaneous in one's life. -My 2 cents, Peace
  5. Month-long meditation retreat

    Never done anything like that....yet. I look forward to hearing about your experiences. Only advice i can give is to have fun playing in the void. -My 2 cents, Peace
  6. Ofcourse there is a reason....go watch some porn, you'll feel energy starting to gather in your crotch pretty quick. -My 2 cents, Peace
  7. Looking for some help...

    There are a couple people on this site whom are very skilled at Tai Chi and whom you could ask specific questions to: Taiji Bum: http://thetaobums.com/user/622-taiji-bum/ Stigweard: http://thetaobums.com/user/622-taiji-bum/ .....and many others i am sure. Stigweard actually has a site about Tai Chi: http://www.tai-chi-wizard.com --------------------------------------- There are many different types of meditation....i am not sure how to qualify mindfulness meditation. However, the meditational technique which is very basic and i have experience with is emptiness meditation: in which your empty yourself and learn to basque in the "isness" in the "present" in the "BEING" in which you exist outside of the mind and are simply "Pure Awareness". Not sure if that helps or not. -My 2 cents, Peace
  8. Looking for some help...

    Could you be a bit more specific in what your asking for advice on? -My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Channelling your destructive side...

    Also....Glenn Morris would always talk about in his books how Martial Artists and meditators would learn to channel the Shadow side of there personalities in order to harmonize themselves and use it as a productive part of there life. Path Notes is a very good book You might find the chapter he has in their on meditation to be very helpful for you. http://www.amazon.com/Path-Notes-American-Ninja-Master/dp/1556431570/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344878331&sr=8-1&keywords=path+notes+of+an+american+ninja+master -My 2 cents, Peac
  10. Channelling your destructive side...

    IME, when confronting the darker aspects of oneself i feel it is a very important and powerful technique to shower are darker aspects with LOVE. By showering the darkness within you both acknowledge its existence but at the same time dissolve the blockages that you have created for yourself. Love is a very powerful dissolver, and a very useful tool on the path. -My 2 cents, Peace
  11. Trying to pick a QiGong system

    Was going back and looking at some old posts...it turns out that a member here Dreaming Fugitive actually has been using S-M to help get over his own Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, perhaps it could help you get over your condition as well. Link: http://thetaobums.com/topic/15225-stillness-movement-neigong-and-michael-lomaxs-light-warriors-guide-book/page__st__288
  12. Trying to pick a QiGong system

    Its funny that you say you live in Finland. Michael Lomax is having a seminar in Finland in a month, they might still have some spots left. If your interested check it out. he teaches a form of Medical Chi Gung: Gift of the Tao and Stillness Movement. Maybe it could possibly help. Link: http://thetaobums.com/topic/23895-stillness-movement-goes-billnas-finland-on-sept-1-3/
  13. Lean Just Beyond Your Edge

    The following is an excerpt from Way of the Superior Man: by David Deida. I found this excerpt particularly enlightening and thought i would share. I think every man should read this book, young or old. Enjoy In any given moment, a man's growth is optimized if he leans just beyond his edge, his capacity, his fear. He should not be too lazy, happily stagnating in the zone of security and comfort. Nor should he push far beyond his own edge, stressing himself unnecessarily, unable to metabolize his experience. He should lean just slightly beyond the edge of fear and discomfort. Constantly. In everything he does. Once you are honest with yourself about your real edge, it is best to lean just beyond it. Very few men have the guts for this practice. Most men either settle for the easy path or self-aggrandize themselves by taking the extreme hard path. Your insecurity may cause you to doubt yourself, and so you take the easy way, not even approaching your real edge or your real gift. Alternatively, your insecurity may lead you to push, push, push seeking to become victorious over your own sense of lack. Both approaches avoid you actual condition in the moment, which is often fear. If you are stress-fully avoiding your fear, you cannot relax. Your fear is the sharpest definition of your self. You should know it. You should feel it virtually constantly. Fear needs to become your friend, so that you are no longer uncomfortable with it. Rather, primary fear shows you that you are at your edge. Staying with the fear, staying at your edge, allows real transformation to occur. Neither lazy nor aggressive, playing your edge allows you to perceive the moment with the least amount of distortion. You are willing to be with what is, rather than trying to escape it by pulling back from it, or trying to escape it by pushing beyond it into some future goal. Fear of fear may lead you to hang back, living a lesser life that you are capable. Fear of fear may lead you to push ahead, living a false life, off center, tense and missing the moment. But the capacity to feel this moment, including your fear, without trying to escape it, creates a state of alive and humble spontaneity. You are ready for the unknown as it unfolds since you are not pulled back or pushed forward from the horizon of the moment. You are hanging right over the edge. By leaning just beyond your fear, you challenge your limits compassionately, without trying to escape the feeling of fear itself. You step beyond the solid ground of security with an open heart. You stand in the space of unknowingness, raw and awake. Here, the gravity of deep being will attend you to the only place where dear is obsolete: the eternal free fall of home. Where you always are. Own your fear, and lean just beyond it. In every aspect of your life. Starting now. http://www.amazon.com/Way-Superior-Man-Spiritual-Challenges/dp/1591792576/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1312766150&sr=1-1
  14. Found this video and thought it was very interesting. If this is true then the next 6 years will be very important for Spiritual Cultivation. I plan to use it to its fullest. Every TaoBum will supposedly profit very much more than usual from hitting the Zafu. Enjoy. -My 2 cents, Peac
  15. The Power of Long Hair + Beards

    Lol, Sadghuru even addresses this topic, very interesting video. -My 2 cents, Peace
  16. The 'My Reincarnation' docco...

    Link: http://video.pbs.org/video/2243180699/ Seems like an interesting video so far.
  17. A question

    The mind can be a very powerful tool if one has complete mastery over oneself. Most people don't so the Mind becomes there own little torture chamber. -My 2 cents, Peace
  18. Lean Just Beyond Your Edge

    We obviously have a very different interpretation of the text and what the implications of being on the path and expansion beyond one's limitations implies. Blessings to you. Fear and ignorance are very much intertwined. But i would agree: ignorance is the deeper root. -My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Lean Just Beyond Your Edge

    The entire purpose of Spiritual Cultivation is to push one-self outside of the confining limits or layers of resistance the ego puts on us. Fear is the root limitation that all people suffer from...it is the prime barrier to greater equanimity and self expression. -My 2 cents, Peace
  20. The more energy

    Always be calm and aware of your emotions...eventually you and your systems will adapt and learn to manage your new energy level. Also putting one's awareness on the lower dan tien and bringing the energy back to one's center always has been a good tip that has worked great for me as a way of bring me into balance and stabilizing my thoughts and emotions. -My 2 cents, Peace

    Shen must govern Chi.
  22. Taoist views on Buddhist way

    As i continue to cultivate and my understanding of the Way and its Trials deepens...i find that my respect for the Buddha's ability to convey such a direct and deep guide for all seekers in as succinct a way is something to admire. I very much appreciate his work....and understand that although we are limited by words he did as best a job as possible in conveying his teachings at the time of his life. -My 2 cents, Peace
  23. need a little help

    Np, Skiddium. Here is another practice i have heard good things about. A teacher of the system used to be on this site but stopped posting because the debates here can sometimes get pretty intense and superficial. 5. Celestial Neigong: http://spirittao.com/page3/DVD.html -My 2 cents, Peace
  24. Seems like your becoming pretty frustrated with the process. Path Notes is a book you might enjoy reading. The author Glenn Morris gives his perspective as a Martial Artist and Scholar on having gone through the Kundalini Process. Its one of my favorite books. Enjoy. http://www.amazon.com/Path-Notes-American-Ninja-Master/dp/1556431570/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1344196532&sr=1-1&keywords=path+notes+of+an+american+ninja+master -My 2 cents, Peace
  25. need a little help

    So you want to be skilled in: 1. Internal Arts 2. Martial Arts -It is quite common for people on the path to also be practitioners of martial arts. The two tend to balance each other out. It seems like you are already practicing Tai Chi and have an Instructor. Ideally you would now like to find a good form of Chi-Gung which will help you along in the Internal Arts aspect of your practice. Books can be of great help, but they are ultimately quite limiting. There are a variety of good systems of Chi-Gung which are simple enough to learn from a DVD and still be of enormous benefit. Here is a list, feel free to experiment and feel out which one is best for you and also attempt to go to a seminar of one of the teachers the system you are drawn to. 1. Spring Forest Chi Gung: http://www.springforestqigong.com/ 2. Gift of the Tao: http://www.qigongamerica.com/ 3. Flying Phoenix Chi Gung: http://www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html 4. Spontaneous Movement Neigong: http://www.easterninternalarts.org/ There are many other systems, but being in the Taobums bubble these are the systems i have heard the most positive things about. Best of luck. -My 2 cents, Peace