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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. shaq, if you have a teacher then ask him...i doubt anyone on this forum has the answer you need. -My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Wow, what an awesome gem. I have never heard that perspective before. Thanks for sharing. -My 2 cents, Peace
  3. Neigong at the Beach!

    GOT 3?
  4. Same here, much thanks for the reply. -My 2 cents, Peace
  5. Find an experienced teacher whom can guide you. -My 2 cents, peace
  6. How do you handle other's intertia

    Smiling and Radiating positive energy is a very powerful practice. Chunyi lin talks about this a lot. -My 2 cents, Peace
  7. How do you handle other's intertia

    Chi is constantly being exchanged whether we wish it to be or not. When you practice Qigong just being around others influences there energy. The more powerful you get the more you influence others just by being around them. As for projecting Chi at others without their permission...that's something i do not practice...and something i consider to be a bit shady. -My 2 cent' Peace
  8. I have never practiced the MoPai Nei kung so i cannot talk about its efficacy. But i am familiar with 2 other systems of Nei Kung which are very effective. People whom know other systems feel free to mention them. 1. Yigong (Jenny Lamb's System): http://www.easterninternalarts.org/ 2. Stillness-Movement (Michael Lomax) http://www.qigongamerica.com/ Stillness Movement has been very effective for me. I have not practiced Yigong...but just heard very good things and i have a lot of respect for Jenny. Also do not underestimate the ability to heal others. What do you think is more important...being able to heal others on a physical, emotional and psychological level...or lighting some paper on fire? Got matches anyone? When pursuing such things you should always critically examine your intentions and make sure you are not pursuing spiritual development for egotistical purposes...as fizix mentioned. Meditation itself is a way to balance yourself out and bring in the Yin. -My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Thanks again for the feedback. Actually i have another question. I know i never seem to run out of them. Is there a connection between S-M and Embryonic Breathing (Belly Breathing). So far in my practice i have not really utilized the breath but simply centered my awareness on the LDT. -My 2 cents, Peace
  10. Sifu Jenny Lamb Lecture clip- great!

    Bump. I bought the DVD a couple of months ago and have watched it several times. I really enjoyed it, picked up a lot of info and felt it was definitely money well spent. Sifu Jenny Lamb is an awesome and inspirational teacher. -My 2 cents, Peace
  11. Anapanasati Rapture

    Cool post Tibetan. Very interesting stuff. Is this equivalent to what some might say is the opening of the "Bliss Body"? -My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Been practicing S-M for about a year now. I also briefly but intensively practiced spontaneous shaking. Both are very powerful practices...but IME completely different. -My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Thanks for the response. I have been using the Pran Mudra for awhile. My "intent" behind using this one was simply because its suppose to stimulate the root center, and i felt its important to constantly nurture the foundation in any practice. -My 2 cents, Peace
  14. Free Online Kundalini videos to watch

    Wow, thanks. I have been a fan of Semko's videos for awhile but i've never seen these other one's. Good stuff. -My 2 cents, Peace
  15. Not sure i understand your post...but your basically saying that Teachers should teach for free....in regards to teaching...every single teacher i know of charges, why they charge?....i don't know....i guess that's a question they can answer...personally i am not a teacher. -My 2 cents, Peace
  16. I recently watched a video with Jenny Lamb in it, she is a Master and has been practicing Nei-Gong and Martial Arts for over 40 years. She talked about healing and why she charges. She said that she used to do healing for free...but she found that whenever she healed people for free the people would just go out and get sick again and then keep coming back expecting to be healed over and over again. She realized that what she doing was what the Buddhists called Idiot Compassion. She realized eventually that healing for free was a waste of time because the people whom came to here had not yet opened their minds and hearts up to being healed in a deeper way, they did not respect what she did and often times took advantage of her and her skills. She realized that in culture we have nowadays people don't respect life and her teachings...they only respect money...it was only when people had to actually pay for the healing that they actually opened there hearts and minds up to be healed and not continuing to get sick. Definitely a video worth watching i learned a lot from it. Here's a link if your interested: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=RgPDiX0U27RMK6n0GdzWrpUeO6JANkAeP7Bxxi0JkD8VWH7pMdtNHLmue0e&dispatch=50a222a57771920b6a3d7b606239e4d529b525e0b7e69bf0224adecfb0124e9b61f737ba21b081981856b91947e5c600b2b0863f9534cbec -My 2 cents, Peace
  17. Astral travel via the Base Chakra

    A Question: Astralc, for you personally is Astral Travel just a cool trick or has it some way complimented or added a level of depth to your practice? -My 2 cents, Peace
  18. Ya Mu, i had another question. Is it all right to use other Mudras besides the one you teach with S-M?
  19. Astral travel via the Base Chakra

    Interesting info. Wish i could add more to the thread, but my experiences with Astral Travel is extremely limited. -My 2 cents, Peace
  20. Michael i had a question. In your book you wrote that "there are always higher levels". I was curious, in your view what constitutes or is your definition of a "Level"? -My 2 cent,s Peace
  21. Jing conservation / sexual balance

    From what i understand of this thread your basically asking for a way to bring more balance and quality to your life? Practicing Chi-Gung has helped me do both of those things. The style i practice is Gift of the Tao, though there are a variety to choose from, find that which resonates with you best and commit yourself to practicing it daily. -My 2 cents, Peace
  22. Korra season finale

    Lol, i just started re-watching the series, today and then saw this post. I left off on the Book 3 of Fire. I really am enjoying it.
  23. Some questions

    Could you perhaps elaborate a bit on that question?
  24. Breathlessness

    Interesting stuff. Thanks for the post TibetanIce. -My 2 cents, Peace
  25. Hello

    Welcome. I have heard nothing but good things about Spring Forest. Here's an interview he did for the TaoBums: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/16067-interview-with-chunyi-lin-of-spring-forest-qigong/ -Best of Luck