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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. The importance of Softness

    I read Shadow Strategies by Glenn Morris recently. He makes a couple of good comments on being soft which i thought were very insightful: "The more relaxed and softer you are able to do a technique, the greater will be your ability to react to your opponents response, which allows you to adjust appropriately rather than "getting stuck" or attaching to the technique which may no longer be effective, depending on the response. Sensitivity results in effective adaptability." "The softer you are, the faster you can move and the harder you can hit. The softer you are, the easier it is to feel the intention and predict the opponents move and act accordingly."
  2. Qigong...demonic related?

    Perhaps a better way of saying it would only practice when you are sober.
  3. Qigong...demonic related?

    Do not practice with alcohol in your system. My understanding is that it can create internal blockages.
  4. Looking for guidance in starting my spiritual journey

    Both Buddhism and Taoism emphasize letting go of attachments because they cause suffering. An example would be that people work themselves to death so they can have a nice house and a nice car...and then need to keep working in order to keep them. You can have material possessions without being emotionally and psychologically attached to them...however this is more the exception than the norm...once you realize how much pain desires cause you most people on the path readily give up there excess desires. ------------------ Personally i enjoy Taoism more because it emphasizes personal practice (Chi Kung) and experience more than it does dogma. In Taoism they say "stop asking questions, here is the techniques you need, go practice and see what the journey is like for yourself." Buddhism although it has a lot in common with Taoism tends more towards scripture and dogma....meaning believing the 4 Noble Truths and following the 8 Fold Path. There are tons of threads on Buddhism and Taoism on this site. Read to your hearts content. -My 2 cents, Peace
  5. Qigong...demonic related?

    Keep the tongue to the roof of your mouth and bring it down to the dan tien if you feel it is getting stuck.
  6. Qigong...demonic related?

    I tend to agree with your teacher, just keep practicing and push through all the garbage. Qi gong and meditation when we first practice can bring up a lot nasty emotions. These emotions usually don't come from the Chi Kung but are simply part of your own purification process. Generally speaking people have to go through this, there is only so much a teacher can do, he usually can give you simple guidance on what you personally can do in order to work through the process and that's it. However, a very powerful tool that you or anyone can use in this situation is prayer. I don't know if you are part of any religion...but it doesn't really matter. IMO sincerity is most important in prayer, use whatever works for you, whether its Jesus, Shiva, Allah......etc Say a prayer to your teachers, guides, God or Gods that they may help guide you through this difficult time and provide you with the love and wisdom needed in order to pass by these obstacles. -My 2 cents, Peace
  7. The Enlightened Heart

    The Enlightened Heart contains poetry from many different spiritual traditions and different authors from: Lao Tzu, Upanishads, Rumi, The Bible, Dogen, Wu-men, William Blake...etc http://www.amazon.com/The-Enlightened-Heart-Anthology-Sacred/dp/006092053X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1337952164&sr=8-1 I just started reading it but am already enjoying it immensely. I highly recommend it. One of my favorite poems so far: THE UPANISHADS (8TH?-5TH? CENTURYB.C.E) The Golden God, the Self, the immortal Swan leaves the small nest of the body, goes where He wants. He moves through the realm of dreams; makes numberless forms; delights in sex; eats, drinks, laughs with His friends; frightens Himself with scenes of heart-chilling terror. But He is not attached to anything that He sees; and after He has wandered in the realms of dream and awakeness, has tasted pleasures and experienced good and evil, He returns to the blissful state from which He began. As a fish swims forward to one riverbank then the other, Self alternates between awakeness and dreaming. As an eagle, weary from long flight, folds its wings, gliding down to its nest, Self hurries to the realm of dreamless sleep, free of desires, fear, pain. As a man in sexual union with his beloved is unaware of anything outside or inside, so a man in union with Self knows nothing, wants nothing, has found his heart's fulfillment and is free of sorrow. Father disappears, mother disappears, gods and scriptures disappear, thief disappears, murderer, rich man, beggar disappear, world disappears, good and evil disappear; he has passed beyond sorrow.
  8. Jing building foods

    Chinese systems of health are holistic in nature....you are looking at a very narrow and limited aspect of one's health...better to simply insure that the system as a whole is balanced through proper eating habits. One simple tip is to eat lots of neutral foods such as organic whole grain foods: Rice, Pasta...etc. My understanding is that they nurture the stomach and thus have a balancing effect on the entire system of internal organs resulting in better overall health. Though i am sure there are many people on the forum whom know more about Chinese dietetics than me. -My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Techniques to live off energy and fasting

    People get themselves killed doing stuff like this. Use caution -My 2 cents, Peace
  10. Awareness of Non-Meditation

    Meditation addicts....i think that's a very short list
  11. Hmm....Verdesi has been beaten to death on this forum....i remember when one of his students came on here and was promoting for him....probably one of the longest threads on the taobums...if you search his name you will find it....along with many other threads. Debates ohver teachers and their authenticity can get pretty steamed and nasty on the taobums. I can't say from any personal experience that he's a fraud...but i remember getting a fishy and calculating vibe from when his student was on here promoting even though at times he seemed quite genuine. One should acknowledge that in any occupation or field of study there are going to be those whom are corrupt and abuse their knowledge and abilities. Not saying Verdesi is...but it is something to keep in mind so people are not easily lead like pigs to the slaughter. Also just because a person can shoot electricity out of there hands and burn people with their chi does not me they have Virtue or live a life true to their heart. If anyone has any long term personal experience with Verdesi it is always good to hear other opinions. -My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Generally when people are doing seminal cultivation or retention it is because they need the extra energy for internal alchemy or some kind of intense activity that requires lots of energy and intensity. For me personally i have found it useful to channel my excess energy into some kind of activity, primarily Chi-Gung.
  13. Greetings!

    There are a variety of Spontaneous movement practices. Nothing strange about it. I practice a system of Nei-gong in which this is the main form of practice.
  14. Morality

    Virtue comes naturally the deeper we trek into emptiness and uncover our intrinsic humanity. Morality or a system of rules and regulations are for those whom lack self knowledge and need some kind of external guidance to be "decent people". -My 2 cents, Peace
  15. Dawn Of the Jedi

    There were Jedi's before Star Wars. -My 2 cents, Peace
  16. Wow, interesting stuff Friend. Thanks
  17. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    Generally speaking, people whom put down others practices are "keyboard jockeys" whom lack substance, experience and enjoy acting out of ego. There will Always be these kind of people around...especially on the internet. My secret weapon which i found awhile back is the "ignore post function" available to all users. Friendships in real life are best when synergistic and not parasitic. If i feel that a person through there words or typing is sucking my energy without giving an adequate positive return then i have no time for them and simply ignore. -My 2 cents, Peace
  18. I briefly did a lot of spontaneous shaking and found enormous benefit in the practice. Highly recommended. -My 2 cents
  19. DGS's Dizzying DVD Collection

    I recall Sifu Matsuo having a screen-name on the TaoBums? It would be great if we could get his input. Or perhaps some one could coax him over here and get advice from him directly? -My 2 cents, Peace
  20. Empathy and Change

    Its best not to make decisions while emotional, are inner wisdom tends to get blocked when the waves of emotion within begin to stir....it happens to the best of us. Take some time off (however long is necessary) for yourself and get away from all exterior influences. Then when you feel you are within a state of peace and clarity in which you can channel your deeper wisdom...make your decision. -My 2 cents, Peace

  22. My back is full of knots again...

    Hmm...sound like you have a difficult problem...In Bruce Frantz's Water Method he talks about dissolving blocks by just simply place our awareness on them and holding it there for long periods of time...an letting the blocks slowly dissolve. Also i have found that spontaneous shaking practices for me was a very powerful way of removing sturdy blockages. Besides that i would just say to keep practicing and doing what your doing...i think that over time those sturdier knots will dissipate. -My 2 cents, Peace
  23. Duan Qigong Master

    Hmm....seen this video before. As i recall i believe Shaktimamma said she studied under him...not sure though.
  24. Enlightened movies

    Just watched Blade Runner tonight. Thanks for the recommendation. The musical score in that movie was awesome. I'll add one to that list. Lion King
  25. Energy to Change the Physical Body

    Hmm...you can bless your food with certain intentions while projecting chi. Intentions can be for "Good Health", "Balanced Digestion"..."A bigger penis"...whatever you want. It has been my personal experience that the way an individual moves, speaks, and his posture gives an enormous amount of information about them. Also i have noticed that the way we position are spine affects are overall awareness and when we lack proper posture it pinches and strains the internal organs. The goal of practices like Hatha Yoga is to purify and prepare the physical body for the spiritual process. What is Chi-Gung but movements of the physical body to trigger internal changes? -My 2 cents, Peace