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Everything posted by RiverSnake

  1. Litlle problem

    The way to get best results is to take the meditative state into your everydy life wherever you go so you practice 24 hours a day. Always be aware. -My 2 cents, Peace
  2. Sexual Repression or an open attitude?

    I think a better tool analyzing this would to find statistics that measure the level of satisfaction women and men find in there sexual relations. I think that is a good indicator of sexual repression. -My 2 cents, Peace
  3. Did the 3 hours of shaking talked about. All i can say is WOW.

  4. What got you on the path?

    Being pissed off and frustrated with my inability to solve my own problems and realizing how ignorant i was.
  5. Seth Ananda please teach me about kundalini

    Thanks for the reply Seth. I have never done any formal shaking practice but tend to spontaneously shake throughout the day...all my friends just look at me like i am crazy and say what the hell was that! My body must be trying to get rid of some bad juju. Just did 1 hr this morning. I noticed that a lot of subtle pains and blockages that i have been feeling in my body for awhile now became more pronounced as you move and that they dissolved a bit but are still there. It seems to me like the shaking works with the breath. When i breath while i am shaking i feel i am exhaling fumes. Not sure if that makes any sense. This sunday gonna be fasting and doin an all day Chi-Gung marathon. I think i'll start out with a 3 hr shake session . -Thanks for the tips, Peace
  6. Seth Ananda please teach me about kundalini

    Hey Seth, i saw u mentioned Shaking as a good practice. Was wondering if you could elaborate a bit on it in terms of the benefits and any tips on the practice.
  7. Fasting Weekly

    I recently did my first fast for 2 days and was considering doing a 2 day fast every week. I figure i am constantly putting crap in my body so i should clean it out on a regular basis. Wanted to get the opinions of those whom have experience with fasting. Is it a good idea to fast weekly or is there a rule of thumb on how regular i should clean out my systems?
  8. Aligning Energy and Physical Body/mind

    Sounds like you have too many minds. -My 2 cents, Peace
  9. Yin & Yang characteristics

    Yin and Yang is relative to what it is being compared to. A Yang man may be yinner than other men. -My 2 cents, Peace
  10. The path is not easy.

    I had a similar experience with my dad...except i was the one being messy. He came up to me and said something to this effect: "Chris, i having been asking you to keep the house clean and respect the spaces that belong to both me and you. However, you haven't been considerate enough to do that, what that means to me is that you basically don't respect me, you don't give shit about how i feel about the situation and you're basically telling me to go fuck myself every time you leave your shit hanging around...and if that is how you feel then that is your choice and is fine and dandy...however i just want to let you know how i feel and make sure were both on the same page here in how we understand each other." -I now make the effort to keep the house tidy. -Communicate, organize your feels and convey them to the best of your ability. Also fighting can be healthy for a relationship, its better than letting resentment build up until it explodes. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. can anyone help me?PLZ....

    I used to suffer from "social phobia" myself though i never called it that...IME social phobia is just plain fear with a title. Drop the title...it just makes it more powerful in your own mind. It took a couple of years to get over it but looking back i can say a couple things helped me get over this nonsense: 1. Practicing talking to others, making friends and just learn to say hello and opening yourself up. 2. Chi-Gung 3. Meditation 4. Going outside and getting some sunshine. Go for a walk, don't isolate yourself from the world by hiding at home. All of these things done consistently made a great difference in my life. -My 2 cents, Peace
  12. Correlation of Energy and Emotion

    Emotions come and go through everyone's lives. Everyone likes happiness while no one likes to feel depressed, however attachment to either one can be a problem. IMO the important thing is to be able to look at our emotions, understand where there coming from and at the same time stay grounded in the present. -Its when you get caught up in emotions that you lose vitality. My 2 cents, Peace
  13. Seth Ananda please teach me about kundalini

    Very Inspiring stuff, thanks for sharing
  14. Seth Ananda please teach me about kundalini

    Wow, great thread.
  15. 10 signs of a spiritual awakening

    Enjoyed the video, Thanks.
  16. Judging Others

    Personally speaking, judging others has never helped me live a better life or grow as a person. All it has given me in return is psychological stress. -My 2 cents, Peace
  17. Hey All!

    Make a post about looking for a teacher in the area. I am sure you'll get some good responses.
  18. The Importance of Practice in one's life

    Philosophy by definition is a way of "Doing Things". If you don't practice then you might as well throw away the philosophy too. IME Mental Masturbation rarely ever helps us live a happier and more blissful life. -My 2 cents, Peace
  19. Lucid Dreaming anyone?

    The more lucid and aware you are in real life the more lucid your dreams will be. As for waking up in dreams i found many useful techniques in The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep...though i personally never went that deep into the practice the book is definitely fertile ground for practice.
  20. Me and myself

    "A mind once expanded, can never return to its original dimensions" Anna Hathaway -My 2 cents, Peace
  21. Is this karma/destiny?

    I play a bit of Taiji alongside my regular Neigong and i can say with ease that it is a very beautiful practice. It is very balancing and grounding and it always leaves me feeling serene after. I would say it is a great compliment to meditation. I highly recommend. Also i wouldn't really think much about Karma or destiny...just do what resonates and feels right to you, listen to your intuition. Talk to the teachers and ask them questions about there practice, a good teacher will be happy to answer questions. -My 2 cents, Peace
  22. Me and myself

    One of the biggest problems on and off the path is that individuals are ignorant that their ignorant. Bringing awareness to the idea that we have a problem is a intrinsic step in cultivation and can be a trigger for deeper commitment to developing ourselves...it certainly was for me. I practice reiki. It is not useless. -My 2 cents, Peace
  23. A teacher of mine once told me this story.

    I love cool little stories that teach lessons, you can find them in all cultures and all myth is filled with them. I found this one on Jenny Lambs site: "In tradition, Taoist teaching emphasized telling stories. In this way, Masters would help their students attain self realization. The first story I am going to share with you is from my Yi Gong teacher." There was a Siddha who possessed great psychic powers. During a winter day on the mountain, he encountered a very heavy rainstorm. Rain was pouring down and it was very cold. He did not have an umbrella or any kind of shelter. He came upon a cave and intended to run in to escape the rain. However, there were two people who ran into the cave in front of him and there was no room left for another person. In reaction to the situation, he shouted to them that the mountain was going to collapse. The two people in the cave immediately ran out despite the downpour outside. When they ran out, the Siddha ran in to claim the shelter. As soon as he ran in, the mountain collapsed. He had forgotten his highly developed powers caused his words to manifest instantly. His words buried him in the mountain and he lost his life because of his own power. Of what benefit is power without wisdom?
  24. Thanks for sharing your experiences Friend. I've been wondering what the differences in abilities of people depending on how long they have been practicing S-M and since learning Qi projection.
  25. Stress is the tail of your life

    There is a certain amount of physical stress that is mandatory due to having a body. For those whom are "aware" the rest is optional. -My 2 cents, Peace